The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 836 The news of the death of the high-level star master The influence of the tide of the pow

"I don't know the specific damage yet."

After all, the time was too short, and Wang Ziqiu’s understanding was limited, but she immediately broke the shocking news:

"But I heard that during this sudden change, a high-level star master on the front line died!"

"High-level Star Master!"


In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, almost everyone's eyes were attracted, with shock on their faces.

Liang Ji thought about it. Since he entered the path of star master cultivation, he seemed to have never heard of the news or deeds of the death of high-level star masters. He couldn't help but asked in horror:

"How did you fall?"

"Has he completely fallen?"

"Can you still be reborn in your natal star?"

Those who are able to practice to high-level star masters have naturally perfected every stage of low-level and intermediate-level star masters, and have mastered various astrological arts, including the astrology of 'star immortality'.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to be promoted to the level of a high-level star master.

Wang Ziqiu shook his head and said, "I just heard some news, the specific situation is not clear yet."

"It is said that the fallen high-level star master was besieged by many high-level void monsters and fell."

"It is also said that it was the high-level Star Lord who was killed by the Sky Demon."

"It is also said that the high-level star master discovered some opportunity or treasure during the outbreak of the 'tide of the power of the sky demon', and wanted to rush to snatch it, but was directly eroded and twisted by the power of the sky demon and died!"

"There are also people who say that the high-level star master died in the battle to stop the overwhelming attack of the void demon tide that broke through the front line, and to protect the Covenant front line from causing more galaxies to be breached by the void demon tide."

"In short, there are different opinions, and there is no accurate statement until now."

"As for whether the other party has completely perished or will be reborn in the natal stars, it is even harder to get accurate information."

Liang Ji nodded when he heard this, indicating that he understood.

Although Wang Ziqiu has not been able to find out any detailed information due to her status and connections, she has heard about it. It can be seen that the news of the death of the high-level Star Lord has probably spread to the front lines, and it should be true.

It is still difficult to determine the specific reason for his death, whether it was a complete fall, etc.

However, from this point alone, it can be seen that this outbreak of the 'Tide of Demonic Power' caused great damage, losses, and casualties to the frontline battlefield.

Although there is no specific data and news yet, it is conceivable that there will be many sad families in the Star Alliance in the near future.

I don’t know if such a shocking change will calm down the increasingly fanatical war emotions among the Star Alliance.

After learning some frontline news from Ziqiu, Liang Ji changed the subject and said, "We are going back to the Star Alliance. Ziqiu, do you want to go back with us?"

Wang Ziqiu shook his head when he heard this and said: "I won't go back for the time being. The environment of this 'Tianyao Star Territory' is very conducive to the practice of our 'Taiyi Star Palace' inheritance."

"My family's fighting and staying in this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' will allow them to grow faster, and even their bloodline will undergo benign mutations."

"In fact, my natal star's ability to digest demon pills has a tendency to speed up!"

"This Sky Demon Star Territory is simply the paradise for our 'Taiyi Star Palace' star master to practice."

"No wonder the Star Palace asked low-level Star Lords like us to actively participate in the pioneering war..."

Wang Ziqiu sighed, and then said:

"Cousin, my third-level natal stars are about to be cultivated. When the time comes, I will return to the Star Alliance to retreat to break through the realm of perfection and practice the star technique of 'stars are immortal'."

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard the words. When he first saw the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' in the 'Qingyang Galaxy', as well as the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', etc., he felt that this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' was most beneficial to the 'Taiyi Star Palace'. 'Inherited practice, what I see now is indeed the case.

"In that case, is there anything you want us to take back to your family?"

Wang Ziqiu had his own arrangements, and Liang Ji didn't interfere too much. He turned around and asked.

Anyway, the outbreak of the 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' has passed, and the most dangerous time on the front line has ended. Whether the Covenant postpones the offensive or continues to speed up the attack and regain the several star areas that have been breached, the danger will also be there. limited.

He doesn't need to worry too much about the other party's safety.

"Then thank you very much, cousin." Wang Ziqiu heard this and said immediately: "I also have some resources and treasures harvested in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. Among them are the gifts I prepared for you and some gifts for my family. , and some are ready to be sold in exchange for spiritual stones and resources."

"I'll ask the 'Tian Serpent Academy' to send it over here. Please help me, cousin, to deal with it."

Liang Ji nodded and said, "Okay, let's wait a few more days."

As he spoke, he asked again: "Do you have any resources needed for breakthroughs in cultivation? You can tell me, and I can temporarily make up for what is lacking."

"Also, the 'Power of the Heavenly Demon' is beneficial to the practice of the 'Bloodline Atlas' inherited by your 'Taiyi Star Palace'. Do you have enough 'Power of the Heavenly Demon' on your hands?"

"If there are any shortages, I have collected some here..."

"Thank you, cousin." Wang Ziqiu immediately smiled and said, "But no need."

"I joined the team of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' and can get direct distribution from the team, which is enough for me to practice and research and break through to the fourth-level star master."

Liang Ji nodded when he heard this, and then told the other party to be careful on the front line before breaking off contact.

A few days later, the things that Wang Ziqiu entrusted to the Sky Serpent Academy were delivered to the Sea Serpent Galaxy. Liang Ji and others also packed up and said goodbye to She Yuanjie and the Sky Serpent Academy's airport team. They left the Sea Serpent Galaxy and headed towards the Sky. Demon City' returned to sail.

The starship turned into starlight and flew away. Along the way, Liang Ji and others clearly discovered through the starship array detection that the number of void monsters in the void behind had increased greatly.

Even on the way back, we saw teams from the Covenant Alliance hunting and chasing down various Void Monsters many times.

When they approached the 'Sky Demon City' and boarded the internal 'Star Network', they also clearly found that many tasks of hunting and cleaning up the Void Demon Clan had been added.

Similarly, when they entered the 'Tian Yao City', they received various inspections, verifications, etc., which were far more than in the past. It can be clearly seen that the defense force in the 'Tian Yao City' has been strengthened.

Obviously, although the 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' has subsided, the impact on the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' is far from subsided.

Those void monsters attracted by the 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' still stay and wander around the star field in large numbers, and even the danger behind the battle lines has greatly increased.

And the news of the sudden change on the front line seemed to have spread back to the 'Tianyao City'. The atmosphere in the city could clearly feel depressed and tense, far less enthusiastic and high-spirited than when they left.

Happy birthday to motherland!

Happy National Day to all book friends!

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