The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 869 The Power of the ‘Bloodline Catalog’ The Basic Course of Taiyi Star Palace

There are two life stars in the Zichen Galaxy, both of which are occupied by the Taiyi Star Palace. Experiments on various monster beasts, bloodlines, the power of the Purple Sun, the power of the heavenly demons, etc. are carried out in the stars.

And such an experiment will inevitably show signs of loss of control. What Liang Ji encountered at this time was obviously the situation where Taiyi Xinggong used this experiment to lose control.

However, the monks of Taiyi Star Palace obviously have rich experience in how to deal with such experiments that are out of control. Liang Ji was in the "airport" and only received a warning from the "airport", but there were no other tips for avoidance, defense, rescue, etc. Obviously, It is the people of the Taiyi Star Palace who are confident that they can handle the life stars that are out of control in this experiment.

Sure enough, I saw that the 'Star Map Array' in the Zichen Galaxy was activated, and the starlights connected into a network and suppressed the out-of-control life stars, covering and sealing the entire stars, isolating the out-of-control experiments and mutations within them. The effects of monsters, clans, etc. are beyond the stars.

However, these starlights were not used to suppress these out-of-control and mutated monsters and dependents.

It is within the stars that a ray of starlight shoots out from the origins and spiritual veins of the stars, condenses and manifests into a 'picture album' in the sky of stars.

In the 'Starlight Catalog', there are various figures and bloodlines of various void demon beasts, demon clans, dependent clans, etc., rapidly emerging and dying in it, just like there is a world of blood in it, and various blood things are in it. Survive, reproduce, evolve, and sublime.

"Bloodline Atlas!"

Liang Ji recognized it almost at a glance. The "Illustration" condensed from the starlight emitted from the source of the stars was the "Bloodline Illustration" inherited from the Taiyi Star Palace.

Among the origins of the life stars, there is a projection of the ‘bloodline catalog’ left by unknown high-level star masters in the Taiyi Star Palace, which controls the bloodline experiments in the entire star.

At this time, the bloodline experiment in the stars went out of control, and the projection of the 'Bloodline Catalog' was immediately activated. Starlight fell from the projection, falling on the monsters and dependents who were out of control, mutating, and attacking crazily.

The next moment, the bodies of those out-of-control and mutated monster beasts and dependents seemed to go back in time. Various mutations quickly recovered, and the out-of-control madness quickly stopped. In just a moment, the entire out-of-control star experimental site returned to normal.

Then the Familia who had returned to normal began to drive various monsters that had returned to normal back to the 'experimental sites' on the stars. The Familia also began to repair and sort out the damage and traces in the stars caused by the out-of-control and chaos just now. .

When the 'Bloodline Catalog' projection swept aside the entire star, cleared away all the factors that caused loss of control and mutation, and returned to the origin of the star, the entire life star seemed to have experienced a step back in time, returning to its original normality and order. operating status.

Subsequently, the 'Starlight Network' that blocked and isolated the stars quickly dissipated, and the 'Star Map Array' covering the Zichen Galaxy returned to normal and became calm again.

In the 'airport' where Liang Ji was located, the alarm sound also ended and turned into a normal sound.

The whole process took less than half an hour, and a life star whose experiment was out of control was quickly suppressed and restored, and the out-of-control, distorted, and mutated power was restored to normal.

In the galaxy, people in the Taiyi Star Palace in various starships, airports, stars, and voids seem to have long been accustomed to this. Not many people pay attention to the loss of control in the life star, and not many people Pay attention to the process of suppressing out-of-control monsters and dependents in the stars.

Only Liang Ji had been watching in surprise, marveling at the power and power of the 'Bloodline Illustration' projection.

Obviously, for the monks of Taiyi Star Palace, whether it is the loss of control of the star experimental field or the suppression of the out-of-control stars, it is no longer a rare thing. It has long been commonplace and there is no need to worry.

They obviously have absolute confidence in their high-level star master's 'bloodline catalog'.

Liang Ji watched the process of suppressing the out-of-control star experimental field by the projection of the "Bloodline Atlas", and became more and more interested in the inheritance of the "Bloodline Atlas" of Taiyi Star Palace.

He is also becoming more and more interested in the idea of ​​merging the three star palace inheritances of the ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’, the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts’ and the ‘Bloodline Atlas’.

At that moment, he took out the 'Star Book' and contacted Cao Chanyue, wanting to know more about the Taiyi Star Palace and the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Atlas'.

But there was still no response. It was obvious that the other party was still conducting experiments in seclusion, studying the bloodline maps of several generations of 'Pterodactyl Monsters' he had brought.

Even the loss of control at a life star experimental site just now failed to call the other party out of experiments and research.

Liang Ji shook his head. It seemed that he could only do some understanding on his own first.

This is the territory of Taiyi Star Palace. The "Star Map Array" of Zichen Galaxy has its own internal "Star Network" belonging to Taiyi Star Palace. Cao Chanyue had previously facilitated his movement here and collected the power of Ziyang, which was actually for him. After applying for an account, you can log in to the 'Star Network' dedicated to Taiyi Star Palace within the Zichen Galaxy.

At this time, Liang Ji logged in through the "Star Directory" and entered the "Star Network" inside the Zichen Galaxy, which was almost a small, front-line Taiyi Star Palace official website.

The most information in it is from the star master students on the front line of Taiyi Star Palace, who are exchanging and buying and selling various information and materials. However, the information and materials traded are mainly based on various bloodline experiments.

Liang Ji browsed for a while. Since he had never studied the 'Bloodline Illustration' or conducted a professional bloodline test, he had limited understanding of the various materials and information that the star master students of Taiyi Star Palace exchanged and traded, so he browsed for a while. Then exit directly.

Turning to look at some of the courses published by Taiyi Star Palace in the internal 'Star Network', they are mainly procedures and guidance on various basic bloodline experiments.

Basically, they serve the low-level star master students of Taiyi Star Palace who come here to practice and take risks, but they are suitable for first-time contacts like Liang Ji.

Although there is no content directly related to the 'Bloodline Illustration', it allows Liang Ji to have the most basic understanding and mastery of the bloodline experiments, research, and practice of the clan. After reading these courses, he can even learn about his own natal stars. During the game, various basic bloodline experiments were conducted using monsters and dependents.

This will increase the understanding and mastery of various bloodline knowledge, and these bloodline knowledge will be the basis for learning and mastering the inheritance of Taiyi Star Palace's "Bloodline Atlas".

Liang Ji applied for viewing and studying these basic courses as a visitor. With his status as a student of the Kunlun Star Palace and the permissions Cao Chanyue applied for, his application was successfully passed.

At the moment, he is collecting the "Power of Purple Sun" in the Zichen Galaxy to conduct experiments on mutant family members, and at the same time, he is learning the basic "Bloodline Experiment" course.

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