The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 845 Heavenly Snake and Dragon Snake Three-Headed High-level Void Pterosaur

Green Wing Galaxy, this is the name given by the Dragon Snake team to the galaxy where life stars were discovered.

According to the regulations of the Star Alliance, as the discoverer of this galaxy, their team has the right to name it. The reason why it is named "Green Wing Galaxy" is naturally because of the blue stars and a large number of void pterosaurs entrenched in it.

If there is not already a 'Qingyang Galaxy', otherwise they would be willing to name it 'Qingyang Galaxy'.

After Liang Ji contacted She Yuanjie and expressed his intention to find new life stars in the area behind the "Sky Demon Star Territory", he invited the team from the "Sky Serpent Academy" to capture and develop them together.

The 'Tian Serpent Academy' side was naturally very willing, and even signed a cooperation agreement under the witness of the Star Alliance.

Later, Liang Ji and others sent the coordinates of the Green Wing Galaxy to the team of the 'Tian Serpent Academy', and the other party was already organizing a team to come over.

Liang Ji and others were not idle either. On the one hand, they continued to cruise around the "Green Wing Galaxy" in the "Dragon Snake" starship, and continued to try to investigate the situation inside the galaxy and the Void Pterosaur; on the other hand, It uses some of the array devices and array diagrams carried in the "Dragon Snake" starship to arrange arrays in the void around the "Green Wing Galaxy".

This formation is mainly used for marking and warning. The attack and defense are not high. It is to tell other passing monks and teams in the Star Alliance that this place has been occupied by them and it is an owned land.

In this way, even if other teams pass by and find that there are life stars here, they will not be able to come and fight for them.

Behind the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’ occupied by the Star Alliance, this level of security can still be guaranteed.

Otherwise, as long as Liang Ji and others report this matter to the Star Alliance, the monks and teams who dare to snatch it will definitely be severely punished by the Star Alliance.

The monks and teams who can come to this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' are at least in the middle and upper levels of the Star Alliance. They are not willing to offend the majesty of the Star Alliance and make fun of their own lives and futures just for such a life star. .

Therefore, the formation they set up does not require strong defensive or offensive capabilities, as long as it can mark and warn.

One month passed in the blink of an eye. During this month, Liang Ji and others still failed to enter the interior of the 'Green Wing Galaxy' and investigate the situation clearly. However, according to the data detected by Chu Yue's control array, two places inside the 'Green Wing Galaxy' Where there are suspected life stars, the life star light blooming has become more and more powerful, and even the void pterosaurs surrounding the galaxy and the void storms set off cannot be completely blocked or blocked.

In this way, on the one hand, it allowed Liang Ji and others to completely confirm that there were indeed at least two life stars in the galaxy; on the other hand, the growing and strengthening life star light also ushered in the rest of the monks and teams passing nearby. .

However, as these monks and teams approached, they noticed the warning formation arranged by Liang Ji and others, and knew that there was already a master here.

At the moment, I can only sigh and leave.

However, many monks and teams will try to contact the 'Dragon Snake' starship before leaving. On the one hand, they congratulate them, and on the other hand, they also want to ask if they can develop it together.

Of course, they were all rejected by Liang Ji and others.

On this day, there was the sound of a heavenly snake screaming in the distance in the void. Liang Ji and others stood on the "Dragon Snake" starship and looked into the distance. They could see a large area of ​​starlight in the void converging and turning into a huge "celestial snake". 'It's coming through the void at a very fast speed.

When he saw this, he knew that this was the team from the 'Sky Serpent Academy' coming over.

The means of the 'Starlight Dragon Snake' transformed into the 'Starlight Dragon Snake' from their 'Dragon Snake Breathing Formation' to travel through the void is almost exactly the same as this 'Starlight Heavenly Snake'. However, in comparison, it is found that no matter in terms of speed, size, The power, power, etc. are all far inferior.

"The real 'Sky Snake Breath Formation'!"

On the starship, Chu Yue looked at the ‘Starlight Serpent’ coming through the void in the distance, her eyes couldn’t help but shine brightly, and she said in a deep voice:

“I really want to study it!”

The 'Heavenly Serpent's Breath Formation' that Chu Yue obtained was recorded and given to her after Liang Ji and Peng Yue accepted the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent'. Because of the cultivation base of the two people and the restrictions on the formation, in fact, compared to the real 'Sky Snake Breath Formation', the inheritance passed down is probably 1/2/10, which is considered very good.

But even so, Chu Yue still developed the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation' based on the inheritance they handed over, which shows that his formation level and talent are high.

And now, the 'Starlight Serpent' formed by the 'Sky Serpent Academy' team, the 'Sky Serpent Breath' formation operating in it, even if it is not personally passed down by the saint, must have been researched and restored by the 'Sky Serpent Academy' for many years, and even among them There are also the methods and arrangements of the previous high-level star masters in the academy. Even compared to those passed down by saints, they are probably not far behind.

But it is definitely far beyond what Liang Ji and Peng Yue reported. This can be clearly seen from the comparison of the size, power, speed, etc. of the 'Starlight Heavenly Snake' and 'Starlight Dragon Snake'.

Therefore, for Chu Yue, who has studied the inheritance of the Heavenly Serpent Breathing Formation, this more complete and closer to the inheritance of the Saint, the Heavenly Serpent Breathing Formation is naturally very attractive.

Liang Ji listened on the side, but said with a smile: "There will be a chance. This time we join hands with the 'Tian Serpent Academy' to develop the 'Green Wing Galaxy', which can be regarded as a closer relationship. When the time comes, we will mention it a little bit." Mention, I believe that the 'Tian Serpent Academy' would not mind trading some of the formation inheritance to us."

"Now, let's welcome our allies."

"Okay!" Chu Yue's face lit up after hearing Liang Ji's words. She immediately understood what he meant and immediately started operating the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation' on the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

hiss! hold head high……

The sound of snake hissing and dragon roar sounded, and a large amount of starlight, spiritual light, and elemental light gathered around the starship, manifesting a huge "Starlight Dragon Snake" figure, entrenched in the void outside the "Green Wing Galaxy", and far away The 'Starlight Serpent' that shuttles through the void echoes from afar, seeming to be greeting and welcoming.


The 'Starlight Serpent' who came through the void obviously also saw the greeting of the 'Starlight Dragon Snake' here, and a roar of the Heavenly Serpent came through the void.

hiss! Roar! hold head high……

Dragons and snakes neighed and sky snakes roared. The huge movement immediately alarmed a large number of void pterosaurs gathered in the 'Green Wing Galaxy', and countless neighing and roaring sounds were heard.

Three more roars came from deep within the galaxy. The sound directly distorted the void and set off a large void storm that swept in all directions.

"This is a high-level void pterosaur!"

"Instead of having two heads, there are three!"

"Doesn't this mean that there are probably not just two life stars in this 'Green Wing Galaxy', but three!"

Aboard the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji and the others listened to the roar coming from inside the galaxy and looked at the distorted movement in the void, with mixed surprises on their faces.

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