The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 840: The spiritual seed containing the power of the heavenly demon. A rumor

Liang Ji looked at the various spiritual seeds and spiritual root information sent by the other party, and did not know what the other party had done in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. He actually collected so many spiritual seeds and spiritual roots, all of which were available in the Star Alliance market. A rare treasure in the world.

However, after Liang Ji saw it, he couldn't help but frown and said: "Nearly half of these spiritual seeds and spiritual roots have been eroded by the 'power of the heavenly demon'!"

Senior Tong also nodded directly and said with a smile: "Junior has just returned from the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', and he should have seen the creation power of the 'Sky Demon Power', which is a powerful force that can create an entire star field! "

"These spiritual seeds and spiritual roots were obtained in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. It is natural for them to be corroded by the power of the Celestial Demon."

"But it is precisely because of this that these spiritual seeds and spiritual roots contain the power of creation from the power of the heavenly demon. If they can be successfully cultivated, the effect will definitely be better than the original fifth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots!"

Listening to the other party's words, Liang Ji couldn't help but smile and shake his head, saying: "The creation power of the power of the sky demon is indeed powerful. I have seen it in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'."

"However, precisely because of this experience, we dare not plant these spiritual seeds and spiritual roots that have been corroded by the power of the sky demon into the natal stars. Otherwise, once the power of the sky demon is eroded into the natal stars, no matter it is Whether creation succeeds or fails, it will probably be a huge disaster for Star Master monks like us!"

Liang Ji shook his head. He did not dare to directly plant these unstudied and unprocessed spiritual seeds and spiritual roots containing the 'power of the sky demon' into the natal stars, otherwise the creation of the 'power of the sky demon' would fail. His natal star will probably be destroyed like the stars in the "Chong Purple Galaxy"; and if the creation is successful, it will be even worse. No one knows whether the sky demon will sense and contact his natal star.

When the time comes, your natal star falls into the control of the heavenly demon, then you will really have no control over your life or death.

Even his dependents who had been distorted and mutated by the "power of the sky demon" were carefully sealed and isolated on an island deep in the sea of ​​natal stars, fearing that the power of the sky demon would spread and erode among the natal stars.

How could he seek death and plant these spiritual seeds and spiritual roots containing the ‘power of the demon’ into his natal stars?

At the moment, Liang Ji directly counted the points in the light screen, and selected several spiritual seeds and spiritual roots that had not been eroded by the 'power of the sky demon', and said: "I want these spiritual seeds and spiritual roots that have not been eroded. Well, but in this case, Senior Tong, I can only trade you a pair of seventh-level Void Golden Eagle wings, and a complete body is impossible."

After hearing Liang Ji's words, Senior Tong was obviously dissatisfied, and quickly continued to sell: "If juniors are worried about the 'power of the demon', there is absolutely no need. As far as I know, the Star Alliance is led by 'Taiyi Star Palace' Several star palaces in the city have made considerable progress in the research on the 'power of the sky demon', and will soon be able to master it. When the time comes for the disciples to refine it into their natal stars, they will be completely It’s beneficial without any harm…”

Liang Ji shook his head with a smile and said: "Senior Tong, I also have relatives, friends and classmates in Taiyi Star Palace. I also know the news about Taiyi Star Palace, and I know very well that these things are just In the initial stage, I don’t know how long it will take to succeed.”

"It is even possible that even though the Star Alliance has successfully developed the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', they may not be able to completely master and handle the 'Celestial Demon's Power'."

"By then, I'm afraid, junior, I will have already advanced to the sixth level Star Master. It will be useless to keep these fifth level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots."

"However, when making a deal with a senior for the first time, treat it as a friend. Moreover, these spiritual seeds and spiritual roots containing the 'power of the demon' can also be used for some research, so I will buy some more at a discount and trade them again. Give the senior a seventh-level Void Golden Eagle's talon..."

"Junior, I still have some good things here, you can take a look..."

"Otherwise, you can trade with high-grade spiritual stones or meritorious deeds... Let me tell you the truth, this seventh-level Void Golden Eagle's body is related to my inherited practice. It is of great use. Junior, how about you Make a price..."

Senior Tong was unwilling to give up the transaction, and continued to send various information on resources and treasures harvested in the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’.

Liang Ji looked at the various resources and treasure information sent by the other party, but his eyes brightened. Although there were basically no spiritual seeds or spiritual roots that he and Peng Yue could use, there were quite a few resources and treasures that could be used by the family. Used by family members and relatives who practice heretics, it can greatly improve their cultivation and strength.

Since he and Peng Yue formed the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' to serve themselves, they naturally need to improve the strength of the chamber of commerce as much as possible in order to keep up with their needs and serve them.

Moreover, among the resources and treasures listed by Senior Tong, some are even cultivation resources that can be used by third-level immortals such as Chu Yue, Wu Shan, and Peng Xuanding.

This seventh-order void golden eagle was killed by the team together. Since they encountered resources and treasures that they could use, they naturally had to replace it.

So, Liang Ji and Senior Tong bargained again, selected a batch of resources and treasures that they liked, and asked the other party to add a sum of merit, and then traded the entire body of the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle to the other party.

After the transaction was completed, Senior Tong asked with some reluctance: "Junior, do you want to sell this seventh-order Void Golden Eagle's demon elixir?"

Liang Ji shook his head when he heard this and said, "Sorry, senior, that demon pill has already been used by members of our team."

Senior Tong could only sigh a pity when he heard this, and then said a few polite words and reiterated his plans for cooperation in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' in the future. Liang Ji naturally also said a few polite words and ended the communication.

As for the subsequent material movement, transactions, etc., the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' will be responsible for it. Similarly, Senior Tong also has his own company responsible for these matters.

All star master monks in the Star Alliance who intend to attack the high-level will basically form their own companies, chambers of commerce, etc.

Transactions between the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' and Senior Tong's Chamber of Commerce are also about making new connections and developing new business routes, which is beneficial to both parties.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue carried out transactions like this more than ten times in succession under the contact of the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce. They even participated in several gatherings of mid-level star master teams, internal transactions, and large-scale chambers of commerce. Auctions and more.

Basically, the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' helped them contact and develop, and the two of them did trade and harvest some needed materials, spiritual seeds and other resources.

It can only be said that although the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' was only just established, in the context of the pioneering war and in a place like Tianxingyuan, it was already able to provide a lot of benefits and services to Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

After being so busy for several months, Liang Ji found time to participate in some transactions and gatherings, while also continuing to pay attention to various experiments in the natal star related to the family members, the power of the heavenly demon, etc.

During this period, Shan Delou, Tian She Academy, etc. also contacted them and wanted to ask them to handle some tasks.

However, Liang Ji and others had not yet digested what they had gained from the last time in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', and several missions were not suitable for them, so they did not accept them and did not go to the frontline battlefield of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' again. .

On this day, Liang Ji and others suddenly heard a rumor from the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce': a team active at the rear of the frontline battlefield discovered a newly born star of life!

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