The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 893: First in the Assessment: The Power of Blood Yang

Instructor Yuan Mu looked at Liang Ji and the other four and said, "You four have passed my assessment and can join the real experiment. As for how to do it specifically, I will give you two choices."

"One is that you form a test team yourself, conduct various experiments on the power of heavenly demons to create stars, and report your experimental results to me regularly."

"I recognize your experimental results and will integrate your experimental process and methods into the main experiment. If there are results in the end, merit and rewards will naturally be distributed according to your contribution."

"The second option is for you to join my experimental team and conduct experiments according to my instructions. However, if the experiment yields results, all the credit will be mine."

"But you can get my guidance during the experiment, and I will also allocate wages and benefits to you based on the situation."

"How do you choose?"

Instructor Yuanmu said and looked at a few people.

When Liang Ji heard this, he naturally chose the first option without any hesitation and formed a group by himself.

After the other three hesitated for a while, two of them also chose to form a group alone, and only one chose to join Instructor Yuanmu's team.

"Very good!" Instructor Yuan Mu nodded when he saw this, and did not comment on the choices of several people. He looked directly at Liang Ji and the others and said: "Since the three of you chose to form a group alone, you will find people to form a team yourself, and then submit the list. Give it to Su Yu."

"And your experimental task is to continue to cultivate the potted plants in your hands."

"Send the potted plants to the experimental team every other year to check the progress and submit an experimental report. Once I see that there are no problems, your experiment can continue."

"Do you have any other questions?"

Liang Ji came out of the queue at this time and saluted the other party: "Teacher Yuanmu, when we came just now, we saw nine suns rising together in the sky."

"As far as the students know, in the various life galaxies occupied by the Star Alliance in the 'Celestial Demon Star Field', there are only nine types of stars created by the Celestial Demon, and there is no blood sun among them."

"I wonder if students can know where the ninth blood-yang power comes from?"

Hearing Liang Ji's inquiry, the other three people who passed the examination also showed interest and looked at Instructor Yuanmu.

Upon hearing this, Instructor Yuan Mu looked at Liang Ji and nodded, saying, "Your name is Liang Ji, are you a student of Kunlun Star Palace?"

"Yes." Liang Ji nodded and said with another salute: "Liang Ji from Kunlun Star Palace has met Master Yuanmu."

Instructor Yuanmu nodded and shook his head, saying: "I have seen the branches of the 'World Tree' that you cultivated. They were very well cultivated, and traces of the power of the eight heavenly demons to create stars can be found in them."

"It can be seen that you have a deep understanding and mastery of the power of the eight heavenly demons to create stars, and you can use them in conjunction with the cultivation of branches of the 'World Tree' to not only cultivate them to life, but also avoid mutation and loss of control. This method can be used in It ranks first in this assessment!"

"Your talents are really wasted in Kunlun Star Palace. You should have been admitted to our Creation Star Palace."

Liang Ji was slightly shocked when he heard what the other party said. He had already tried his best to stop and not put too much effort into cultivating the branches of the 'World Tree'. However, he did not expect that the other party would still see the mystery at a glance and he was directly ranked first in the assessment. .

At this time, he could only express his thanks and said, "Thank you, Teacher Yuanmu, for the compliment. It is an honor for students to be admitted to Kunlun Star Palace. Students learn and gain a lot from Kunlun Star Palace."

Instructor Yuanmu nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said without further words, "The power of the Blood Sun is the power of the sky demon created stars in a life galaxy that the Star Alliance is currently attacking on the frontline battlefield."

"Although the Star Alliance's pioneering army has not captured the 'Blood Sun Galaxy' yet, there is still no problem for our experimental team to send people to the battlefield to collect some of the 'Power of the Blood Sun'."

"The attacking galaxy!" Liang Ji felt a chill in his heart when he heard this. He currently lacks strength and has been avoiding going to the frontline battlefields of the Star Alliance. Naturally, it is even more impossible to go to the attacking 'Blood Sun Galaxy'.

However, his dragon soul has now gathered eight kinds of powers of heavenly demons to create stars. Liang Ji can clearly sense that as long as he gathers all nine kinds, he can usher in a transformation. Now he only needs the last one, "bloody sun". Power'!

He was asked to give up temporarily, but he was somewhat unwilling to do so.

Suddenly, Liang Ji had an idea in his mind. He bowed to Tutor Yuanmu and said, "Teacher Yuanmu, the student has some ideas about experiments on the power of stars created by sky demons, but more types of star power are needed for experiments. "

"I wonder, can students apply for some 'blood-yang power' from the experimental team for experiments?"

He himself cannot go to the frontline battlefield to collect the "Power of the Blood Sun", but he can try to obtain the "Power of the Blood Sun" from the experimental team.

Even, if possible, he would like to obtain the power of all kinds of stars created by the sky demon directly from the experimental team, so that he does not need to go to each galaxy and slowly collect the needed star power by himself.

Hearing Liang Ji's request, Instructor Yuanmu nodded thoughtfully and said: "You are the first in this assessment, I can approve your application."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and waved in the air, and saw a round of 'bloody sun' rising into the sky, then falling quickly and landing on his hand.

"I'll leave these 'bloody Yang powers' to you." Instructor Yuanmu said, sending the 'bloody Yang' in front of Liang Ji, and said: "I hope that the experimental results you send over next year can be Give me some surprises."

"Thank you, Master Yuanmu." Liang Ji immediately bowed and thanked him, stretched out his hand to catch the 'bloody yang', and when it fell on his hand, it turned into a 'round bead', which was filled with a large amount of 'bloody yang power'.

Seeing that Liang Ji had successfully applied for the 'Power of Blood Yang', the other two Star Master cultivators who chose to form a group by themselves also turned around with slight expressions and saluted Master Yuanmu, and also made some requests.

"Okay." However, instructor Yuanmu waved his hand and stopped the two of them from saluting, and said: "That's it for this meeting. You all go and form your own experimental groups to conduct experiments. This For the territory, resources, experimental tools, etc. in the 'Experimental World', you can apply to Su Yu yourself if you want. I will only look at your experimental results after one year."

"If your experimental results do not satisfy me, I will terminate your right to form an experimental team."

With that said, he ignored Liang Ji and the others, turned around and left with the Star Master monk who chose to join his experimental group.

Liang Ji and the other three looked at each other in shock.

At this time, a fat man among the other two people came forward with a smile on his face, saluted Liang Ji and said: "Hello, classmate Liang, my name is Song Zhaoming, a student of Taihao Star Palace. From now on, we are all colleagues working together in the same experimental group, and we should look after each other.”

"It just so happens that my experiment also requires the use of the 'power of blood and yang'. I wonder if classmate Liang can share some of the 'power of blood and yang' with me?"

As the other party spoke, he looked at the ball in Liang Ji's hand that was filled with the power of blood and Yang.

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