The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 912 The fifth-level star master is complete

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, a real dragon surrounded by eighteen-colored auspicious clouds soared in the sky, opened its mouth and spit out the "Dragon Ball", like a sun shining in eighteen colors shining in the sky.

Eighteen colors of light of creation fall from the sky, shining on the natal stars. The fifth-level spiritual roots and spiritual seeds planted in the stars accelerate their growth and evolution.

The last fifth-level void golden eagle in the star spiritual vein is also being digested at an accelerated pace and integrated into the spiritual vein and the origin of the underworld.

The entire star is slowly growing, the sky has become higher, the earth has become thicker, and the subcontinent deep in the sea has now grown to half the size of the main continent.

Chaofeng, Chiki, Prisoner Niu, Yasu, Biuan, Suanni, Half-Dragon, etc., all bloodline clans have already established themselves on this continent, and have built cities all over the place.

Since he released the blockade on the 'subcontinent', he has allowed contact with the Familia, the mutant Familia, and the beast-shaped Familia in the natal stars, allowing them to compete on their own, through natural selection and natural selection.

Now, after hundreds of years of natal stars, this natural selection has already taken effect.

Facts have proved that the various clans in the main continent are more adaptable and suitable for the development trend of Liang Ji's natal star. They defeated the mutated clans and the beast-shaped clans in the natural selection. Not only did they retain the sovereignty of the main continent, but also Entered this continent.

Occupy the sub-continent and build cities for various clans.

As for the mutated Familia and the beast-shaped Familia, they were not completely wiped out by the Main Continent Familia. Instead, after they were recovered, they became servants of the Main Continent Familia, cooperating with the Main Continent Familia in fighting, working, practicing, growing, etc.

Liang Ji once carefully observed the 'natural selection' in the natal stars, and observed the process of the three Familia fighting in the natal stars, and gradually became somewhat clear about the reasons why the Mainland Familia won in the end.

On the one hand, it is true that the resources of the main continent are more abundant, and the number of Familias of various lines is greater, far exceeding those of the mutant Familia and beast-shaped Familia in the sub-continent.

On the other hand, the more important reason is the favor of the stars and the world, or should be said to be the favor of the 'Dragon Soul'.

Liang Ji could clearly see that after he used the "Power of Eighteen Suns" to completely solidify the Dragon Pearl, the power of the Eighteen Color Stars shone down, and the ten bloodline families in the main continent shone in the light of creation of the "Dragon Pearl" Under this, the benefits obtained, the improvement of bloodline strength, the increase in body size, etc. are far beyond those of the mutant and beast-shaped Familia in the subcontinent.

It was also under the illumination and nourishment of the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' that the fighting power of the Ten-line Familia in the main continent finally completely surpassed and suppressed the mutated Familia and the beast-shaped Familia, and won the final victory, completely occupying the sub-continent.

Liang Ji understood this after just a slight change of thought.

"The mutated Familia and the Beast-form Familia mutate and achieve the beast form, mostly because of the creation of the 'power of the demon'."

"But my natal star is not a 'Celestial Demon Creation', but a 'Dragon Soul Creation', which means that the bloodlines of all the dependents are all mutated from the Dragon Soul."

"Therefore, the families of various lines in the main continent that are most in line with the 'Dragon Soul Creation' have won the favor of Dragon Soul and the Star World, and achieved the final victory in the natural selection of natural selection."

"The mutated Familia and the beast-shaped Familia are more like foreign invasions that have been integrated with the 'Celestial Demon Creation'. After losing more external support from the 'Celestial Demon Creation', they were naturally overtaken by the orthodox 'Dragon' of the natal stars. Soul Creation' Dragon Vein Familia completely suppressed and captured them."

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind, and he looked at the dependent families in the two continents of his natal star.

The shining light of the 'Dragon Pearl' creation for fifteen years not only resulted in the transformation and growth of the natal stars and the strengthening of the spiritual veins, but also the dragon-veined dependents of the 'Dragon Soul Creation' also enjoyed huge benefits.

Nowadays, although the ten dragon-veined families have not yet reached the level of first-level family members at birth, they can reach more than 90%. Only about 10% of newborns are still at level 0 after birth, but they can often awaken their blood and spiritual wisdom within one or two years. , advance to the first level.

This speed was much faster than Liang Ji originally expected.

According to his original prediction, the natal star must reach at least the sixth level and above. Only when the ratio of awakened bloodline and spiritual intelligence of the family members reaches the first level can it reach more than 90%. Only by reaching the seventh-level high-level star master level can the family members be born. At the first level, there are no zero-level dependents anymore.

But now, Liang Ji looks at the development trend of the Familia. Under the light and nourishment of the 'Dragon Pearl', perhaps he can achieve his goal ahead of schedule at the sixth-level star master stage, so that the Familia will all be first-level from birth.

As for the Familia after advancement, their body shape, bloodline power, elemental power, bloodline magical powers, combat power, etc. have increased several times compared to the original ones.

However, Liang Ji has been focusing on improving his natal star spiritual veins and developing his dependents over the years, but he has not tested the specific combat strength of these transformed dependents.

But based on his previous experience, today's Familia should have the ability to easily fight across levels and kill enemies without having to rely on the blessing of gods' light, spaceships, battle formations, etc. like before.

Of course, in the past fifteen years, under the light and nourishment of the 'Dragon Pearl', it is not only the dependents who have been transformed and improved, but also the ghosts and gods enshrined by Liang Ji, the deities of the underworld, and the ghosts of the underworld. With nourishment, many things are improved.

It can be said that in the past fifteen years, although Liang Ji has been dormant in the "Dragon Snake" starship and has not participated in any battles or performed any missions, the strength of his natal stars and his family has improved far beyond before.

The creation of the 'Dragon Ball' is his biggest and best resource, giving him the greatest improvement. He can only wait for the hidden dragon to come out of the abyss and show his increased strength.

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji's soul carefully experienced the changes and improvements in the natal stars, and the thoughts in his heart were turning, brewing the intention to reach the sky.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something and reached out to wave to the sky.

The next moment, in the sky of the natal stars, the sun, moon and stars all appeared. The light of the sun, moonlight and stars merged and condensed, turning into a kind of "sky dew" shining with dazzling colors, falling from the sky, spilling into the natal stars, quickly restoring the original destiny. The source of star consumption.

It is the ‘three-light dew’ used by high-level star masters to restore the origin of stars.


After the source of the stars was restored, the 'Dragon Pearl' continued to shine for several months. On this day, the 'Dragon Soul' raised its head and roared, swallowing the 'Dragon Pearl' that shone with the light of eighteen colors of stars in the sky.

The natal stars are suddenly rising in the wind and clouds, the grass and trees are growing, the mountains and rivers are singing together, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is bursting forth, showing strong vitality and spirituality.

Liang Ji sensed a sense of saturation and perfection from his natal stars.

His soul returned to his body, and he took out the 'Star Book' to look at it. Sure enough, the data of his natal star spiritual veins had reached level five (100%).

The last fifth-level void golden eagle demon elixir has been completely refined. His natal star has reached the fifth-level perfection. He can accept the assessment mission and graduate from the Kunlun Star Palace. He can take the postgraduate entrance examination to obtain the inheritance of the second star palace and advance to the sixth level. Star Lord!

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