The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 911: Fifteen Years: Tianyao City Moves Forward


Among Liang Ji's natal stars, a dragon roar rang out, and the dragon soul raised its head and swallowed a 'shooting star' falling from the sky.

At this time, the dragon soul has condensed into substance, surrounded by eighteen-color clouds, and eighteen-color divine light blooms in its body, just like a real dragon.

The 'Meteor' is a fifth-level void golden eagle demon pill that Liang Ji invested. This demon pill was refined by the dragon soul and then planted into the natal star.

The dragon soul then rushed into the natal stars, merged with the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" in the origin of the stars, and turned into the "Dragon Star Spirit".

The 'Dragon Star Spirit' body flashed and entered the star spiritual veins. In the spiritual veins like a galaxy, a void golden eagle demon pill was like a golden giant star, which was slowly washed and digested by the spiritual veins. .

Liang Ji's 'Dragon Star Spirit' came to the golden giant star, raised his hand and offered the 'Dragon Pearl', and the eighteen-color 'Dragon Pearl' light of creation shone on the golden giant star.

Suddenly, as if time was accelerating, the golden and black particles washed out of the golden giant became more numerous and passed faster.

The golden particles merged into the surrounding spiritual veins and galaxies, gradually strengthening the power of the star's spiritual veins.

The black particles sank under the Nine Earths and merged into the Underworld, strengthening the origin and power of the Nine Springs Underworld.

Since receiving the promise from mentor Yuan Mu, Liang Ji has received sufficient support from the source of his natal stars and the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons to create stars.

Liang Ji did not delay any more and returned directly to the 'Green Wing Galaxy'. He basically spent most of the time in seclusion in the 'Dragon Snake' starship, using the power of the 'Dragon Ball' creation and the origin of the natal stars to accelerate the digestion of the fifth-level void by the stars. The Golden Eagle Demonic Pill accelerates the improvement and advancement of the star spiritual veins.

Liang Ji has already gathered the demon elixir of the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle, and there is no shortage of the power of the 'Dragon Pearl' creation and the origin of the stars. The only thing Liang Ji needs to spend time on is the fifth-level spiritual seed, the fifth-level spiritual root, and the fifth-level inheritance. He needs to follow superior.

Fortunately, the creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' cooperates with the origin of the natal stars, and the digestion speed of the Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pill is far less than the original 'Innate Qi'.

The 'Innate Qi' allowed Liang Ji's natal star to complete decades of work in a few months, digest more than a dozen Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pills, and increase the strength of the spiritual veins to more than 40%. Coupled with the lack of preparation at the time, This is why the strength of the star spiritual veins increased significantly later on, but the cultivation of spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, and inheritance failed to keep up.

Now, Liang Ji uses the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' and the power of the stars to speed up the digestion of the Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill, which only increases the digestion speed by about ten times.

Originally, based on the time flow rate in Liang Ji's fifth-level natal star, one day in the outside world was equivalent to one month in the natal star, and one year was equivalent to about thirty years.

As for the natal stars, it would take at least more than a hundred years to completely digest a fifth-level void golden eagle demon pill and transform it into the power of the star's spiritual veins, which is about three to four years in reality.

Liang Ji's natal star still needs to refine more than fifty fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pills to fully upgrade the fifth-level star. According to the original situation, it will take at least more than a hundred years in reality.

Now that the speed has increased tenfold, it will take more than ten years to refine them all and complete the improvement of the fifth-level natal stars.

It will take at least four to five months to implement the refining of each Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pill. During this time, Liang Ji has established business routes and connections through the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce over the years, as well as the Tian Snake Academy. 'The support of the trade route is enough for him to purchase the required fifth-level spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, and even inheritance in time, and send them to the natal stars, where they will be digested and grown together with the demon pills to meet the needs of the natal stars and the promotion of the dependents. .

The only concern is that purchasing these fifth-level spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, and even inheritance requires a lot of spiritual stones and meritorious deeds.

Even with the business routes and connections established by the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce over the years, the operating income is difficult to support.

However, Liang Ji had earned a lot of spiritual stones, meritorious service, and a lot of surplus from selling his place in the 'Experimental Group', which could at least support his cultivation at the fifth-level Star Master stage.

Time passes year by year, and the Star Alliance's pioneering war in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' is in full swing. The little advantage that the Void Demon Clan has seized with the help of the 'Sky Demon's Power' has now been broken by the Star Alliance. The galaxies lost in the tide of power have been recaptured, the defense line established by the Void Monster Tribe has been breached, and the Star Alliance pioneering army once again marched towards the depths of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

Even the "Blood Sun Galaxy" that originally triggered the battle between the eighth-level Void Monster Clan and the "Star Fall" star map treasure has now become the rear of the Star Alliance's territory fifteen years later.

Places such as Qingyi Galaxy and Qingyang Galaxy have become the rear of the battlefield.

Liang Ji was standing on the "Dragon Snake" starship at this time, looking into the void in the distance. He could see a field of shining stars moving from the void, passing through the void not far from the "Green Wing Galaxy", Sea of ​​stars.

When the shining stars came closer, I could see clearly that it was the 'Tian Yao City', and a large number of star ports, starships, etc. surrounding the 'Tian Yao City', shining with starlight, like a galaxy in the void. Move, move forward.

"Fifteen years later, even the 'Celestial Demon City' that was originally outside the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' has now begun to enter the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' and is heading towards the depths of the star domain."

"It seems that the Star Alliance pioneering army has indeed reached the depths of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', and now even the 'Sky Demon City' has begun to move forward."

"It's just that this way, the role of the 'Green Wing Galaxy' in the battlefield will be further weakened."

Liang Ji even suspected that if this continues for another ten years, the 'Green Wing Galaxy' may be taken down from the frontline sequence of the battlefield. By then, they may no longer be able to log in to the frontline 'Star Network'.

"Even at this rate, can I advance to a high-level Star Master before the end of the Star Alliance's war to develop the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but feel worried.

Seeing that the 'Tian Yao City' was surrounded and protected by many star ports and starships, staying in the void in the distance, Liang Ji did not continue to stay and watch, but turned around and entered the 'Dragon Snake' starship. .

"There is only one fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill left. We should seize the time to refine it and complete the fifth-level natal star. We cannot miss this opportunity for the Star Alliance to develop the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'."

"As for the many impacts and business changes caused by the move of 'Tianyao City', the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' will handle it."

"As long as my strength improves quickly enough and I can advance to the sixth level of Star Master as soon as possible, I can go to the frontline battlefield to capture another 'Life Galaxy' as a stronghold and rejoin the frontline 'Star Network'."

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