The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 896 Bounty for ‘Power of the Blood Sun’ Urgently Needed Spiritual Stones

"The power of blood sun!"

Liang Ji thought in his heart, logging into the frontline "Star Network" to check the intelligence and information of the frontline battle. If the Star Alliance pioneering army had captured the "Blood Sun Galaxy", then even if this galaxy was too close to the frontline battlefield , he is also willing to take a little risk to collect enough blood-yang power. ’

It's a pity that he didn't see the news of taking over the new galaxy in the frontline 'Star Network'. Apparently, the pioneering legions of the Star Alliance are still fighting and tug-of-war with the Void Demon Clan and the Star Monster in the 'Blood Sun Galaxy'. Capture the 'Blood Sun Galaxy'.

The frontline ‘Star Network’ can be said to be the fastest and most timely place among the Star Alliance for updating frontline news. Since there is no news on the frontline ‘Star Network’, there is no doubt that it really hasn’t been won yet.

“Would you like to take a little risk and go to the frontline battlefield to collect some ‘blood sun power’?”

"Although the Star Alliance's pioneering legion has not yet captured the 'Power of the Blood Sun', judging from the words of Instructor Yuanmu who was in the experimental group, it seems that the Star Alliance's pioneering legion has an advantage in the 'Blood Sun Galaxy'!"

“Maybe it’s not too dangerous to go collect the ‘Power of Blood Yang’?”

Liang Ji felt a little hesitant and wavered in his heart.


At this time, the dragon soul wrapped around the natal star raised its head and let out a dragon roar, which resounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The hesitation and wavering in Liang Ji's heart immediately disappeared.

"Forget it!"

"Now that I have condensed into an illusory 'Dragon Ball', the path to a high-level star master is clear and the future is promising. There is absolutely no need to take risks at this time!"

"Even if I only need to advance to the sixth level of Star Master, and use the power of the illusory 'Dragon Ball' to integrate the two star palace inheritances first, I will be able to dominate the middle level, and even compete with the high-level Void Monster Clan. , it will be much safer to go to the frontline battlefield by then!"

Liang Ji's heart became firm again.

"As for the power of the Blood Yang..." He turned his eyes and browsed on the frontline 'Star Network', and then clicked on the transaction module.

Among them are the star palaces, groups, forces, etc. that are on the frontline battlefields in the Star Alliance and occupy the "life galaxy" in the "Sky Demon Star Territory", where various frontline resources are traded.

"Perhaps, you can try to offer a reward and buy something here!"

Liang Ji's thoughts were swirling in his mind, and he gradually came up with some ideas.

"Also, even if I can't get it here, I can still try to offer rewards and buy it in the team of Kunlun Star Palace!"

"Also, Senior Bian Yujiao has organized a team on the frontline battlefield. I wonder if she is in the 'Blood Sun Galaxy'. Can I purchase this 'Power of Blood Sun' through Senior Bian?"

After changing his mind, Liang Ji's thoughts suddenly became active, and he thought of many methods and ways to obtain the "power of blood and yang".

"In this case, at most it will only cost more spiritual stones and meritorious deeds."

"They're all just stupid things. Use them and come back!"

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind, but when he saw the balance of his account, his heroic mood suddenly dissipated.

Previously, in order to purchase those precious and rare fifth-level spiritual seeds and fifth-level spiritual roots through the trade route of the 'Sky Serpent Academy', he almost exhausted all the spiritual stones in his hand, and even the capital flow of the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' Almost broke.

Not long ago, in order to condense the illusory 'Dragon Pearl', he spent all the merits he had accumulated before. Even if it was not enough, he also borrowed a batch of merits from the Kunlun Star Palace. Apply for enough three kinds of light rain from the sun, moon and stars to help the illusory 'Dragon Ball' condense.

As of now, his account has a negative number of merits, and he still owes a large amount of loans from Kunlun Star Palace.

There is some surplus of spiritual stones. During this period, the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' has slowly recovered by selling 'wild treasures' and buying and selling between the front line and the rear based on the 'Green Wing Galaxy'. , accumulated.

However, the number of these spiritual stones is also limited, and it is definitely not enough to use it to offer rewards and purchase the ‘Power of the Blood Sun’ on the frontline battlefield.

What's more, he also owes a large amount of spiritual stone loans in Kunlun Star Palace.

He is now nearly halfway through his training as a fifth-level star master. He is not far away from graduating from Kunlun Star Palace. He has even begun to consider taking the postgraduate entrance examination. He also needs to consider repaying the spiritual stones he has owed from loans in Kunlun Star Palace over the years. Problem.

"These spiritual stones are simply not enough!"

Liang Ji looked at the account balance and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Is there any way to obtain a large number of spiritual stones or even meritorious deeds in a short period of time?"

"Not to mention repaying the loan from Star Palace, I just want to offer a reward and have someone help me collect the 'Power of the Blood Sun' on the frontline battlefield. I also need more spiritual stones and meritorious deeds..."

Liang Ji's thoughts were spinning in his mind, taking stock of the assets in his hands that could be liquidated.

"The 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' has just embarked on the right path. Through the status and resources of the 'Green Wing Galaxy', it has successfully opened up business routes and connections among the upper and lower levels of the Star Alliance. At that time, it wanted to make money in a short time. A large number of spiritual stones and meritorious deeds are impossible."

"The family, including the Wang family and the Peng family, have basically used all the wealth they have accumulated over the years to form the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce'. It is impossible to use more spiritual stones and meritorious deeds." !”

"So, if you want to obtain a large number of spiritual stones and meritorious deeds in a short period of time, can you only sell stars?"

Liang Ji thought of the few stars of life that he and the 'Dragon Snake' team had mastered.

"If the 'Dragon Wing Star' of the Green Wing Galaxy is sold, it will definitely fetch a big price!"

Although the 'Dragon Wing Star' is not of a high level, its meaning is different. Whoever wins this star means occupying a place in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' and can enter the frontline 'Star Network' to obtain the latest information. , the most complete frontline battlefield information, and transactions with all parties on the frontline battlefield. The benefits can be imagined.

The main reason why the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' was able to recover so quickly and even accumulate a batch of spirit stones was the Dragon Wing Star of the 'Green Wing Galaxy'.

Therefore, if he really intends to sell the 'Dragon Wing Star', there will definitely be people and big forces willing to pay a sky-high price to buy it.

But Liang Ji would naturally not be so short-sighted and sell this 'treasure pot'.

"Except for the Dragon Wing Star, I'm afraid only the Tu Yuan Star can be sold for a big price!"

"Junior Liu Xu is very interested in Tu Yuan Xing. If we sell it to him, we should be able to sell it for a big price."

Liang Ji also believed that with Liu Xu's family and background, he would definitely be able to come up with enough spiritual stones and merit to purchase it.

However, these life stars are extremely important and fundamental resources for him, the Dragon Snake team, and even the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce. To sell such life stars, Liang Ji really Somewhat reluctant.

"But besides the life stars, what else can I have in exchange for a large amount of spiritual stones and meritorious deeds?"

Liang Ji's heart was filled with electric thoughts, and suddenly a flash of lightning flashed:

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something you can try in exchange for a large amount of spiritual stones and meritorious deeds!"

"Perhaps I can sell the quota for the experimental group and give it a try!"

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