The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 895 ‘Dragon Ball’ Creation and the Basis of Integrating the Star Palace Inheritance

The dragon soul condensed into an illusory dragon ball, which seemed to undergo a transformation. The dragon ball turned into a nine-color sun shining on the natal stars. Liang Ji's entire star seemed to have undergone a second violent transformation and growth.

The last time such a dramatic transformation and growth occurred was when his natal stars had just been formed and his family had just been born.

Even the bloodline of the dependents on the natal star seems to have undergone a second mutation and improvement.

Liang Ji's soul is sitting cross-legged on the natal magic weapon 'The Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth', sensing the transformation of the entire stars. He can feel that the natal tower under him is also transforming and improving. If it were not restricted by the stars, etc. level, I am afraid it has been directly upgraded and transformed into a sixth-level Taoist weapon.

However, although now, the natal magic weapon has not been promoted to the Taoist weapon, the power of transformation and improvement is also accumulated and contained in the Xuanhuang Pagoda. When Liang Ji's natal star advances to the sixth level later, the natal pagoda will accumulate The foundation, strength, etc. will naturally burst out, rapidly improving the level, quality, power, etc. of the entire pagoda in the level of Taoist tools.

At the same time, Liang Ji could also clearly sense that with the transformation of his natal stars and dependents, a large amount of transformed and improved starlight power poured into his body, strengthening his Nascent Soul and transforming his body and mana. , enhancing his 'Star Guardian' star technique.

He can feel that as long as he continues to transform and improve like this, I believe that it won't be long before he can directly summon the 'Star Projection' using the 'Star Guardian' star technique without the help of the 'Dragon Star Spirit', and upgrade his protective power to that of a high-level Star Master. level.

However, this kind of transformation and improvement did not last long, and soon the 'star' shining with nine-color light in the sky began to dim, just like the 'nine-color sun' was about to go out.


The dragon soul raised its head and roared, immediately recalling the dying 'nine-color sun' and re-manifesting the body of the illusory 'Dragon Pearl'.

However, the 'Dragon Ball' at this time seemed even more illusory, and the nine-color light was dimmed to the extreme, almost disappearing from the 'Dragon Ball'.

Liang Ji shook his head when he saw this. Obviously, the condensation of the illusory 'Dragon Pearl' cannot solve the problem once and for all. The illusory 'Dragon Pearl' itself has not been able to master the power of creation. It still needs to collect a large amount of the power of the nine-color stars to use the illusory 'Dragon Pearl' Only by transforming the Dragon Ball can it become the power of creation belonging to the Dragon Ball.

"And..." Liang Ji sensed the origin of the natal stars again. In the moment of creation and transformation, the origin of the natal stars was also consumed hugely, almost reaching the warning line.

"Sure enough, the growth and transformation of the natal stars and the dependents still need to consume the creation power of the 'Dragon Ball' and the original power of the natal stars at the same time."

"The last thing is..." Liang Ji's heart moved slightly. He took back the dragon soul of the 'Dragon Pearl' and threw it down with a dragon roar. He entered the source of the stars and merged with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', and transformed into the 'Dragon Star Spirit' again.

Then, the 'Dragon Star Spirit' stepped into the star spiritual veins, and once again came to the fifth-level void golden eagle demon pill that was being digested and transformed in the spiritual veins.

The 'Dragon Star Spirit' directly sacrificed the illusory 'Dragon Pearl', stimulating the little remaining power of creation and the original power of the natal stars to fall on the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pill.

Sure enough, the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pill remained unmoved, showing no intention of accelerating digestion and transforming the power of the spiritual veins.

"The illusory 'Dragon Ball' condensed by the power of Nine Suns is indeed difficult to speed up the digestion of the natal star demon pill."

"I'm afraid we have to gather at least the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons to create stars, so that this illusory 'Dragon Ball' can be further improved and transformed."

Liang Ji had a clear understanding in his heart.

Afterwards, he quickly dispersed the combination of the dragon soul and the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei'. After all, both the power of the illusory 'Dragon Ball' and the power of the source of the stars have been consumed close to the warning line, but they cannot just maintain it. The state of the dragon, human and star spirit is a waste of the original power of the stars.

The dragon soul flew back to the stars and continued to cultivate around the natal stars, while Liang Ji's soul returned to its original form.

"Now, the power of the Nine Suns has gathered, and the Dragon Ball has initially been formed. I have finally begun to understand and master the power of creation of the Sky Demon!"

"Next, we need to collect more power of Nine Suns to fill the illusory 'Dragon Ball'."

"In this way, although it cannot speed up the digestion of the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pill or speed up the improvement of the natal stars, it can at least quickly digest and make up for the previously missing fifth-level spiritual roots and spiritual seeds."

"In this way, if we can encounter a few more opportunities like 'Innate Qi' in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', we might be able to complete the training of the fifth-level star master in a short time and advance to the sixth-level star master!"

Liang Ji quickly made plans for his next practice and path based on his test and understanding of the illusory 'Dragon Ball' in his natal star.

"Furthermore, the power of the Nine Yangs gathered together to form the illusory 'Dragon Pearl'. I am also certain that the power of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' can indeed make my natal star integrate the inheritance of different star palaces."

"My previous perceptions and inferences are completely correct. The illusory 'Dragon Ball' with the power of the Nine Suns can completely allow me to integrate the different inheritances of the two star palaces; if I gather the power of the Eighteen Suns, the illusory 'Dragon Ball' can be promoted and transformed again." After that, there should be no problem at all in integrating the three star palace inheritances.”

"It seems that the issue of how to take the postgraduate entrance examination and obtain the inheritance of other star palaces also needs to be considered."

Liang Ji had already made a decision on which three star palace inheritances to integrate, and chose the 'Bang of Gods', 'The Melting Pot of Ten Thousand Arts' and the 'Bloodline Atlas'. These three inheritances were the most suitable for the development path of his natal stars and his family.

If one can integrate these three star palace inheritances and break through to the seventh-level star lord, he will surely become a top-notch existence among high-level star lords.

It's just that if you want to pass the postgraduate entrance examination requirements of the Wanxiang Star Palace and the Taiyi Star Palace, it is not easy to obtain the inheritance of the two star palaces.

He is now not far away from graduating from Kunlun Star Palace, and he can also inquire about the postgraduate entrance examination.

Liang Ji's mind turned around and he quickly gathered his thoughts.

These are things for the future. The most important thing now is to collect the power of Nine Suns and restore the power of creation of the 'Dragon Ball'.

"It's just that the power of Qingyang, Ziyang and other sky demons to create stars is not bad. With the permission of the experimental team, they can go to various galaxies occupied by the Covenant to collect them."

"But how to collect the power of the Blood Sun that is still on the frontline battlefield?"

"Do I need to apply for transfer from the experimental team again?"

Liang Ji shook his head. He had just obtained a lot of 'Blood Yang Power' from instructor Yuan Mu. If he didn't take advantage of it, it would be impossible to apply for more 'Blood Yang Power' from the experimental team. .

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