The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 892 Using Destruction to Create Creation Teacher Yuanmu

Under the abundant "Power of Black Sun" and "Power of Blood Sun", a large number of pythons in the river jumped out of the water one after another as if they were stimulated.

However, these pythons that jumped out of the water all fell and died under the black sun and blood sun. However, in the blink of an eye, the river water around the mutated and out-of-control pythons was covered with dense python corpses.

And the mutated and out-of-control python, although still mutating, has gradually stabilized, with no signs of completely losing control or self-destructing.

Seeing this, Liang Ji's heart moved slightly. Starlight filled his eyes, and the star technique of the 'Episode of the Star Spirit' was already activated.

At this time, looking at the large river area, I saw a blood-black gas coming out of the dead pythons and submerging into the mutated and out-of-control giant pythons.

It was precisely under the infusion and nourishment of these blood-black energy that, although the giant python was still mutating, it gradually stabilized its out-of-control trend and was no longer in danger of self-destruction or death.

"Create creation with the accumulation of destruction!" Liang Ji looked at this scene and suddenly remembered what he had seen when he experimented with the 'Power of the Black Sun'.

The 'Power of the Black Sun' contains both the power of destruction and creation, which is to use the death and destruction of a large number of spiritual plants of the same kind to plunder all the vitality and creation in them and support a few, or even one, spiritual plant, thereby realizing a few, Or the huge improvement and mysterious creation of a spiritual plant.

And now it seems that this ninth kind of 'blood sun power' is probably similar to the 'black sun power', containing both the power of destruction and creation.

However, the power of the 'Black Yang Power' mostly acts on vegetation and spiritual plants, while the destruction and creation of the 'Blood Yang Power' acts on animals and monsters.

At this time, the 'experimental group' used the 'power of the black sun' and the 'power of the blood sun' to plunder the vitality and creation of the pythons in the river to feed the mutated and out-of-control giant python, causing the giant python to gradually Stabilized the situation that was out of control.

After a long time, the giant python's out-of-control trend completely disappeared, the mutation on its body had stabilized, and the 'blood sun' and 'black sun' in the air moved away.

The mutated giant python neighed and was about to fall into the river below.

At this time, a starlight fell from the sky, directly binding the mutated giant python. The starlight swept the giant python and flew towards the center of the 'world'.

Liang Ji looked around and could see that there was also a giant tree in the center of this 'world', just like the 'World Tree', supporting the heaven and earth of this world.

There is no doubt that the center of the 'experimental group' is at that giant tree. After this mutated giant python stabilized its out-of-control situation, it was directly captured by the 'experimental group' and used as research material.

After a while, the nine-wheeled celestial demon-created ‘stars’ in the sky fell one after another, and the normal sun rose again from the direction of the mountains to the east.

Obviously, the 'experimental group' has completed an experimental operation.

At this time, many rays of light were seen flying out from the direction of the giant tree in the center of the 'world', flying to various parts of the 'world', such as mountains, rivers, forests, grasslands, herds of animals, etc.

Those escaping lights fell everywhere and began to observe and record the growth and changes of experimental targets in various parts of the 'world' after this 'experimental operation'.

Although, after this 'experimental operation', the experimental team has harvested a mutated and out-of-control giant python, which can be used as excellent research material, but for the observation and research of other experimental targets and materials in the 'world', it is obvious that It is also impossible to relax.

Liang Ji looked at those escaping lights with a thoughtful look on his face.

These monks who escaped from the light are also members of the "experimental group". Most of them are students from the Creation Star Palace and the Taiyi Star Palace. Participating in the experiment will undoubtedly have a great impact on the students of these two star palaces studying creation and the power of blood. It has huge benefits.

Even if these students in the 'experimental group' can only make observations, record experimental target conditions, or do odd jobs, it is still a job that is very popular with students of the two zodiac signs.

"Cao Chanyue obviously already has her own goals, so she is not interested in this 'experimental group'. Otherwise, with her level of cultivation and her status as an assistant teacher in Taiyi Star Palace, she should be able to easily join the 'experimental group' .”

"On the other hand, Ziqiu...she is still in seclusion and reincarnation, breaking through the realm of third-level star master perfection, and has not yet come out of seclusion."

"After she successfully advances to the fourth level Star Master and returns to the battlefield of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', she may be able to apply to try in this 'experimental group'. These experiments of the Sky Demon's power to create stars should be quite useful to her. benefit."

The electric thought in Liang Ji's heart was spinning, and he and the others followed Deputy Leader Su on the 'speeding car' and went straight to the giant tree in the center of the 'world'.

Under the giant tree that supports the world, there are many palaces, pavilions, and gardens, which is the core of the 'experimental group'.

After some contact and communication, Deputy Team Leader Su turned to Liang Ji and others and said: "You are lucky. Instructor Yuanmu, who is in charge of the experiment, is free now and can meet you."

While talking, Deputy Team Leader Su led several people into a garden and saw the 'Instructor Yuanmu' who was in charge of the 'experimental group', a rather young man who was observing a plant in the garden. Saplings.

When Liang Ji saw the tree, he immediately recognized it as a branch of the 'World Tree' that had taken root and started to grow again.

"Teacher Yuanmu." At this time, Deputy Team Leader Su saluted first and said: "These people are the candidates who have passed this assessment."

Instructor Yuanmu, although he looked young, the lowest level he could serve as a mentor was a seventh-level star master. Hearing this, he turned around.

"Not bad!" The other party first nodded to Deputy Team Leader Su, confirming his work, then looked at Liang Ji and others and said, "Take out the potted branches of the 'World Tree' you cultivated and let me have a look."

Liang Ji and others did not dare to neglect, and each took out the potted plants.

Instructor Yuan Mu glanced over them one by one, especially staying for a moment at the four normal potted plants such as Liang Ji.

Then, he pointed at Liang Ji and the four of them and said, "The four of you will stay, and the others will be left to you, Su Yu. Just follow the rules."

As he spoke, he turned to the side and said to Deputy Team Leader Su. Apparently, Deputy Team Leader Su was named Su Yu.

"Yes, mentor." Su Yu agreed immediately, and then left with several others.

Those few people were obviously doubtful and hesitant, but at this time, facing the high-level star master ‘Teacher Yuanmu’, they did not dare to say anything and could only leave with deputy team leader Su Yu.

"It seems that even if you pass the assessment and join the experimental group, your rights and work distribution in the experimental group are different."

Liang Ji couldn't help but think that those people who were taken away by Su Yu could obviously do odd jobs in the "experimental group" and do some observation and recording work.

"You four are pretty good..." At this time, 'Teacher Yuanmu' looked at the four Liang Ji who were left behind, and said: "You can cultivate the branches of the 'World Tree' to life, and have all the mutations under control. It seems that You all have a certain understanding and mastery of the power of the sky demon to create stars."

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