The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 871 Eighth-level Star Lord Cao Chanyue’s answers to questions

"As far as I know, the most effective way for those in the Star Alliance to study the inheritance of different star palaces is to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

"Unless you can find a high-level star master to vouch for you. Moreover, ordinary seventh-level star master instructors are not enough, at least a professor of eighth-level or above."

Regarding Liang Ji's problem, Cao Chanyue was helpless and could only say this.

Although Liang Ji was a little disappointed when he heard this, he could only nod slightly and thank the other party.

However, he did know a little bit about the power behind his junior Liu Xu. Behind him was the support of at least an eighth-level star master, so he was able to get the two star palaces of Kunlun and Wanxiang to agree to let each other practice concurrently from the beginning.' The inheritance of "The List of Gods" and "The Melting Pot of Ten Thousand Arts".

"As expected, he has a strong background."

He couldn't help but sigh.

But where should he go to find an eighth-level star master to vouch for him?

The first thing Liang Ji thought of was his mentor 'Red Jade' in the Kunlun Star Palace. He had been in retreat decades ago and advanced to the eighth-level Star Master. There is no news of his release yet.

Eighth-level Star Lord, second-level Hedao!

This step is the most difficult and dangerous step for many Star Lord monks. It is even a hundred times more difficult and dangerous than the 'reincarnation practice' of the third-level Star Lord.

If you are not careful, the star master monk will be swallowed up and transformed by the origin of his natal star and the law of the Dao. From then on, he will fail to merge with the dao and fall into his natal star. In the end, even his natal star will be destroyed due to the loss of the star master. Step by step toward decline and death.

Just like the 'Giant Shark Star' that Liang Ji had entered in the first-order Star Lord stage, the Star Lord of that star failed to merge with the Tao. Among the natal stars, the 'Giant Shark Star' also declined step by step. Upgrade, decline, and finally death.

There are not a few seventh-order star masters in the Star Alliance. Just like the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy', the principals of every ninth-order star school in the Star Alliance are not only seventh-order star masters, but there are at least seven. Eighty percent of them are seventh-level star masters.

Coupled with the senior officials of the Star Alliance government, military officials, etc. in various schools and star palaces, the number of seventh-level star masters is even greater.

However, the number of eighth-level star masters has dropped sharply, and the number is not even one percent of that of seventh-level star masters.

This shows how difficult and dangerous it is to advance to the eighth level of Star Lord. Even Star Lord monks who were born in the Star Palace do not have much confidence.

The 'Red Jade' mentor has been in seclusion for decades, and Liang Ji can't guarantee that he will be able to successfully advance to the eighth level Star Master and come out of seclusion.

Moreover, even if the other party really succeeded in advancing to the eighth level Star Master, Liang Ji could not guarantee that the other party would definitely vouch for him.

After all, this matter must also involve the eighth-level star master's own interests and authority. He asked the red jade mentor to guarantee that the other party must have a detailed understanding of his strength and situation, and make sure that he has the strength and hope to integrate the inheritance of different star palaces. Choose to make a guarantee.

In this case, he might as well choose to take the normal postgraduate entrance examination path.

Cao Chanyue seemed a little embarrassed for not being able to help Liang Ji, but she still changed the subject and said, "Classmate Liang, I encountered some problems this time in retreat to study the bloodline maps of the 'Pterodactyl Monsters' you brought, and I want to go there." You have the life stars in the 'Green Wing Galaxy' under your control. Observe on-site and collect some materials about the pterosaur monsters."

When Liang Ji heard this, he quickly retracted his thoughts and said with a smile: "This matter is easy to handle. I'll tell my teammates that you can just go there. They will receive you and help you arrange everything..."

"How about I go with you and take you to the 'Green Wing Galaxy'."

"Thank you, old classmate." Cao Chanyue thanked her immediately and said, "But I can just go there by myself."

"But I won't delay you in collecting the power of Ziyang."

Liang Ji nodded when he heard this and said: "It's okay, Peng Yue is in the 'Green Wing Galaxy' now, and you are also old classmates from that year. I'll tell her and let her welcome you in the 'Green Wing Galaxy'. "

"And speaking of it, there are actually many acquaintances in the 'Green Wing Galaxy' now. Several star masters in Xiu She City who gave us guidance and financial support at the beginning, as well as some classmates who were admitted to the 'Tian Serpent Academy', etc., are now all In the 'Green Wing Galaxy', you should be familiar with it after you go there."

Cao Chanyue also smiled when she heard this and said: "That's just right. I have been busy with studies and practice these years, but I haven't been back to Xiu She City for a long time. This time I can also meet my old classmates and seniors."

After saying a few words, Cao Chanyue couldn't help but ask: "How is your experiment of collecting the 'Power of Purple Sun' to cultivate mutant family members going? Did you encounter any problems?"

"Old classmate, although my cultivation level is not higher than yours, I am still a teaching assistant at Taiyi Star Palace. I am still very experienced in this bloodline experiment. Do you want me to help you answer a question?"

"That's great." Liang Ji immediately said with a smile: "I have been logging into your 'Star Network' recently and learning some basic courses of your star palace by myself. However, compared with my experiments on the mutant family members, I found that many The doubts are difficult to resolve, and professionals are needed to help.”

As he said that, he took out the 'Star Book' and called up the several experimental processes, results, data, etc. recorded in it, and reported to the Ask the other party for advice.

The two of them spent several days working, and Liang Ji later even summoned some of the mutated Familia from his natal star and the 'Beast-shaped Familia' for Cao Chanyue to check on the spot and help him answer all the questions.

A few days later, all the problems Liang Ji encountered were solved and he thanked the other party again.

Cao Chanyue, on the other hand, made some handovers in the Zichen Galaxy and then went to the Qingyi Galaxy through the teleportation of the Starlight Gate.

Liang Ji had also notified Peng Yue and others a long time ago, asking them to prepare to receive their old classmates at the Green Wing Galaxy.

And after Cao Chanyue answered his doubts and helped him develop some ideas, he had new ideas about the bloodline experiments of the dependents in his own star, as well as the mutant and beast-shaped dependents.

At the moment, he temporarily put aside his study of the basic courses of Taiyi Star Palace and once again personally devoted himself to various bloodline experiments of his natal star family.

Time passed by in a flash, and several months passed in the blink of an eye. Cao Chanyue was quite happy and unhappy in the 'Qingyi Galaxy' and never returned to the 'Purple Chen Galaxy'.

During Liang Ji's contact and exchange with Peng Yue, he learned that Cao Chanyue's current goal had already shifted from the pterosaur monster to the life star occupied by the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' in the 'Green Wing Galaxy'. The born 'Void Serpent' monster.

Different from most of the living stars in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', the demon beasts among them are the demon beasts that were born when the Void Demon Clan participated in the promotion and creation of the stars.

In this life star occupied by the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy', the monsters born by nature were completed with the participation of his family members. It is a very special case. Cao Chanyue naturally has no interest in the bloodline of this 'Void Serpent' monster. very interested.

Now the other party is staying in the "Green Wing Galaxy" and constantly dealing with the Sky Serpent Academy and the principal of the "Sky Serpent Academy", wanting to study the bloodline map of those "Void Serpent" monsters.

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