The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 900 Unblocking the Blockade and Prince Qiu’s Return

"Trust natural selection!"

Liang Ji looked at the mature and prosperous mutant family members and beast-shaped family members in the 'subcontinent', and he had a clear understanding in his heart.

For their star master monks, perhaps the best experimental method is to put experimental materials into the natal stars, and then let these experimental materials develop naturally and select naturally in the stars as time goes by, in order to achieve the best results. the result of.

If the Star Lord cultivator intervened forcefully, it would not be the best choice.

"That being the case, there is no need to continue to block this new subcontinent!"

"It should be released to allow the Familia from the main continent to come into contact with the mutant Familia and beast-shaped Familia from these sub-continents."

"Let them compete with each other and let them follow natural selection to collide, to survive and to merge!"

"The final winner and the final direction of development will be the family and development most suitable for the natal stars."

Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind, and then without hesitation, his soul reached out and made a move towards the sky.


The dragon soul entwined on the natal star raised its head and roared, swallowing the nine-color 'Dragon Pearl' hanging in the void of stars back into the dragon body.

Afterwards, the dragon soul flew down from the sky, went straight into the source of the stars and merged with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' therein, turning into the 'Dragon Star Spirit'.

At the same time, his soul returned to the original sea of ​​consciousness and merged with Yuanying, turning into a 'half-step Yuanshen'.

The 'Dragon Star Spirit' merged with the 'Half-Step Soul', and transformed into the 'Dragon Soul', entering the natal stars and arriving in the sky of the subcontinent deep in the East China Sea.

But I saw him standing in the sky, reaching out to touch the 'subcontinent' below. There were divine lights emerging in the subcontinent, and the figures of the earthly monsters were protecting the mountains, rivers, plains, and even the mutant and beast-shaped dependents of the subcontinent. In the city.

Over the years, Liang Ji's natal stars have been improved and transformed, and the origin of the stars has greatly increased. Naturally, Liang Ji has not relaxed the deity's seal on the 'God List'.

Whenever there is room for the origin of the stars, the ghosts, gods and earth will be consecrated, and the origin of the stars and the laws of heaven and earth will be mastered and sorted out.

And this subcontinent that grew up in the transformation of stars has naturally been granted many times by him. Among them, the land lord is no longer the person in charge of the experiment at the beginning, but has decrees all over the land, mountains, rivers, and cities.

At this time, with the help of the divine light of these terrestrial beings, and with the power of the Emperor of Heaven controlled and operated by Liang Ji's 'Dragon Soul', various natural disasters such as thunder, storms, whirlpools, and undercurrents surrounded the subcontinent. All the images are dissipated and smoothed away.

The thunder subsided, the storm dissipated, the whirlpool in the sea subsided, and the undercurrent changed its course and left.

In just a few moments, the sea around the subcontinent became calm and safe for navigation.


hold head high……

On the subcontinent, there were roars and roars, and the next moment there were beast-shaped dependents like pterosaurs soaring into the sky, flying higher into the sky and farther into the sea; similarly, there were beast-shaped dependents like big fish, coming from around the subcontinent. The shallow sea rushed out and rushed into the depths of the surrounding sea, chasing and preying on more and stronger sea beasts.

In the past, on this experimental island and subcontinent, the sky was shrouded by thunder storms, and the sea area was blocked by whirlpools and undercurrents. Even the beast-shaped Familia transformed by the Wind Familia could not rush through the natural disasters of those thunder storms and reach higher into the sky; even The beast-shaped Familia transformed by the Chikis Familia are also unable to break out of the offshore waters around the island and subcontinent, and rush into the depths of the surrounding seas.

These beast-shaped families have been suppressed on the islands and subcontinent for a long time.

Now, Liang Ji has erased these natural disasters and blockades, and released the blockade on islands and subcontinents. These beast-shaped family members were the first to sense the difference, and rushed in all directions like wild beasts out of their cages.

"Sure enough, although these beast-shaped dependents awaken their spiritual intelligence and wisdom much later, they are therefore more powerful in terms of their animalistic spiritual awareness and instincts."

"I just broke up the blockade, and these beast-shaped Familiars sensed and noticed it, and they reacted much faster than those mutated Familiars."

"Moreover, it seems that these beast-shaped dependents are more suitable to be raised in a vast world and a larger space, rather than being blocked and trapped on an island or a subcontinent."

"Perhaps, relaxing the blockade on the 'Subcontinent' this time will be the best for the development of these beast-shaped dependents."

"Of course, they first need to be able to survive the competition with the families on the main continent..."

Liang Ji's mind was spinning with thoughts. Ever since he realized 'natural selection', he would naturally not interfere in the battles between the Familia, the mutant Familia, and the beast-shaped Familia at will. He would only choose to watch from the sidelines and watch their fate in the stars. Fight and develop, let the stars of your destiny and the nature of heaven and earth choose the most suitable development path for your family.

"Let these three collide and integrate to develop the strongest and most suitable path for the clan, and then under the influence of the 'Dragon Ball', learn and master the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Atlas' of the Taiyi Star Palace. This is the best path for my clan." The road to strength..."

He did not stay in his natal star for a long time, and the natural disasters and blockades around the subcontinent that had just been calmed down and dispersed had already consumed a lot of the source of his natal star. Maintaining the 'Dragon Soul' for a moment longer would be a huge consumption of the source of the star.

But now, Liang Ji uses the power of the nine-color stars created by the 'Dragon Pearl' to illuminate his natal stars and promote the improvement and transformation of the stars. This not only consumes the power of the nine suns, but also consumes a lot of the origin of the stars.

Because of this, even though there was a sufficient supply of the 'Power of Nine Suns', Liang Ji still spent nearly three years to complete the transformation of his natal stars, which allowed the digestion and growth of the spiritual roots and spiritual seeds in the stars to speed up. The increase in the strength of the upper spiritual veins.

This speed is much slower than the digestion speed of the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill under the original 'Innate Qi'.

The main reason is that the consumption and recovery speed of the origin in the natal stars cannot keep up.

Even now, the origin of his natal star has been maintained near the warning line for a long time.

If the 'Dragon Soul' is maintained for too long and consumes too much star source, it may fall below the warning line and trigger a backlash from the stars.

Therefore, after the blockade on the subcontinent was released, Liang Ji released the state of 'Dragon Soul', the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' returned to the origin of the stars, the dragon soul returned to the stars, and the soul and soul also returned The body is in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the Green Wing Galaxy, in the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji's soul and Nascent Soul returned to their original bodies and came out of the retreat cabin.

Immediately he felt a slight vibration in the 'Star Book', and he raised the 'Star Book', but there were dozens of messages sent to him during his retreat.

Liang Ji read them one by one, including information about the 'experimental team', messages from some friends and seniors, and internal information from the 'Dragon Snake' team.

However, one piece of information caught his attention: "Wang Ziqiu has successfully completed the third-level reincarnation practice. Now he has advanced to the fourth-level Star Master and returned to the Green Wing Galaxy!"

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