The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 846 Different Developments of ‘Sky Snake Breath’

Liang Ji and others were also frightened when they saw the power of the three high-level void monsters soaring into the sky in the 'Green Wing Galaxy' and the law storm that distorted the void.

Fortunately, they had not relied on their strength to directly attack the 'Green Wing Galaxy' before. Otherwise, if they really fell into it and were besieged by three high-level void pterosaurs, even if they had the twice-upgraded 'Dragon Snake' starship, they would have seven I am afraid that even with the help of the 'Elemental Nest', I may not be able to escape smoothly.

Now it seems that inviting the team from the ‘Tian Serpent Academy’ to help and jointly develop the ‘Green Wing Galaxy’ is a very correct choice.

However, since there are three high-level void demon clans entrenched in the 'Green Wing Galaxy', the number and quality of the life stars, resource treasures, etc. born in it may exceed their previous exploration and estimation, which is naturally more exciting. .

Roar! Ouch...

And as these three high-level void pterosaur roars sounded, a large number of void pterosaurs entrenched in the 'Green Wing Galaxy' suddenly seemed to have received orders. They flew out from the galaxy in large numbers and gathered like a tide towards the 'Starlight Dragon Snake'. ', the 'Starlight Serpent' that had already traveled through the void launched an attack.

hiss! Roar……

The 'Starlight Serpent' had already traveled through the void and arrived outside the 'Green Wing Galaxy'. Facing the wave of void pterodactyl monsters that rushed out and killed them, it showed no intention of giving in. It raised its head and roared, and opened its mouth to spit out large pieces. Starlight.

Wherever the starlight passed, a large wave of Void Pterodactyl monsters was swept away on the spot. A large number of Void Pterodactyls were directly killed and broken, and large amounts of blood, limbs, and debris were sprinkled in the void.

"He actually transformed the power of the 'Sky Serpent's Breath' into the power of starlight!"

Liang Ji stood on the "Dragon Snake" starship, looking at the starlight spitted out by the "Starlight Serpent" transformed by the "Snake Academy" team, and was slightly surprised.

As a person who has received the inheritance from the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake', although he has limited understanding and understanding of the inheritance, he also knows that the most orthodox 'breath' of the 'Breath of the Heavenly Serpent' passed down by the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' should be the 'Breath of Chaos'.

That is to say, the ‘chaos’ that carries countless stars and seas of stars in the void universe is the most original existence in the void universe.

It was precisely because the Heavenly Snake Saint understood and mastered this power of 'chaos' that he found his own path and became a first-class immortal, and finally even ascended to become a saint.

However, when future generations inherit the inheritance of the 'Sage of Heavenly Serpent', it is obviously difficult for them to fully grasp the inheritance of the saint, unable to master the 'Breath of Chaos', and even have to find their own way out of the 'Breath of Chaos'.

Therefore, whether it is the 'Dragon Snake Breath' of Liang Ji and others, or the 'Sky Snake Breath Formation' of the 'Sky Snake Academy', the breath breathed out is not pure 'Breath of Chaos'.

Liang Ji and others' 'Dragon Snake Breath' is an 'Elemental Breath' developed by trying to incorporate the power of various elements into it, and they also try to fuse various 'Elemental Breaths' together to form 'Destruction Breath' , or move closer to the 'Chaos Breath' as ​​much as possible.

But he never expected that the 'Sky Snake Breath' from the 'Sky Snake Academy' would be the most pure and pure 'Starlight Breath'.

However, Liang Ji just had a change of thought and realized the reason.

Although the 'Tian Serpent Academy' inherits the inheritance of the 'Tian Serpent Saint', every high-level star master it trains needs to break through on the path of the 'Tian Serpent Saint' inheritance, break the shackles of inheritance, and walk out of their own way. Only by following this path can one become a high-level star master and develop the 'Tian Serpent Academy'.

Otherwise, a school that cannot cultivate high-level Star Masters will definitely not be able to exist or develop in the Star Alliance.

And every high-level star master who breaks out of the path must have different choices in breaking the path, the power he masters, etc.

Just like She Yuanjie chose the 'Heavenly Snake' to devour the 'Sea Serpent', the current principal and high-level star master of the 'Sky Snake Academy' must not have the power of the 'Sea Serpent'.

In order to facilitate the control and operation of these high-level Star Lords who have their own choices, it is a matter of course that the 'Sky Serpent Academy' developed the 'Sky Serpent Breath' based on the most common and original 'Starlight Power' mastered by Star Lord monks. .

It is equivalent to the 'Tian Serpent Academy' providing the most basic platform and the purest canvas. It is undoubtedly more important for a high-level star master who came from the academy to draw his own 'Tian Serpent Breath' on this platform and canvas. Simple and much easier.

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind, and the 'Dragon Snake' starship was also facing the impact of a large number of void pterosaur demon waves.

hiss! hold head high……

Chu Yue, who was in control of the starship formation, immediately activated the formation of 'Dragon Snake Breath'. The 'Dragon Snake' formed by the convergence of starlight, aura and elemental light raised its head and hissed, opened its mouth and spat out an 'Elemental Breath' to blast into the incoming attack. In the void demon tide, tearing, sweeping, and harvesting.

Since the 'Elemental Nest' was installed in the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the 'Dragon Snake Breath Array' can use the power of the 'Elemental Nest', and the power of the 'Elemental Breath' has also been greatly increased.

At least, the 'breath' from these two sides blasted into the Void Pterodactyl Demonic Wave, and the number and results of the Void Pterodactyl swept and killed were almost the same.

This shows that at least in terms of killing the middle and low-level void monsters, Liang Ji and others' 'Dragon Snake Breath' is no less than the 'Sky Snake Breath' of 'Sky Snake Academy'.

However, in the battle against high-level void monsters, the 'Dragon Snake Breath' may still be inferior to the 'Sky Serpent Breath', unless they are willing to spare the source loss of the 'Elemental Nest' and use the source of the 'Elemental Sea' contained in it. Integrating into the 'Breath of the Heavenly Serpent' regardless of losses, and making the 'Elemental Breath' reach the level of origin and law, I am afraid that it will be able to compete with the 'Breath of the Heavenly Serpent' at a high level in a short period of time.

"Haha... Okay!" At this time, the 'Sky Snake' and the 'Dragon Snake' swept away the demon tide, penetrated the void pterodactyl demon tides on both sides, and successfully merged outside the 'Green Wing Galaxy'. A starlight appeared on the 'Sky Snake' The above manifested and condensed, manifested the 'star spirit body', and condensed into a starlight giant. He laughed loudly and said: "Liang Ji, Peng Yue, you are worthy of being the genius of the Star Palace. You can only accept the inheritance of the saint for a few decades. But he has already gone his own way!"

"The power of this 'Elemental Breath' is not much weaker than that of our school."

There is no doubt that this starlight giant who has manifested the 'Star Spirit Body' is the principal of Tian Serpent Academy and a seventh-level star master monk!

At that moment, Liang Ji and Peng Yue immediately came out to greet him with a few people from the Dragon Snake team, and said politely: "I have met the Principal Tian Snake!"

Although Chu Yue, Wu Shan, and Peng Xuanding are all third-level immortals, in terms of cultivation level, they are the same as the seventh-level star master, Principal Tian Snake. However, facing each other at this time, they are still half shorter, and they treat each other with the courtesy of juniors. See.

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