The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 872 Experimental Discovery New Target

In the outside world, several months have passed, and decades have passed in Liang Ji's natal star. With the support of a large amount of 'Purple Sun Power', his cultivation of mutant family members, beast-shaped favor, and bloodline experiments have gradually yielded some results.

But this result somewhat disappointed him.

First, the 'Beast Form Familia', which was purely illuminated and cultivated by the 'power of Qingyang', was the first to be unable to support it. After growing up for less than ten years, its bloodline lost control and died.

Then there are the 'Beast Form Familia' that are purely illuminated and cultivated by the 'Power of the Purple Sun'. Recently, various problems have begun to appear, either the bloodline is exhausted, or the mutation is out of control, and there are signs of failure one after another.

On the other hand, the last group of 'Beast Form Familia', who took turns using the 'Power of Purple Sun' and 'Power of Qingyang' to illuminate and cultivate them, actually persisted longer and have not shown any signs of loss of control or decline so far.

However, Liang Ji did not see any signs of awakening spiritual wisdom or advancing to the second level among these 'animal-shaped dependents'.

Obviously, in order for these 'animal-shaped dependents' to grow smoothly, even awaken their spiritual wisdom and advance to stronger levels, more conditions are needed to support them.

On the other side of the isolated island, experiments using mutant family members are also showing some results.

Mutated Familia who were allowed to grow naturally would occasionally lose control and die, which was no different from the growth and death of the Mutated Familia he had recorded in the past few years. Mutated Familia that were illuminated and cultivated by the 'Power of the Purple Sun' would lose control and have a significantly reduced mortality rate. .

However, the mutant family members who have been illuminated and cultivated by the "Power of Purple Sun" and "Power of Qingyang" in turn have not lost control or died in these years. They have even grown better. Another group of mutant family members have given birth to a new baby. A batch of mutated 'eggs' are coming.

Moreover, the vitality contained in the mutant eggs born this time is obviously stronger than the previous batch.

After decades of experiments and comparing the array experiments on both sides, Liang Ji could easily see some problems.

It is obvious that after being illuminated and cultivated by the power of different stars created by the sky demon, it is more beneficial to both the mutated family members and the beast-shaped family members hatched from mutated eggs. It is far more beneficial than the illumination and cultivation of a single star created by the sky demon. .

He couldn't help but look up at the dragon soul entwining the stars above his natal star. After months of swallowing the 'Power of the Purple Sun', the purple meaning lingering in the dragon soul became stronger and stronger, and the purple energy surrounding him also became stronger and stronger. With more and more, the dragon soul becomes more solid, real and spiritual, but it seems to have gradually reached a bottleneck, with little improvement and growth recently.

"Perhaps, we can try to collect more types of the power of heavenly demons to create stars for bloodline experiments and the cultivation of dragon souls!"

"The power of the golden sun, the power of the white sun, the power of the black sun..."

Liang Ji remembered what he had learned through the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' before, about the life galaxies in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', and the power of different stars formed by the creation power of the Sky Demon to distort stars.

These different star powers often have different effects. For example, the power of Qingyang contains stronger vitality and is suitable for the growth of vegetation, spiritual plants, etc.; while the power of Purple Sun is suitable for the growth of animals such as birds and monsters.

In addition, the power of stars such as the Golden Sun, the White Sun, and the Black Sun naturally contain different powers and effects.

Now that I think about it, these different powers and effects are probably the different powers of creation contained in the "power of the demon".

If we could gather the power and effects contained in the power of these different stars, maybe it would be possible to fuse the true power of creation with the "power of the sky demon"?

Liang Ji didn't know whether his speculation was correct or not, but the various bloodline experiments he had done on his own natal stars had at least determined the power of different heavenly demons to create stars. For his experiments on the mutated Familia, the beast-shaped Familia, etc. There are benefits to training.

It would even be beneficial for him to improve his dragon soul.

And the dragon soul is related to the possibility of integrating different star palace inheritances in the future.

No matter what the reason was, he felt the need to give it a try and collect different types of the power of heavenly demons to create stars for experimentation and practice.

"It's just that if you want to collect the power of other heavenly demons to create stars, it's not as simple as the power of Qingyang or the power of Ziyang..."

Liang Ji quickly reviewed what he had learned about the situation in the dozens of life systems occupied by the Star Alliance after logging into the frontline "Star Network" before, and chose the goal of collecting the power of stars.

"The 'Golden Sun Galaxy' occupied by the Kunlun Star Palace and the 'White Sun Galaxy' occupied by the Wanxiang Star Palace should be relatively easy to collect the power of stars."

Liang Ji quickly set his next goal to collect the power of stars.

He himself is the star master monk of the Kunlun Star Palace. As long as he applies briefly, there is no problem in going to the life galaxy occupied by his own star palace to collect the "Golden Yang Power".

As for the 'White Sun Galaxy' occupied by the Vientiane Star Palace, let Peng Yue contact you on your behalf, and you should be able to go directly to collect the 'Power of the White Sun'.

"So, let's first gather the power of the stars created by the four heavenly demons, Qingyang, Ziyang, Jinyang, and Baiyang, to verify whether my guess is correct."

"If the speculation is correct, it will not be too late to find ways to contact the life galaxies occupied by other forces and collect more types of sky demons to create stars."

The thoughts in his mind turned around, and Liang Ji suddenly made a decision.

It just so happened that he had been here in the "Zi Chen Galaxy" for several months, and the "Power of Purple Sun" he had collected was enough for the time being, and he had no intention of continuing to stay here.

The Taiyi Star Palace monk who left Cao Chanyue to hand over to him said something to him, and gave him a few blood essences such as the natives of the outer lands, monsters and beasts that he had collected in the outer star sea to express his gratitude.

After all, in the past few months, Cao Chanyue was either in seclusion to study bloodline experiments, or she went to the 'Green Wing Galaxy' and has not returned yet.

All Liang Ji's needs and contact needs in the 'Zi Chen Galaxy' were arranged by the other party to help him handle and contact him, a second-level star master student who had only been in Taiyi Star Palace for a few years.

Now that he is about to leave, he naturally has to be grateful. For these star master students of the Taiyi Star Palace, the blood essences of different indigenous and monster beasts from the outer star sea are naturally the best gifts, whether they are used for bloodline research and experiments, or for the growth and cultivation of their own families, All are the best choices.

Sure enough, after receiving a few blood essences from Liang Ji, the Star Master student who had taken care of him in the past few months was full of surprise and thanked him repeatedly. Later, when he learned that he was going to return to the 'Green Wing Galaxy', he quickly contacted various places to help him start the teleportation process. 'Starlight Gate'.

Afterwards, Liang Ji said goodbye to the star master students he had always been grateful for, and the several Taiyi star palace star master monks he had met in the Zichen Galaxy during this period. He stepped into the Starlight Gate and teleported directly back to the Qingyi Galaxy. '.

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