The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 913 Total Loans

"The fifth-level star master has completed his cultivation. There are four main things that need to be done next!"

"The first is to repay the loan, the second is to apply for the Kunlun Star Palace graduation examination, the third is to take the postgraduate entrance examination to obtain the second star palace inheritance, and the last is to advance to the sixth level Star Master!"

Liang Ji made a rough outline of what he would do next.

With the completion of his fifth-level star master cultivation, he has been able to graduate from the Kunlun Star Palace. But before that, he undoubtedly had to repay all the student loans such as spirit stones and meritorious deeds he had applied for from the Star Palace in the past.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Kunlun Star Palace to arrange a graduation assessment for him and allow him to graduate from the Star Palace.

"Now, how many spiritual stones and merits do I still owe Kunlun Star Palace?"

Liang Ji used the 'Star Mirror', and after going through several star network connections, he logged into the star network of Kunlun Star Palace and checked his several loans and arrears.

"Before entering the Star Palace, in order to satisfy the instructor's requirements and complete the training of the first-level Star Master as soon as possible, I took out a loan for the first time."

"Later, in the second-level Star Lord stage, counting the new students in the Kunlun Star Palace, there will be subsidies for new students' loans in the Star Palace, and the loans will be interest-free. At that time, in order to cultivate the 'Nine Sons of the Dragon' bloodline family members, there was also the acquisition of various bloodline magical powers. And training, in order to use up the wool of the new student loan, it is also a lot of spiritual stones and meritorious deeds."

"Later on, after I advanced to the third level Star Master, I no longer had the benefits of freshman loans. I also began to try my best to avoid taking out loans to avoid incurring too high interest rates. However, I still had to take out loans at critical times."

"For example, in the fourth-level star master stage, when you formed a team for the first time to explore the outside world, you needed to rent a starship belonging to your team. At that time, you didn't have enough spiritual stones and merit, so you took out a loan... However, this loan was later discovered on the Yuyang Star. , after earning the first expedition income, it’s almost enough to pay it back…”

"There were also two renovations of the 'Dragon Snake' starship... There were also loans, but because of the interest, they were repaid as quickly as possible..."

Liang Ji checked his loan and repayment records in Kunlun Star Palace one by one, and finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there are only three loans left, one was before entering the Star Palace. The second loan is a freshman loan during the second-level star master period. Both loans are interest-free, and you only need to repay the principal of the loan."

This is also the main reason why Liang Ji has not repaid these two loans.

"The third loan is the spiritual stones and merits that have been paid over the years in order to complete the fifth-level star master training as soon as possible, purchase various fifth-level spiritual roots, fifth-level spiritual seeds, and even offer rewards for the power of different types of heavenly demons to create stars, etc. .”

Although most of these spirit stones and meritorious deeds were earned by selling his quota in the 'Experimental Group', as well as part of it by the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce', there would always be some gaps, forcing him to make some money from the Kunlun Planet. The palace will lend some more money.

For example, at the beginning, with the help of 'Innate Qi', his natal star increased the strength of his spiritual veins by more than 10% in a short period of time. In order to purchase those cherished and rare fifth-level spiritual roots through the 'Tian Serpent Academy' trade route, If he had a spiritual seed, he would have to make a loan from Kunlun Star Palace.

Although these loans have begun to accrue interest, in order to prioritize the completion of the fifth-level star master stage for more than ten years, Liang Ji has prioritized the use of spiritual stones, meritorious deeds, etc. on various spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, and inheritance. For purchases, repayments were not made in a timely manner.

"So, two interest-free freshman loans, plus the latest batch of loans..." Liang Ji pulled the loan record to the end and saw the total of the principal and interest he needed to repay.

Thirty-three thousand high-grade spiritual stones and two hundred and twenty thousand meritorious deeds!

It may not seem like much, but it is enough to give Liang Ji a headache.

After all, high-grade spiritual stones are generally used by high-level star masters to trade high-level materials, spiritual seeds, etc.

He is now only a fifth-level star master and a mid-level star master. He can trade and purchase various spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, inheritance, etc., and only needs to use mid-level spiritual stones.

Thirty-three thousand high-grade spiritual stones, converted into mid-grade spiritual stones, is 3.3 million middle-grade spiritual stones.

You must know that the freshman loans he borrowed from Kunlun Star Palace during the first- and second-level star master stages were only low-grade spiritual stones. Even if he borrowed 10 million low-grade spiritual stones, they would be converted into medium-grade spiritual stones. It was only 100,000, less than a fraction of the current debt.

In other words, most of these debts were caused by the principal amount of spiritual stones he borrowed from the Star Palace and the interest generated in the past ten years or so in order to complete the fifth-level star master stage training as soon as possible.

"Sure enough, Star Master monks consume the most resources and capital!"

"Even with the creation of the 'Dragon Ball' and the 'Three Lights of Heaven' and other resources to achieve the accelerated improvement and growth of the natal stars, only the consumption of supporting resources such as spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, inheritance, etc. still requires millions of middle-grade The consumption of spiritual stones.”

Liang Ji looked at the total amount of loans that needed to be repaid and couldn't help but shook his head with a headache.

3.3 million mid-grade spiritual stones and 220,000 meritorious deeds!

What is this concept?

You must know that Liang Ji originally formed the "Dragon Snake" expedition team to conduct his first exploration of the outer star sea. After discovering the "Sunbathing Star", he finally chose to sell it to the Star Alliance due to special circumstances, inheritance, etc. The entire team The rewards are only one million mid-grade spiritual stones and one hundred thousand meritorious deeds!

Now he needs to repay 3.3 million mid-grade spiritual stones and 220,000 meritorious deeds, which is almost equivalent to selling three foreign life stars like the "Sun Bathing Star".

Of course, the selling prices for different life stars in the outer world are definitely different.

The 'Sun Bathing Star' is a star that is on the verge of destruction, and its value is limited. Only the inheritance of a set of 'Sun Altar Array' has some value, so the selling price is limited.

But if it is a high-level star like the 'Three Holy Stars', if he really sells it, the price will definitely increase ten times or even a hundred times.

After all, the 'Three Holy Stars' are high-level stars, which can produce seventh-level spiritual materials, spiritual objects and other resources. If they really want to sell them, they must pay for them with high-grade spiritual stones. There are millions of high-grade spiritual stones. possible.

But it is impossible for him to sell the 'Three Holy Stars'. After all, this is the only high-level life star he currently controls. The mid-level spiritual objects, seventh-level spiritual materials, etc. produced every year are all produced by the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' An important guarantee for earning spiritual stones.

He will then advance to the sixth-level Star Master, or even to the higher-level Star Master, and the cultivation and cultivation of his natal stars will only require more spiritual stones and meritorious deeds.

The 'Three Holy Stars' can be said to be an important guarantee for his daily practice. It is enough for him to use until the high-level star master stage. Naturally, he cannot sell it so easily.

"You can't sell the 'Three Holy Stars'... then you can only sell the 'Tu Yuan Star'!"

Liang Ji gradually made a decision in his heart.

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