The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 905: Instructor Yuanmu summons the world testing experiment

"Team leader."

Just as he was talking, another researcher in his experimental group, Jin Xuemei, also rushed over, saluted him and said:

"Teacher Yuanmu knows that you are coming, please come over."

"Okay." Liang Ji immediately agreed upon hearing this, turned to Junior Zhang and ordered: "Put away the potted plants I sent this time, and adjust the 'nine-color stars' in the sky according to my requirements."

As he spoke, he sent the new modulation scheme of the "Nine Color Stars" to the other party's "Star Directory" through the "Star Directory".

"Okay, team leader!" Junior Zhang agreed immediately and said, "I'll finish it right away."

Liang Ji arranged the work of the 'experimental group', turned to Senior Jin, and said with a smile: "Senior, let's go."

With that said, the two of them walked towards the center of the experimental building. The experimental area led by Instructor Yuanmu was in the middle and central area of ​​the experimental building.

On the way, Liang Ji and Jin Xuemei chatted casually, asking each other whether they were adaptable to studying and working here, and how they were studying with instructor Yuan Mu.

Jin Xuemei responded with a smile all the time, and thanked Liang Ji many times for letting her join the 'experimental group', so that she could have the opportunity to come into contact with Instructor Yuan Mu's 'experimental group', receive guidance from Instructor Yuan Mu, etc.

It can be seen that the other party is indeed a person who is good at handling relationships and is a pleasant person to talk to.

However, according to Liang Ji's estimation, the reason why the other party was able to get the guidance of Instructor Yuanmu was probably more because her surname was Jin, which was the same as Instructor Jin.

When we arrived at the core area on the middle floor of the experimental building, Instructor Yuanmu was already waiting here.

He and several members of the experimental team, including deputy team leader Su Yu, were standing in front of a 'sand table' and looking at the situation in the 'sand table'.

Liang Ji stepped forward and glanced at the 'sand table', and could see that there was a 'world' in it, which was exactly the same as the 'experimental world' where the experimental group was located.

At this time, following the order from Instructor Yuan Mu, the members of the experimental team around the 'sand table' either controlled the 'sand table' or threw 'balls' containing the power of stars created by different heavenly demons into the 'sand table' , or use astrology to cast starlight on the 'sand table'.

It can be seen that the entire 'sand table world' is undergoing drastic changes as everyone operates.

The stars in the sky were changing rapidly as if they were being controlled. The oscillating sun set in a blink of an eye, and ten types of stars, either blazing or dim, appeared in the sky, illuminating ten different intensities of the creation of the celestial demons in the 'sand table world'. Stellar power.

In the entire 'sand table world', what can be seen with the naked eye is the rapid growth and change of spiritual plants, spiritual beasts, etc., and even the rapid growth and evolution of spiritual seeds and spiritual roots.

In the center of the 'sand table world', there is a towering giant tree. At this time, it is also slightly swaying under the power of these ten different intensities of the heavenly demon's creation stars, but there is no sign of accelerating growth.

Seeing this, Instructor Yuanmu shook his head and ordered: "The experimental test is over. The first team will record the changes in the 'experimental world' and retain the experimental data."

"The second team will record the detailed parameters, blending changes and other data of the ten forces of creation this time, and continue to debug on this basis."


"Yes, mentor!"

Next to the 'sand table' world, two people immediately responded and took action quickly.

The next moment, Liang Ji saw that many figures began to appear in the 'sand table world', flying to various places in the 'sand table world', collecting changes and data everywhere.

This immediately reminded him of the scene he saw when he first came to this 'experimental world' to take the assessment.

Obviously, Instructor Yuanmu and others have just conducted this 'world detection experiment', and the 'sand table' is the key to controlling the entire 'experimental world', and the world in the sand table corresponds to the 'experimental world'.

At this time, the 'World Detection Experiment' ended, and the members of the experimental team began to record the changes and creation effects produced by the ten forces of creation stars shining on the 'Experimental World' throughout the 'Experimental World'.

"However, the experimental team has actually mastered ten kinds of powers of heavenly demons to create stars!"

"It seems that, as Yunlai said, the senior leaders of the Star Alliance attach great importance to this experiment, and even collect more types of the power of the sky demon to create stars from the unexplored and occupied 'Celestial Demon Star Field' area For the experimental group to conduct research and experiments.”

A thought crossed Liang Ji's mind. This was a good thing for him, which meant that he was very hopeful of succeeding in obtaining more types of the power of the heavenly demon to create stars through Yunlai.

"Teacher Yuanmu!"

At this time, seeing the end of Instructor Yuan Mu's experiment, Liang Ji just stepped forward to greet him.

"It's Liang Ji." Instructor Yuan Mu was already quite familiar with Liang Ji at this time. He addressed each other directly by name and nodded: "You came just in time."

"I carefully observed and studied the 'World Tree' branch potted plants cultivated by your experimental team a few days ago, and they feel very good."

"I called you here today because I want to use the power of the 'nine-color stars' you prepared to conduct a 'world detection experiment'."

With that said, he turned to several team members and asked: "Have all the data in the experimental world been recorded?"

"Teacher, it has been recorded."

Someone responded immediately.

"Okay then, reset the 'Experimental World' and prepare a new 'Detection Test'."

Following the order from Instructor Yuan Mu, Liang Ji saw a team member controlling the 'Sand Table World', where it seemed as if time was going back. The many changes, growth, etc. that had previously occurred under the power of the ten stars began to Quickly rewind, reset, and return to its original appearance.

In just a moment, the entire 'experimental world' seemed to have returned to its original state.

Liang Ji looked on in surprise.

Instructor Yuanmu seemed to see his surprise and confusion, and said with a smile: "This is just the application of the power of some high-level star masters, plus the power of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array'."

"You will understand this when you advance to the advanced level of Star Master and come into contact with the deeper power of the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array'."

"Now, let us see the power of the 'nine-color stars' you configured."

Instructor Yuanmu said, taking out a 'ball' and handing it over.

"Yes, Teacher Yuanmu." Liang Ji suppressed the surprise in his heart, took the 'round bead' and sent it into his natal star.

The dragon soul immediately controlled the virtual 'Dragon Ball' and poured the power of the nine-color stars created by the 'Dragon Ball' into the 'round bead'.

After a moment, he took out the 'round bead' filled with the power of nine-color stars, as if a nine-color sun was held in his hand.

Instructor Yuanmu stared closely at the 'Nine-Colored Sun' in his hand. There were phantoms of stars in his eyes. It was obvious that he had activated the Star Technique. While observing the 'Nine-Colored Sun' in Liang Ji's hand, While exclaiming repeatedly: "Perfect!"

"This is the power I want..."

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