The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 870: Transformation of the Secret Realm of the Training Ground and the Road to the Postgradu

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji is using the power of heaven and earth to improve the various training dojos and secret realms built in the stars such as the 'Fire Valley', 'Ice Abyss', 'Ten Thousand Poison Cave', and 'Leize' , transformation.

These secret cultivation realms and dojos were purchased and cultivated in the natal stars when he was still a first-level star master because of the mutation of his family members and the awakening of the hegemonic body. In order to cooperate with the cultivation of the hegemonic body, he purchased special spiritual seeds.

Later, as his family merged with various indigenous bloodlines from the outside world and separated into the 'Nine Sons of the Dragon' bloodline, these dojos and secret realms dedicated to practice became the corresponding training bloodlines for each family member in his natal star. The best place and training ground for the power and elemental power.

Over the years, every time Liang Ji's natal stars were upgraded, he would purchase the corresponding level of 'training ground' spiritual seeds to upgrade these training grounds.

From the first-level magical land, to the second-level spiritual land, the third-level treasure land, the fourth-level dojo, and now after upgrading to the fifth-level stars, you also purchase spiritual seeds to upgrade them to the fifth-level secret realm.

Even in order to maximize the effect of these 'training grounds', Liang Ji will purchase a large number of corresponding elemental spiritual species at each star master stage, such as various flame spiritual species, various poisonous spiritual species, and various thunder species. Spiritual seeds, etc., are integrated into these practice sites, increasing their effects and power to the strongest existence in the current level.

The effect is also quite good. At each level, the Yijuan Familia, Prison Niu Familia, Suanniu Familia, Biuan Familia, Chaofeng Familia, etc. can practice their own bloodline to the strongest level in the corresponding 'training ground'.

The Familia and the various bloodline magical powers and bloodline magical powers he has mastered as the star master are the best proof.

But now, after he watched some basic courses on bloodline in Taiyi Star Palace, he realized that these 'training grounds' are actually places for bloodline experiments and practice.

The cultivation and growth of his dependents in these 'training grounds', and the enhancement of the power of their own bloodline to the strongest level, have become the most common bloodline experiments and cultivation methods in the Taiyi Star Palace.

After Liang Ji saw the content of these courses, he sighed more and more that his family was indeed suitable for the inheritance and practice of the 'Bloodline Illustration'.

Perhaps, if his college entrance examination had not been hosted by the Kunlun Star Palace, he would have been admitted to the Taiyi Star Palace after the college entrance examination.

If this is the case, the development of his natal stars, the growth path of his family members, his own cultivation path, etc., may have a different appearance and direction.

"But it's not too late now. If we can solve the problem of integrating the inheritance of the Star Palace, we can also learn and master the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Atlas'."

"In fact, if I hadn't been admitted to the Kunlun Star Palace, I might not have been able to embark on the path of inheritance and integration of the Star Palace now..."

"You need to believe that every choice is the best arrangement of fate!"

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji completed the final transformation of the secret cultivation realm of the Valley of Fire in front of him.

From the basic courses of Taiyi Star Palace, Liang Ji also learned some knowledge. He knew that these 'training ground' spiritual species were all standard 'training grounds' cultivated in the Star Alliance, and many of their settings, environments, effects, etc. were Standard, suitable for popular needs.

However, for many Star Lord monks who study and practice the way of bloodline, these standard and popular 'training grounds' do not meet the requirements and cannot allow their dependents to perform bloodline experiments and practice at their best. effect.

Therefore, in the basic courses of Taiyi Star Palace, there are instructions on how to transform and improve these 'training grounds' according to one's own natal stars and the bloodline conditions of the dependents.

According to what he learned, Liang Ji made some attempts to transform and upgrade these secret cultivation realms such as the 'Fire Valley', 'Ice Abyss', and 'Leize' in his own natal star. As expected, there were many improvements, and the family members entered them. As expected, the effects of practicing and improving bloodline power have also improved.

It can be regarded as a preliminary experiment, verifying the course of Taiyi Star Palace, and also verifying the feasibility of following the path of bloodline between one's natal star and the dependent family.

On the contrary, it made him more certain about the feasibility of learning the 'Bloodline Illustration'.

"The only problem that needs to be solved is the challenge of integrating the inheritances of different star palaces when advancing to high-level star masters!"

With thoughts spinning in his mind, Liang Ji couldn't help but raise his head and look beyond the stars, where the dragon soul was wrapped around it.

For several months, the 'Power of the Purple Sun' has been shining through the Star Gate, and has been swallowed by the dragon soul, refining the aura of the 'Power of the Heavenly Demon' within it.

Under the constant accumulation and influence, the dragon soul seems to be soaked in a bit of purple, and there is a faint purple air around it, like a thin cloud that disappears and appears, making the dragon soul appear more spiritual and real.

"It probably depends on whether the dragon soul is strong enough!"

Liang Ji already had some confidence in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something. When his soul returned to his body, he took out the 'Star Book' and checked it. However, it was Cao Chanyue who finally ended the experiment temporarily and came out of seclusion after research. She saw his message and sent him a message.

"It's not impossible if you want to learn Taiyi Star Palace's 'Bloodline Illustration'."

After listening to Liang Ji's thoughts, Cao Chanyue said:

"But you have to wait until you graduate from the Kunlun Star Palace and choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination to enter the Taiyi Star Palace before you can learn the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Atlas'."

"Postgraduate entrance examination..." Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard this. This was the only way he could think of. He just wanted to know from Cao Chanyue, the teaching assistant of Taiyi Star Palace, if there was an easier way.

Star Lord students in the Star Alliance, whether they graduate from a school, a school palace, or a star palace, if they want to continue to improve themselves and learn better inheritance, they can take the postgraduate entrance examination in order to be admitted to other In the school palace or the star palace.

This is also the second opportunity provided by the Star Alliance for many Star Lord students to improve themselves outside of the college entrance examination.

"It's just that I heard that the cross-star palace postgraduate entrance examination is very difficult!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but worry a little.

In the Star Alliance, it is much easier for Star Lord students who have graduated from academies and palaces to take the postgraduate entrance exams and study in the Star Palace.

The inter-star palace postgraduate entrance examination is the most rare. This is also to prevent many star palace star master students from rashly trying the path of integrating the inheritance of different star palaces without being prepared and unsure.

After all, everyone knows that if different star palace inheritances can be integrated together, there will be a great way to reach the sky. Not only can they easily advance to high-level star masters, but they can also become the top existence among high-level star masters.

However, the Star Alliance has been hundreds of thousands of years old, and at least on the surface, there is no clear record of any star master monks who have successfully integrated the inheritance of different star palaces.

On the contrary, there are many tragic records, which are the result of star master monks rashly integrating different star palace inheritances and ultimately failing, directly dying with their own stars.

Therefore, in the Star Alliance, it became increasingly difficult to take postgraduate entrance examinations across star palaces. Star master monks who wanted to try the fusion of different star palace inheritances had to at least prove their own strength first, and make sure that even if the integration failed in the end, they would be able to Save your life and retain the possibility of continuing to advance to a high-level star master.

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