The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 907 ‘Dragon Ball’ Transformation Accelerates the Digestion of Demonic Pills


Above Liang Ji's natal star, the entangled dragon soul raised its head and roared, swallowing up the power of stars created by different types of heavenly demons that fell from the 'star gate' in the sky.

Gray sun, brown sun, brown sun, red sun, yellow sun, etc., the power of the stars created by the heavenly demons was absorbed into the dragon soul, but it was not refined and sent back to the natal stars as before.

After several years of research and experiments, Liang Ji has long understood that the best way to utilize the power of these heavenly demons to create stars is to integrate them into the "Dragon Balls" and turn them into the "Dragon Balls" to create stars. The development of natal stars is most beneficial.

Therefore, after all the power of the stars created by the sky demons was swallowed into the dragon soul, they poured into the illusory 'dragon beads' in the dragon soul.

And as more and more types of the power of heavenly demons and stars are incorporated, the illusory "Dragon Balls" in the dragon soul become more and more solid and real.

Transforming and transforming towards the real 'Dragon Ball'.

hold head high!

The dragon soul raised its head and roared, and Liang Ji's soul had now entered the natal stars again. Hearing the sound of the dragon roar, he immediately activated the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in the origin of the stars, and reached out to make a move towards the sky.

The next moment, a large number of star sources flowed out and poured into the illusory 'Dragon Ball' in the dragon soul.

At the same time, light rain from the sun, moon, and stars falls in the sky, which is also integrated into the illusory 'Dragon Ball'.

The formation and transformation of the 'Dragon Pearl' cannot be accomplished only by the gathering of the power of the heavenly demon's creation stars. It is also inseparable from the origin of his natal stars and the sun in the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array'. The power of moon, stars, light and rain.

At that time, he used the "power of nine suns" to condense the illusory dragon beads, which was a fusion of these three powers and the spirituality contained in the dragon soul.

Nowadays, in order to transform the illusory dragon ball into a real dragon ball with the power of the "Eighteen Suns", it is natural to need more sources of stars and the power of the "Celestial Star Array".

Fortunately, Yunlai and the experimental team supported him for the next nine powers of the sky demon to create stars, so he was not allowed to waste any more spiritual stones, merit rewards, or purchases.

Therefore, the merit earned from selling a few seats in the 'Experimental Group' can still be exchanged for enough sun, moon, stars, light and rain from the 'Sky Star Array'.

"It just consumes too much of the source of the natal star."

While Liang Ji was observing the transformation of the 'Dragon Pearl' in his soul, he was sensing the origin of the natal star.

At this time, more than a dozen projections of the 'Feng Shen Bang' have been fully opened, and they are trying their best to seize the source of the branded stars everywhere, but they feel that they can't keep up with the consumption of the source at this time.


Just when Liang Ji saw that the source of the stars was about to reach the warning line, and was considering whether to pause the transformation of the 'Dragon Ball' and wait for the source to recover before continuing, the dragon soul raised its head again and let out a dragon roar.

This dragon roar was long, high, and full of mysterious charm, as if a real divine dragon had come into the world.

At the same time, the real "Dragon Pearl" that has been completely transformed shines brightly in the dragon soul. The Taoist rhyme and the power of creation in eighteen colors penetrate the dragon soul inside and outside, as if the dragon soul that is still mostly illusory has also transformed and condensed into Real dragon.

Eighteen-color clouds enveloped the real dragon, and the mysterious, mysterious, and noble dragon power was completely condensed, covering all directions.

At this moment, all the family members, spiritual beasts, beasts, insects, etc. in Liang Ji's natal star, all sentient beings, even ghosts, gods, earth spirits, ghosts in the Jiuquan underworld, etc., all saw and felt the darkness above the stars. Real dragon.

All the dependents, spirit beasts, beasts, insects, ghosts, etc. all bowed down to the real dragon and shouted the name of 'Emperor of Heaven'!

