The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 919 Small ‘Void Sea’

Outside the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’, there is a vast starry sky.

This is a sea of ​​stars several light years away from the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’. All the naturally occurring stars and galaxies in the starry sky no longer exist in this sea of ​​stars.

There are only artificial galaxies composed of star ports, star ships, and even temples, distributed on both sides of the void, confronting and fighting each other.

In the middle area where the Star Alliance and the God Realm army were confronting each other, there was a large void that had been broken many times and then condensed again.

Liang Ji stood on the "Dragon Snake" starship and looked at the battlefield. He only felt that it was quite familiar, as if he had returned to the battlefield of the "Void Sea".

This is a small 'Void Sea' battlefield that has just begun to take shape.

"Sure enough, a war between super-level civilizations, even if it is just a small-scale conflict or battle, will cause huge, even devastating damage to these stars, galaxies, and even the void."

"If the armies of the gods are really allowed to invade the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', even if the Star Alliance finally succeeds in taking over the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', in such a battle and confrontation, the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' will probably be like this It’s like a sea of ​​stars in the void. It’s been shattered countless times, and it’s not certain whether it can be restored in the end.”

Liang Ji looked at this battlefield, and he understood more and more why the Star Alliance wanted to keep the army of the gods out of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

"Haha...a familiar feeling!"

Aboard the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Wu Shan looked at the battlefield in the void in the distance, with a smile on his face and a sense of excitement.

Peng Yue's grandma and Peng Xuanding were obviously a little nervous when they looked at the battlefield.

They used to fight within the Star Alliance, and the most common battles were to surround and kill some Void Monsters with the help of the "Zhoutian Star Formation".

This is the first time for such a large-scale killing and battle with the enemies of the Star Alliance and the gods of the super-civilized world outside the Star Alliance in such depths.

Naturally, it is inevitable to feel a little uneasy.

Peng Yue was comforting her grandma at this time and said: "Grandma, you don't have to worry too much. During the next battle, you will stay with me in the starship and preside over the starship's formations, restrictions, and... The Nest of Elements', just give Liang Ji enough combat support at the critical moment."

Peng Yue's grandma shook her head slightly when she heard this and said: "I have always been trapped in the Star Alliance. I have never seen such a big scene. I am like a frog in a well."

"Now that I have jumped out of the well and seen the outside world, how can I continue to be bound to this starship?"

"If this continues, what's the difference between me staying in the Star Alliance? How can I break through myself and find a way to advance to a high-level Star Master?"

As she spoke, she looked at Peng Yue and said, "You don't have to worry about me. Although I have only practiced and fought within the Star Alliance these years and have never experienced such a war in the outside world, after all, I am also a sixth-order star master and have practiced for so many years. Self-protection is still no problem.”

Seeing this, Peng Yue could only nod slightly and said, "Grandma, please pay attention to your safety."

Liang Ji saw that everyone in the starship was ready, and he said in a deep voice: "Since everyone is ready, let's set off and go straight to the battlefield!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he drove the "Dragon Snake" starship into the "artificial galaxy" composed of many Star Alliance star ports and starships.

Immediately, a battlefield "Star Network" was linked to the "Dragon Snake" starship, and various inspections and tests were conducted to confirm their identities.

Liang Ji was about to present the graduation examination certificate from Kunlun Star Palace, and the team quickly passed the verification and entered this 'artificial galaxy'.

Because of the restraining effect of the Kunlun Star Palace inheritance on the gods of the God Realm, on the battlefield of the 'Void Sea', the main forces and commanders of the Star Alliance are all from the Kunlun Star Palace.

In this small "Void Sea" battlefield that blocks the army of the gods, the main forces and commanders of the Star Alliance are also from the Kunlun Star Palace.

Therefore, the Kunlun Star Palace's "Graduation Assessment Certificate" presented by Liang Ji can get more recognition and pass the inspection faster and easier.

Moreover, their 'Dragon Snake' starship quickly integrated into the battlefield hosted and led by Kunlun Star Palace.

All kinds of battlefield intelligence, enemy distribution, offensive posture, etc. are all shared on the "Dragon Snake" starship through the battlefield "Star Network".

Then, the battlefield command system gave them two choices for the "Dragon Snake" starship. One was to enter the battlefield to hunt freely, and the other was to join the battlefield command system and become one of the many starships under command, forming a group with other starships. Attack teams and battle formations, and kill the enemy according to command orders.

Liang Ji looked at nature and chose to hunt freely without hesitation.

His strength far exceeds that of ordinary fifth-level star masters, and naturally far exceeds that of gods of the same level, and the combat power of their 'Dragon Snake' starship also far exceeds that of ordinary seventh-level starships.

In this case, free hunting is naturally more convenient and better able to complete the assessment tasks.

On the contrary, joining the battle formation, although safer, suppressed the combat power of him and the "Dragon Snake" battleship. It was unknown how much time and energy was wasted in order to complete the assessment task.

After selecting the mission of 'Free Hunting', a large amount of information suddenly came from the light curtain in the main control cabin, all of which were information about critical places in the battlefield.

Obviously, the battlefield command system of the Star Alliance has collected data and information on their "Dragon Snake" starship in a short period of time, and has a certain understanding of their combat power.

The several pieces of battlefield intelligence and information provided to them basically contained the presence of sixth-order gods, which overwhelmed the Star Alliance monks in the battlefield. They were no match for them, and their lives were even in danger, so they had to ask for help.

At this time, time is life!

Moreover, Liang Ji came here to complete the assessment task, and his target was the sixth-level god, and he was confident enough to win the target of the sixth-level god.

Therefore, he had no intention of rejecting these arrangements for the battlefield command system, and quickly selected the nearest battlefield as the target for rescue and attack.

"Go! Save people! Kill the enemy!"

After selecting the target, Liang Ji gave an order, and the battlefield command system immediately gave route guidance. The 'Dragon Snake' starship directly increased its flight speed to the fastest, turned into starlight and flew away, leaving the Star Alliance battle formation. He fought his way out and rushed towards the battlefield area where the Star Alliance Star Lord was asking for help.

"Target found!"

Soon, Chu Yue's voice sounded in the starship's main control cabin.

She is still responsible for controlling various formations on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, including detection formations. At this time, she has used formations to take the lead in discovering targets that need to be rescued and killed.

She controlled the operation of the starship formation, and a battlefield image suddenly appeared on the light screen in front of everyone. It was a sea of ​​fire covering the void. In the sea of ​​fire, there were many families and a few stars struggling in vain.

On top of the sea of ​​fire, there is a red temple that suppresses the struggle and resistance of all the Familia and Starlight, making it difficult to stand up.

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