The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 901 Class Reunion ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’ Star Map

Green Wing Galaxy, Dragon Wing Star!

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Cao Chanyue, Zhang Liangpu and other people who were admitted to the Star Palace in the same year finally got together for several years.

The six people who took the college entrance examination together and successfully passed the exams in various star palaces gathered together in the Qingyi Galaxy.

It just so happened that Wang Ziqiu also successfully completed the third level of reincarnation practice and returned to the fourth level of Star Master.

There are also many classmates, elders, teachers, etc. who were in Xiu She City, and now they are also gathered here in Qingyi Galaxy. After so many years, it is rare for so many people to gather in one place.

Liang Ji simply gathered everyone and held a grand party directly on the 'Dragon Wing Star' occupied by his team to reminisce about the past.

Now, decades have passed, and the classmates who were in the same city and went through trials and assessments together have embarked on different paths and achieved different achievements because they were admitted to different star palaces, schools, schools, etc. .

For example, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Zhang Liangpu and other people who were admitted to the Star Palace are now basically fifth-level star masters, catching up with or even surpassing their predecessors such as the original teacher.

The Star Master classmates who have been admitted to various star domain schools are now basically around the fourth-level Star Master level. Although they are far less than Shang Liang Ji and others, they are still at the mid-level Star Master level.

They graduated from various star domain academies and majored in Tier 4 stars. Whether they join the Star Alliance's army or serve in various star domain and galaxy governments, they can obtain a certain degree of reuse.

His cultivation and status have basically reached the level of his former teachers and seniors.

As for the Star Lord students who were only admitted to the academy in the end, most of them are still low-level Star Lord monks, and few can break through to the mid-level Star Lord. Basically, he can only hold some positions within the stars and in various cities, working hard to find opportunities to break through to the mid-level star masters.

However, there is a life and death difficulty for third-level star masters to break through to fourth-level star masters, which is the reincarnation of the souls of star master monks in their natal stars.

These star master monks who are admitted to the academy often have insufficient knowledge, insufficient cultivation, and even insufficient grasp of their natal stars and dependents. If they are forced to practice soul reincarnation, they will often get into trouble and fall into their natal stars.

Not only is it difficult to advance to the level of third-level star master and reach the level of fourth-level star master, it may even lead to the direct death of the star master.

The painful experiences and bloody lessons have made many third-level star masters afraid to practice reincarnation at all. They have been trapped in the third-level star masters, making it difficult to break through and advance to intermediate star masters.

This is also the main reason why most of these Star Lord monks who have been admitted to the academy are still stuck in the third-level Star Lord after decades.

To break through from a low-level star master to an intermediate star master, demon pills, spiritual stones, and resources are not enough.

At this party, Liang Ji met many past friends and acquaintances, such as Fang Xiaohan and his cousin Hu Dayong.

Fang Xiaohan performed well in the college entrance examination and was successfully admitted to the Penglai Academy, and is now a fourth-level star master. However, his cousin, who had been competing with him at the beginning, did not perform well in the college entrance examination and was only admitted to the Tian Serpent Academy. He is still there today. He is just trapped in the third-level star master, and he does not dare to practice reincarnation and break through to the middle level.

The performance of the two people in this gathering now is completely different from their performance in the trial field.

Fang Xiaohan's face became a little more energetic, while Hu Dayong, who was tit for tat with him at the beginning, looked much more decadent, silently following Fang Xiaohan like a follower.

Not only these two people, Liang Ji's eyes swept across many students participating in the party, and there were many similar situations.

"Sure enough, the college entrance examination is the dividing line in many people's lives."

"We were all high-spirited young people at the beginning. They were admitted to different schools, palaces, and even star palaces in the college entrance examination. Since then, they have embarked on different lives and different walks of life."

"Now we're just getting together after decades, it's not like a teenage outing!"

Liang Ji felt a little emotional in his heart. He saw Fang Xiaohan hesitating not far away holding a wine glass. He looked here from time to time, as if he wanted to come up and say hello but hesitated.

His demeanor and performance are somewhat similar to those of Hu Dayong behind him.

Different destinations after the college entrance examination divide everyone into different classes.

Those who have been admitted to the academy and successfully advanced to the intermediate star master stage will hold their heads high in front of the classmates who have been admitted to the academy and have been wasting their time in the low-level star master stage.

But when facing Liang Ji, Peng Yue and other six students who were admitted to the Star Palace, they would naturally feel that they were a head lower than them and did not even dare to come up and say hello.

Liang Ji sighed in his heart, knowing that this gathering would probably be everyone's last gathering.

It is estimated that there will no longer be such a comprehensive class reunion in the future, but only separate gatherings of different classes.

Although he was sighing in his heart, Liang Ji didn't show it on his face. Instead, he took the initiative to say hello to Fang Xiaohan and other familiar classmates.

Fang Xiaohan and others also responded with surprise on their faces, laughing and talking about the past, but it was difficult to find more topics.

On Longyi Star, a class reunion that had been held for decades was going on in a lively and alienating manner, and in the end the guests and hosts parted happily.

After the banquet, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Yun Lai, Zhang Liangpu, Cao Chanyue, and Lan Yingying had a private gathering to exchange information and exchange their harvests and news in the 'Tian Yao Galaxy'.

Sure enough, students who are still in the same star palace class can communicate and gain more.

Zhang Liangpu and Yunlai asked for the last two places in Liang Ji's "experimental team". Liang Ji not only gained a lot of spiritual stones and meritorious deeds from them, but also got a lot of frontline news.

Yunlai, in particular, actually has a star map of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' in his hand. Although it is not complete, it already covers the galaxy, star distribution, etc. in most of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

However, what Liang Ji is more concerned about is the annotations in the "Star Map" for the stars and galaxies created by the Sky Demon in the "Celestial Demon Star Territory".

In this 'star map', not only the various 'Celestial Demon-created stars' galaxies occupied by the Star Alliance are marked, but also more than ten 'Celestial Demon-created stars' deep inside the Sky Demon star field that are not yet occupied by the Covenant Alliance are marked. 'galaxy.

In it, Liang Ji saw the power of various heavenly demons to create stars other than the Nine Suns, such as yellow sun, brown sun, brown sun, gray sun, etc.

Liang Ji couldn't help but look at Yun Lai and asked, "Where did this 'star map' come from?"

"Of course it was drawn by the Star Alliance intelligence department who went deep into the Sky Demon Star Territory to explore the interior." Yun Lai said with a smile: "You probably don't know yet, but most of the Star Master monks from our Yun family have always served in the Star Alliance intelligence department. "

"I interned in the Star Alliance Intelligence Department when I was a fourth-level star master. Now I have advanced to a fifth-level star master. I have passed the assessment of the Star Alliance intelligence department and officially joined the intelligence department as a captain."

"This time, before the Star Alliance attacked the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', our intelligence department sent many teams to sneak into the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' to explore various information and create a 'star map'."

"My team is one of them too!"

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