The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 889 Eight Colored Cloud A Failed Attempt

Liang Ji stayed in the 'Black Sun Galaxy' for three months and collected enough 'Black Sun Power'. Later, in the name of the experimental team, they went to the 'Blue Sun Galaxy' and the 'Orange Sun Galaxy' respectively and spent three months each to collect enough 'Blue Sun Power' and 'Orange Sun Power'.

In this way, nine months of the one-year assessment period have passed, and only the last three months are left.

However, at this time, Liang Ji's soul had already gathered the power of eight kinds of heavenly demons to create stars, and there were eight colors of clouds surrounding the dragon soul. He was only short of the last one from the first transformation that he had sensed and calculated. The power of the sky demon to create stars.

However, the life galaxy that the Star Alliance currently occupies in the 'Celestial Demon Star Field' does not yet have the power of the ninth kind of Celestial Demon to create stars, so he can only put this matter aside for the time being.

Return to the 'Green Wing Galaxy' with the eight collected powers of heavenly demons creating stars.

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji thought, and the dragon soul rushed into the origin of the stars and merged with the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" to manifest the "Dragon Star Spirit".

At this time, the 'Dragon Star Spirit' was surrounded by eight-color clouds, and there were eight kinds of powers of the stars of creation in its body. Liang Ji clearly felt a stronger and more mysterious feeling than when he had mastered the five powers of the stars of creation. .

The 'Dragon Star Spirit' took one step and crossed space directly to the 'Experimental Island' deep in the East China Sea.

The 'World Tree' potted plant assigned to him by the experimental team was placed on the 'Experimental Island'. At this time, the 'Dragon Star Spirit' raised his hand and flicked the potted plant.

Suddenly, starlight wrapped in eight-colored clouds fell and disappeared into the potted plants.

The next moment, Liang Ji could almost see with his naked eyes that the branches of the 'World Tree' in the pot began to grow and change.

"This 'World Tree' is the inheritance of the Creation Star Palace. It seems to be a spiritual plant, but I heard Senior Sister Yang Yun say that it involves many methods such as spiritual roots, runes, and weapon refining. It seems to be a kind of spiritual plant. 'Tao Fruit' creation."

"Senior Sister Yang Yun said that for the star master monks of the Creation Star Palace to cultivate the 'World Tree' in their natal stars, they need to consume the source of the stars and even the power of Tao Fruit, and they also need to use many treasures specially configured and developed by the Creation Star Palace. That’s all.”

"Moreover, even so, hundreds of years of cultivation on the natal star are often difficult to make the 'World Tree' grow an inch."

Liang Ji observed the changes in the branches of the 'World Tree' in the potted plant, and recalled in his mind the information about the inheritance of the 'World Tree' that he had learned from Yang Yun in the past.

"Although this potted plant is only a branch of the 'World Tree', which is naturally far inferior to the entire 'World Tree', but now I can make it grow three inches with the starlight containing the heavenly demon's creation. I’m afraid many star master monks in the Creation Star Palace can’t do it.”

"Moreover, the power of the sky demon to create stars is indeed of great benefit to the growth of the 'World Tree'!"

"No wonder this time, the Good Fortune Star Palace and the Taiyi Star Palace jointly presided over the experiment, and even the Good Fortune Star Palace occupies more rights in it."

"If the Creation Star Palace can pass this experiment and master the power of the sky demon to create stars, perhaps in the future the Creation Star Palace will have another important resource and treasure for cultivating the 'World Tree'."

"This will be of great benefit to the cultivation of the star master monks in the entire Creation Star Palace."

Liang Ji's mind turned around, and he already understood the importance of this experiment to study the power of the sky demon to create stars for the creation of star palaces.

"But in this case, I need to be more restrained. In cultivating the branches of the 'World Tree', I only need to ensure that I can join the experimental group, but I don't need to spend too much effort to cultivate them very well!"

Liang Ji has always been very clear that his purpose of joining this experimental group is to use the name and convenience of the experimental group to collect enough and sufficient types of the power of heavenly demons to create stars for himself.

It is enough to ensure that he joins the experimental group. If he exerts too much force in it, it will be disadvantageous for him to be valued by the master monk of the Creation Star Palace who presides over the experiment.

Therefore, after Liang Ji shed a piece of starlight, he stopped temporarily and did not continue to consume the source of stars and the power of the sky demon to create stars. Instead, he prepared to wait for a while before conducting the second starlight cultivation.

This will also allow him to consume less of the source of stars and the power of the sky demon to create stars, saving these powers for other needs.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji's 'Dragon Star Spirit' took another step forward, flew directly out of the 'Experimental Island' deep in the East China Sea, and escaped into the spiritual veins of his natal stars.

You can see a fifth-level void golden eagle's demon pill, which is slowly being digested in the star spiritual veins.

The star spiritual veins are like a galaxy. Large swaths of starlight wash over the demon pellet. Special power washes out from the demon pellet and merges into the star spiritual veins. It turns into more starlight and fills the galaxy, increasing the strength of the star spiritual veins.

There is also the power of the demon soul, which is also washed out by the star spiritual veins and sent into the underworld under the Nine Earths, growing and enriching the foundation and power of the Nine Springs Underworld little by little.

Without the help of 'Innate Qi', Liang Ji's natal star is now digesting the fifth-order Void Golden Eagle's demon elixir at a speed that has returned to normal. It often takes more than hundreds of years for the natal star to digest a fifth-order Void Golden Eagle demon elixir. , which translates into several years in reality.

This time is not long. If it were an ordinary and uneventful year, Liang Ji would have enough patience to spend decades, or even hundreds of years, slowly digesting the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill and slowly increasing his life. Star spiritual veins, thus gradually solidifying the foundation step by step, and rising to the sixth-level star master level.

But now, during the Star Alliance's pioneering war, opportunities are everywhere, but he does not have enough strength to take them.

Liang Ji naturally does not have that much patience and time to slowly digest these fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pills and slowly improve his cultivation and strength.

Especially after trying to speed up the digestion of the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill with the help of 'Innate Qi', Liang Ji naturally became even more impatient and wanted to find more ways to speed up the digestion of the demon pill and improve his cultivation as soon as possible. For and strength.

At this time, he escaped into the star spiritual veins as a 'dragon star spirit', came to the fifth-level void golden eagle demon pill that was slowly being digested, raised his hand and sprinkled a starlight containing eight-color cloud energy, and fell On top of the Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill, try to use the power of creation from the sky demon to speed up the digestion speed of the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill.

Unfortunately, although Liang Ji shed far more eight-color clouds and starlight than he had just cultivated the branches of the 'World Tree', consuming more of the source of the stars, the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pill in the spiritual veins still did not move at all. Signs of accelerated digestion.

Still being brushed and digested by the star spirit pulse, a little bit of the original power was slowly peeled off and flowed out, integrating into the surrounding 'Galaxy'.

Liang Ji frowned helplessly when he saw this.

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