The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 888 The Power of the Black Sun Destruction and Creation Coexist

Liang Ji accepted the assessment task of the experimental team in the 'Qingyang Galaxy' and did not stay here longer. He directly took the 'potted plant' assigned to him and left.

The monks in the experimental group have the right to go to various galaxies occupied by the Star Alliance in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' to collect the power of different stars created by the Celestial Demon.

This is the right that Liang Ji values ​​most, and it is also the main reason why he wants to join the experimental group.

Now that this was confirmed through Team Leader Su's words, Liang Ji was naturally more determined to pass the assessment and join the experimental group.

One year is not a long time, and the Star Alliance currently occupies eight different star systems created by heavenly demons. If he wants to pass the assessment and join the experimental group, he must act as soon as possible.

Fortunately, he had already collected the five powers of the sky demon to create stars before. Although he had consumed a lot of them, he still had some left. As long as he collected the remaining three powers of the sky demon to create stars, he would be able to defeat the dragon. The creation controlled by human and star spirits has been improved again.

Liang Ji believes that the 'World Tree' potted plants cultivated and improved in this way will definitely pass the assessment of the experimental group.

"There are three star powers left, namely Black Sun, Blue Sun, and Orange Sun..." Liang Ji hesitated for a moment, and finally chose the 'Black Sun Galaxy' first. After selecting the target, the 'Starlight Gate' opened. He stepped right into it.

After some familiar teleportation, Liang Ji stepped out of the 'Starlight Gate' and entered the 'Black Sun Galaxy'.

Looking up at the center of the galaxy, a big black sun is burning quietly, shining the power of black stars inside and outside the entire galaxy.

"Black Sun Galaxy! It is a galaxy occupied by the 'Bitter Sea Star Palace'..." Liang Ji looked at the 'Black Sun', and a lot of relevant information that he had checked before flashed through his mind.

"It is said that this 'Power of the Black Sun' is extremely special. It contains not only the power of creation, but also the power of destruction!"

"Creation and destruction reach a stable balance in the power of the Black Sun."

"Therefore, the environment of the Black Sun Galaxy is the worst among the life galaxies in the Sky Demon Star Territory occupied by the Star Alliance. Only the 'Pure Land' inheritance of the Bitter Sea Star Palace can gain a foothold here."

Liang Ji's thoughts were spinning in his mind, and his eyes couldn't help but turn to where the life stars were in the galaxy. He was very curious about how life was born in the stars under the power of the black sun, where creation and destruction coexisted, and how life survived and evolved in the stars. ?

Unfortunately, although he was able to come to the 'Black Sun Galaxy' to collect the 'Power of the Black Sun' for experiments and research because of the experimental team, it was impossible for him to let people from the 'Bitter Sea Star Palace' take him to visit and study. One of the stars of life.

He doesn’t have many acquaintances in the ‘Bitter Sea Star Palace’ either.

Therefore, after verifying his authority at the 'Bitter Sea Star Palace', he went directly to the vicinity of 'Black Sun', boarded the 'Star Port' built by the 'Bitter Sea Star Palace' here, and collected the information of 'Black Sun'. Come on.


After a few months, the dragon soul wrapped around the natal star once again raised its head and roared, swallowing the power of the sky demon's creation star that fell from the 'star gate' in the void.

Creation and destruction coexist in the 'Power of the Black Sun'. After the dragon soul swallowed the 'Power of the Black Sun', Liang Ji was particularly concerned about its changes, worrying whether the power of destruction contained in it would have a different impact on the dragon soul, or even harm.

Fortunately, there were no unexpected changes after the dragon soul swallowed the 'Power of the Black Sun'. Just like it had swallowed the other five powers of the stars created by the heavenly demons before, first, the dragon soul internally changed colors in blue, purple, gold, white, and green. Black color emerged from it, and then black clouds gradually formed in the five-colored clouds around the dragon soul.

The 'power of creation' controlled by the dragon soul changed from five colors to six colors, and there were no other unexpected changes.

This undoubtedly reassured Liang Ji a lot.

"Sure enough, the sky demon created the galaxy of life. Since this 'Black Sun Galaxy' was able to be born and survive stably, it has not lost control and destroyed like the original 'Heavy Purple Galaxy'. There is a mystery in its creation."

"Although I have mastered some superficial knowledge of 'Celestial Demon Creation' through dragon soul refining, it is still far from the true ability of Celestial Demon Creation."

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh when he saw this.

However, although Dragon Soul did not feel anything was wrong, Liang Ji did not immediately use it in his own stars after collecting the 'Power of the Black Sun'. Instead, he also came to the experimental island deep in the East China Sea to conduct various experiments first. Experiments and research.

I used the 'power of the black sun' to illuminate the spiritual plants, spiritual roots, and spiritual seeds, and found that there was no change in the spiritual roots and spiritual seeds. Obviously, they did not have the power of the white sun and the green sun to accelerate the growth of the spiritual roots and spiritual seeds. Effect.

On the contrary, the spiritual plants used for the experiment were illuminated by the 'power of the black sun' and there were changes and discoveries.

But the spiritual plants illuminated by the 'Power of the Black Sun' are directly dying and withering, obviously killed by the destructive power contained in the 'Power of the Black Sun'.

Liang Ji couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw this. Although he had already expected the coexistence of creation and destruction in the 'Power of the Black Sun' when he checked the information, at this time he watched the spiritual plant used for the experiment in the 'Black Sun'. He was killed in the "power", but it still made him new and confused.

How can such a ‘power of the black sun’, which contains the power of destruction, give birth to the stars of life?

And how does the power of creation in the ‘Power of the Black Sun’ work?

Doubtful in his heart, Liang Ji refused to give up and used the 'power of the black sun' to shine on various spiritual plants and grasses for testing.

Finally, once again, when he used the 'power of the black sun' to illuminate a piece of 'green spiritual grass' spiritual plant, he made a new discovery.

The piece of 'Green Spirit Grass' spiritual plant was illuminated by the 'Power of the Black Sun'. Although large areas were also necrotic and destroyed, a small part was not destroyed. Instead, it was transformed by the 'Power of the Black Sun'. Promotion, even a direct promotion from an ordinary first-level spiritual grass to a rare third-level 'Qingguang grass'!

"It turns out that this is the coexistence of creation and destruction!" Seeing this, Liang Ji instantly understood the role of the 'power of the black sun'.

Creation is born from destruction, but the 'Power of the Black Sun' uses the destruction of most of the spiritual plants to generate a unique power of creation, allowing the remaining spiritual plants to grow and advance across levels!

At this time, he could infer the situation among the life stars in the 'Black Sun Galaxy'.

It must not contain much vitality, and the number of spiritual plants, monsters, etc. that grow is limited, but they are probably rare and rare things that are cherished.

"This 'power of the black sun' is of great use when used to cultivate some special spiritual plants..."

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind, but he did not end the experiment. Instead, he chose an ordinary forest on the island and a group of ordinary swimming fish in the sea, and used the 'Power of the Black Sun' to cultivate and experiment with them.

In the end, almost all the trees in that ordinary forest were destroyed, but a second-level spiritual tree was successfully born!

But the group of swimming fish in the sea that was chosen for the experiment all died under the 'power of the black sun', and not a single swimming fish was promoted to a spiritual fish.

When Liang Ji saw this, he understood that the main function of this 'power of the black sun' was on spiritual plants.

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