The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 906 The support brought by strength gathers the power of stars

After admiring the 'nine-color stars', Instructor Yuanmu nodded and said: "Put this 'nine-color stars' into the 'experimental world'."

Hearing this, Liang Ji threw the 'ball' containing the power of the 'nine-color stars' into the 'sand table' on the side.

The 'round bead' fell into the 'sand table' and immediately turned into a sun shining with the power of nine-color stars hanging high in the sky, shining the power of nine-color stars to every corner of the 'sand table world'.

Correspondingly, in the 'Experimental World' outside the experimental building at this time, there is also a round of 'nine-color stars' hanging in the sky, which uses the power of the nine created stars to illuminate the 'Experimental World' in a unique way. Everywhere.

In the "Experimental World", there are spiritual plants and spiritual beasts that grow rapidly under the light of the nine-color star. The spiritual roots and spiritual seeds planted in the earth rapidly evolve and grow under the light of the nine-color star. .

Even the 'World Tree' standing in the center of the 'Experimental World' is gradually growing and improving under the power of these nine-color stars.

Instructor Yuanmu looked at the 'towering giant tree' standing in the center of the 'sand table world' growing slightly, with an increasingly satisfied smile on his face, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay! Okay!"

"Liang Ji, the combination of the nine powers of the stars that you concocted is indeed the most perfect and suitable choice."

"The experiment of combining the power of ten stars just now was the tenth power of the star that I tried to match based on the power of your 'nine-color stars'."

"It's a pity that it didn't succeed. Instead, it destroyed the original creation of the nine kinds of stellar power. Even the World Tree of the 'Experimental World' is difficult to improve and create, let alone the improvement and creation of the entire 'Experimental World'."

As Teacher Yuanmu said, he continued to observe the changes in the 'Sand Table World', and even stepped forward to personally control the 'Sand Table World' and check the changes in the 'Sand Table World'.

It's just that the power of the 'nine-color stars' that Liang Ji sent into it was exhausted, and the nine-color stars in the sky were extinguished.

Instructor Yuanmu just put down the monitoring and inspection of the 'Sand Table World' and sighed: "It still doesn't work."

"The power of the nine-color stars you deployed has been able to accelerate the growth of various spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, and even the 'World Tree', but it is still difficult to shake the entire 'Experimental World' and cannot accelerate the growth of the 'Experimental World' , advanced.”

He shook his head as he spoke and said: "It seems that there are only nine kinds of stellar power, and the creation contained in them is not enough."

"We need more types of heavenly demons to join in the power of creating stars."

As a high-level star master who specializes in the power of sky demons to create stars, Master Yuan Mu has naturally already seen the problem. He turned to Liang Ji and asked:

"Liang Ji, judging from your experimental experience, on the basis of the power of the 'nine-color stars', you can continue to add more power of the sky demon's creation stars to fuse and prepare better and more suitable ones." Create stars'?"

Liang Ji's heart moved slightly when he heard this, and he nodded and said: "I have found some rules. If I have more types of the power of heavenly demons to create stars, I should be able to try to continue fusion and deployment."

"Okay!" Instructor Yuan Mu nodded, and took out another 'round bead', which was filled with a gray power of the sky demon's creation of stars, which was exactly the tenth power of the sky demon's creation of stars that he had just seen. .

Instructor Yuanmu directly handed over the ‘Gray Sun Orb’ and said: “This is the tenth power of the sky demon to create stars that our experimental team recently applied for from the Star Alliance.”

"In order to reward your experimental team's experimental results, I will reward you with this 'power of the gray sun' for use and research."

"Also, in the future, your experimental group will have limited application rights to apply for the various types of power of heavenly demons to create stars that our experimental group will obtain in the future."

Yuanmu said, turned to Deputy Team Leader Su and said, "Su Yu, please note this down."

"Okay, mentor." Deputy Team Leader Su nodded immediately and said, turning to Liang Ji and saying with a smile: "Congratulations, Classmate Liang. Your experimental group needs a new type of sky demon to create stars, so let Zhao Just contact me as a classmate."

Classmate Zhao was the 'big financial backer' introduced to him by his mentor Jin. He spent a lot of spiritual stones and meritorious deeds to buy a place in his 'experimental group' and was able to join this 'experimental group'. This has happened in the past few years. Specifically responsible for their 'experimental group' and 'experimental group' transactions, applications, etc.

"Thank you, Master Yuanmu!"

Liang Jidang thanked Instructor Yuanmu first, then turned to Deputy Team Leader Su Yu and said with the same salute: "Thank you, Team Leader Su, I will let Junior Zhao contact you."

As he said that, he took the ball containing a large amount of 'power of the gray sun' and put it into his natal star. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"Sure enough, heaven and earth are all united in time. I need more types of the power of heavenly demons to create stars, so Yunlai came to invest. Instructor Yuanmu's experimental team also directly opened the supply for me..."

"No, this probably shouldn't be called 'Heaven and Earth are of the same force', but my strength, the 'Dragon Ball' created by me integrating the power of nine heavenly demons to create stars. I got the help of mentor Yuanmu, Yunlai and others. People’s recognition and attention.”

"That's why they will give me more support and provide me with more types of the power of the sky demon to create stars..."

"After all, it is opportunities and results created by strength!"

Liang Ji became more and more aware.

After bidding farewell to Tutor Yuanmu and others, Liang Ji left the 'Qingyang Galaxy' and returned to the 'Qingyi Galaxy' with the newly harvested 'Power of Gray Sun'.

Liang Ji has completely ignored the fact that the 'Dragon Ball' can only carry the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons to create stars at most.

Although, he definitely cannot fuse the power of all kinds of heavenly demons to create stars, and based on his speculation, it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve the point of creating stars without fusing the power of all kinds of heavenly demons to create stars.

However, he was able to fuse eighteen types, and according to his speculation, he had reached half of the types of stars created by the sky demon.

And it is an absolutely correct half-fusion. Even if it cannot meet the requirements of creating stars, it can at least provide a correct integration direction for Teacher Yuanmu and the Star Alliance.

At that time, on the basis of the creation of the 'Dragon Ball', Master Yuanmu and the senior leaders of the Star Alliance will try to integrate the remaining half of the power of the sky demon creation star into it. It will undoubtedly be much easier and save a lot of time and energy. Even resources etc.

And with this contribution, he can be regarded as worthy of Yunlai's investment and the support of mentor Yuanmu and others.

In short, he should swallow the benefits first and solidify the 'Dragon Ball' before talking.

Time flies by. With the support of Yunlai and Mentor Yuanmu's experimental team, in various galaxies deep in the "Celestial Demon Star Field" that have not yet been developed by the Star Alliance's pioneering army, different types of sky demons are constantly creating stars. Gathering it into his hand, he quickly gathered the remaining nine kinds of stellar power needed.

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