At the same time, all the ghosts, gods, and deities also bowed to the real dragon, calling them God Lord or Tao Lord.


The real dragon roared again, opened its mouth and spat out the 'Dragon Ball'.

The 'Dragon Pearl' blooming with the halo of creation of eighteen colors flew into the sky of the natal stars, turned into a big sun, and illuminated the stars with the power of the eighteen colors of stars.

Suddenly, the entire natal star once again experienced improvement and transformation.

Among the stars, spiritual plants, spiritual materials, spiritual beasts, etc. are growing at an accelerated pace, the bloodline, strength, and level of the family members are increasing at an accelerated pace, and the star area, land, oceans, mountains, forests, etc. are all expanding again.

The elemental spiritual veins everywhere are growing again, causing the power of various elements in the stars to continue to increase, and have already reached the level of nurturing elemental spirits.

Just because of the suppression of the ghosts, gods, and earth deities enshrined in the ‘Bang of Conferred Gods’, although the elements in these elemental spiritual veins are powerful and rich in origin, they have never been able to contain elemental spirits.

However, the elemental power of the natal stars continues to increase, which naturally makes the magical means mastered by the various lineages more powerful.

At the same time, the various elemental minerals, spiritual objects, resources, etc. bred in the stars are also richer and of better quality.

The power of the elemental spiritual veins also greatly increases the power of the 'Elemental Wandering Dragon Formation', and enhances the original quality of the natal stars, the power of law operation, etc., which has many benefits.

Similarly, under the illumination of the eighteen-color 'Dragon Ball' creation, a batch of fifth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots that had just been planted in the natal stars began to grow and evolve at an accelerated rate again, and the growth rate was significantly faster than the previous nine-color 'Dragon Ball' creation. The illumination and nourishment of power.

However, Liang Ji's attention at this time is not on the transformation of these stars, the growth of elements, and the accelerated digestion of spiritual roots and spiritual seeds, but on the growth of the spiritual vein intensity of the natal stars and the digestion of the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill. On speed.

After all, for him, the illusory 'Dragon Ball' of the power of Nine Suns can already enhance and transform the natal stars, and accelerate the evolution and growth of fifth-level spiritual roots and spiritual seeds.

Although the real 'Dragon Ball' of the power of the Eighteen Suns can make the stars improve and transform more, it can also make the spiritual roots and spiritual seeds digest and grow faster.

But if he can't speed up the digestion of the demon pill, the strengthening of his natal star's spiritual veins, and the improvement of his natal star's level, then it will undoubtedly be a failure, and many of his schemes and plans will come to nothing.

Liang Ji's soul reached out and made a move, and the 'Star Book' projection appeared in front of him. It listed the data of the natal stars in detail. He paid special attention to the changes in the strength of the spiritual veins and the changes in the Tao Fruit.

Soon, the data on it jumped slightly, and the strength of the star spiritual veins increased from level five (43%) to level five (44%).

"The improvement of the star spiritual veins seems to have really accelerated!"

However, Liang Ji was not sure yet. At this moment, a Void Golden Eagle's demon elixir had been digested, and he immediately took a new demon elixir and sent it into his natal star.


Like a true dragon in essence, it raised its head and swallowed the demon pill, refined it once and then planted it into the natal star.

Then, the real dragon rushed into the natal star and merged with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', turning into a 'Dragon Star Spirit'. He directly came to the natal star's spiritual veins and saw the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon that had just been implanted. Dan.

The 'Dragon Star Spirit' directly sacrificed the 'Dragon Pearl', using the power of creation of the eighteen-color 'Dragon Pearl' and the power of the origin of the stars to wash away the demon pill.

This time, I could clearly see that bits and pieces of demonic elixir power were washed out by the light of creation and the power of the 'Dragon Pearl', just like bits and pieces of starlight blending into the spiritual veins of the surrounding stars.

The digestion speed of the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill has been significantly increased!

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