The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 841 The positive effect of ‘Tide of Heavenly Demon’s Power’

"The explosion of the 'Tide of the Power of the Sky Demon' actually washed away the creation of the Power of the Sky Demon to all parts of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'!"

"Under the creation of the power of the sky demon, in some of the voids and galaxies that the Star Alliance has occupied, there are actually some stars and stars that have been distorted and created by the power of the sky demon, and have been promoted from Death Stars to spiritual stars!"

The starship "Dragon Snake" is currently lining up in the Tianxingyuan, preparing to pass through the huge "star gate" in front and head to the frontline battlefield "Sky Demon Star Territory" again.

Unfortunately, they got the news a little too late. When they set off again and prepared to go to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', a large number of starships and teams were already lined up in front of this huge 'star gate'.

Liang Ji and others could only pilot the 'Dragon Snake' starship and slowly queue up behind them, waiting to go to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

In the main control cabin inside the starship, Liang Ji said with some regret: "We should have thought of this a long time ago."

"After all, the Qingyang Galaxy, the Chongzi Galaxy, and even the entire Sky Demon Star Territory were created by the power of the Sky Demon."

"The last outbreak of the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power' caused the void monsters to riot in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', the monsters to riot in the stars of life, and even the front line to lose due to this, but so much of the power of the Heavenly Demon followed. As the starlight sweeps across the entire star field, how can there not be new changes, resources, and stars of life being born!"

"If we were not in a hurry to come back, but stayed in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', even if we searched in the void area occupied by the Star Alliance, we might be able to discover new life stars."

"By directly occupying it, we will have our own stronghold and base in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. Whether it is doing follow-up tasks, researching the power of the Celestial Demon, star advancement, etc., it will be much easier. .”

After saying that, Liang Ji shook his head helplessly and said:

"It's a bit late to get the news now. We can't keep up with the queue. Even if we rush to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', I'm afraid we won't be able to find any new life stars unless we go to the front line of the battlefield."

Peng Yue on the side also shook his head slightly when he heard this. At this time, it showed that their strength, connections, network, etc., after all, were only mid-level. Otherwise, such news should have been obtained as soon as possible, allowing them to get it as soon as possible. Can go to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' to look for opportunities.

Rather than like now, after getting the news, the queue in front was already full.

After all, their cultivation level is still a bit low. Both of them have only advanced to the fifth level Star Master for a few years. Even though they are both from the Star Palace and have good records in the past, they can only be regarded as having acceptable potential.

Perhaps they will have to wait until they advance to the sixth level of Star Master before they can truly be recognized by some superior forces, connections, connections, etc.

Both they and the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce still need time to grow and develop.

"If you miss it, just miss it." Peng Yue sighed: "Even if we can't find new life stars this time, the 'tide of the power of the sky demon' sweeping through will definitely produce various resources and treasures in the void and the galaxy. , the life stars can only be regarded as the best and rarest. Now we are going to the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', even if we can't find the life stars, we can at least look for some resources and treasures born under the creation of the 'Celestial Demon Power'."

"And with this experience, we can be prepared for the next time there is a 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'."

Although the eruption of the 'tide of the power of the sky demon' looks very similar to the explosion of the black hole in the center of each star field in the Covenant, the eruption of the 'tide of the power of the sky demon' does not occur only every few thousand years.

At least, after the last "Tide of Sky Demon Power" erupted, the Star Alliance has done a lot of research and measurement on the "Tide", and has already concluded that before the "Sky Demon Star Territory" is completely distorted and the creation is completed, such a " Tidal shocks will occur multiple times.

This seems to be a method and process by which the 'Celestial Demon' creates the entire star field.

Therefore, Liang Ji and others can completely wait for the next outbreak of the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power'.

In the main control cabin of the starship, several people nodded slightly, and they all regarded this operation as just accumulating experience.

In front of the huge star gate of Tianxingyuan, the team heading to the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’ is still growing longer. Liang Ji and the others got the news late, but there were many more who got the news later than them.

A few days later, Liang Ji and others finally arrived. They drove the 'Dragon Snake' starship directly into the huge star gate, traveled through the void again, and teleported to the 'Tianyao City'.

It was already the second teleportation. Liang Ji and others were already very familiar with it. They quickly handled various matters in the 'Tian Yao City', and then drove the starship directly away from the 'Tian Yao City' and entered the Tian Yao Star Territory. In the vast void.

In the main control cabin, Peng Yue's grandma stretched out her hand and clicked on the light screen in front of her, sending a star map to the light screen in front of several people, and said: "This is just purchased from the 'Tian Yao City' star network. The latest star map marks the newly discovered stars of life that were born in the void behind after the tidal explosion of the power of the sky demon. There are two stars in total!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to point on the star map, and immediately two stars were lit up by her, indicating that they were the two new life stars created by the 'tide of the power of the sky demon'. They happened to be on one side of the star map. Left and right, almost beyond the boundaries of this star map.

It can be regarded as an extremely remote and remote galaxy in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. No wonder it was only discovered recently.

"However, there is news that the senior leaders of the Star Alliance have studied the distribution of galaxies and the distribution of life stars in the 'Celestial Demon Star Field'. Because it is created by the Celestial Demon, it always has more regularity than the natural creation of the universe. ,order."

"According to the rules and order, this explosion of the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power' should be able to create at least three life stars in the void area behind."

"So, during this period of time, a large number of starships, teams, forces, etc. are searching for the third life star that may exist in this void area."

Although Liang Ji and others did not stay in the "Tian Yao City" for a long time on the "Dragon Snake" starship, they still collected a lot of information from the "Tian Yao City" star network.

The main reason is that this information has basically spread throughout the star network of the 'Tianyao City', but such news has not spread at all in Tianxingyuan.

It can only be said that there is still some gap in the timeliness of information between the frontline positions and the logistics base.

"So, we still have hope of finding a new life star!"

In the main control cabin, Chu Yue said with slightly bright eyes.

Since she discovered the 'Yuyang Star' with her team, she has invested a lot of energy in the evolution and advanced research of the Life Star over the years. For this Life Star that has just been promoted from the Death Star under the power of the sky demon, , can be said to be very interested.

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