The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 920 The Fishing God Dragon Soul

"This red temple is extraordinary!"

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Wu Shan looked at the battlefield manifested in the light curtain and the red temple suppressed on the sea of ​​fire, with a somewhat solemn expression and said:

"I'm afraid it's the same as our 'Dragon Snake' starship. It has been modified and upgraded. It may even have been upgraded more than once or twice."

"Its power has already reached the seventh level limit, far exceeding the ordinary seventh level existence."

Several people in the "Dragon Snake" starship listened to Wu Shan's words, and their expressions were very solemn. They had already seen that in the sea of ​​​​fire under the suppression of the "Red Temple", there was also a "starship". It should be It was the battleship boarded by the Star Alliance Star Master monks who asked for help.

But at this time, the 'starship' was also suppressed in the sea of ​​fire by the 'Red Temple', and it was difficult to stand up and escape. Among them, the Star Lord monks could only ask for help from the Covenant Alliance.

From this we can see how extraordinary this ‘red temple’ is.

"It seems that this 'Red Temple' does not seem to have the power to break through the starships in the sea of ​​fire. The reason why it has been suppressing it and allowed the star master monks to ask for help is probably because of fishing!"

Although Peng Xuanding has no experience in fighting enemies of super-level civilizations in the outer star sea, he has also experienced many battles within the Star Alliance, and some common battlefield methods, traps, etc. can still be seen.

"Huh?" At this time, Chu Yue seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly raised her voice: "Peng Yue, I need the support of the power of the 'Nest of Elements'."

"no problem."

Peng Yue responded immediately after hearing the words, and immediately took control of the 'Elemental Nest' in the starship, urging the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' to be poured into the starship formation according to Chu Yue's guidance.

Suddenly, the power of the detection array on the starship increased several times, and some hidden scenes in the sea of ​​fire were immediately detected and displayed on the light curtain in front of everyone.


After seeing the situation in the sea of ​​fire clearly, Liang Ji and others felt that this was indeed the case.

I saw that under the cover of the sea of ​​​​fire, in addition to the starship that was trapped, suppressed, and asking for help, there was actually another starship. It's just that the starship has been breached, and now there are only large ruins and wreckage left in the sea of ​​fire, being slowly burned and refined by the blazing divine fire.

Obviously, before this starship asked for help, there was already a starship, including the Star Master monks on the starship, which were attacked and killed by the 'Red Temple' and the gods in it.

What the ‘Red Temple’ is doing now has more to do with fishing.

"Hmph!" Liang Ji snorted coldly when he saw this, and said: "If you want to fish, it depends on whether the opponent's strength can withstand our big fish!"

He raised his voice and ordered: "Chu Yue, Peng Yue, use full firepower, give me a blow to severely damage the 'Red Temple'!"

"Today we will swallow this fishing god!"



Chu Yue and Peng Yue immediately responded, each controlling the power of their starship array and the 'Elemental Nest'.


The next moment, the sound of snakes hissing and roaring sounded, and the most powerful formation on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation', was already in operation.

At the same time, the power of the original "Elemental Sea" in the "Elemental Nest" in the starship was also poured into it under Peng Yue's control.


When the power in the formation reached its limit, it suddenly burst out. A chaotic and gorgeous elemental light spurted out from the mouth of the illusory and real 'dragon snake' on the starship, piercing the void and blasting directly into the distance to suppress the sea of ​​fire. On top of the 'Red Temple'.

Liang Ji looked at the illusory and real 'Dragon Snake' on the starship and the brilliant rainbow light emitted by the 'Dragon Snake', but there was something vaguely thought in his heart.

Over the years, he has gained many new insights and understandings about the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake', especially the condensation of the 'Dragon Pearl' in the dragon soul, which made him even more profound.

He already has some new ideas for the 'Dragon Snake' starship. He may be able to upgrade and transform the starship for the third time, integrating the insights, gains and even the 'Dragon Ball' method over the years into it to strengthen it. The power of the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

He didn't know to what level the "Dragon Snake" starship could reach in the end if it continued to improve like this, but it would definitely become a powerful weapon for them to gallop on the battlefield of the star sea.

Just like that, the 'Dragon Snake Breath' hit the 'Red Temple', and the gods in the temple seemed to realize that something was wrong. An angry shout came from it, and a bright divine light burst out from the 'Red Temple'.

The sea of ​​fire that shrouded and burned the void below rolled back in an instant, gathering and shrouding the 'Red Temple' that was suppressing it above, trying to strengthen the protection of the 'Red Temple'.

However, it was already too late.

Amidst the loud roar, the 'Dragon Snake Breath' shattered the divine light erupting on the 'Red Temple' before rolling back the sea of ​​fire, directly piercing the 'Red Temple'.

Continuous explosions came from the 'Red Temple'. The temple suffered heavy damage instantly and fell from the void into the sea of ​​fire that rolled up below.

"Oracle, ordeal by fire!"

A deep shout came from the temple, and the sea of ​​fire that rolled up suddenly fell into the severely damaged 'Red Temple'. Under the sea of ​​fire, the big hole pierced by the 'Dragon Snake Breath' was recovering quickly. , overlap.


When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately raised his voice and ordered.


The sound of snake hissing and dragon roaring sounded again, and the dragon and snake phantom surrounding the starship once again took control and sprayed out a gorgeous 'elemental breath'.

But this time, there was no time to accumulate the power of the 'Elemental Sea'. The power of this 'Dragon Snake Breath' strike was obviously much weaker than the previous strike.

However, it is enough to attack the heavily damaged 'Red Temple'.

With a loud roar, the 'Elemental Breath' directly blasted through the sea of ​​​​fire surrounding the temple, blasting open the recovering and overlapping holes again, even bigger.


At this time, in the void below the 'Red Temple', the starship that was originally trapped by the sea of ​​fire and suppressed by the 'Red Temple' also recovered and directly blasted a lightning attack, which also hit the 'Red Temple'.

This starship also has a seventh-level combat power. At this moment, with one blow, it immediately became the last straw to overwhelm the 'Red Temple'.

Amidst the roar and explosion, the 'Red Temple' split directly into the void, and a divine light as red as flame flew out of it instantly, and it was about to escape into the void.


At this time, a dragon roar sounded, the 'Star Gate' opened in the void, and a young man's 'Dragon Soul' stepped out, holding the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in one hand, and the magic weapon of 'Thirty-three Heavens and Earth Xuan Huang' in one hand. tower'.

The ‘Apotheosis of Gods List’ unfolded in the air, and countless divine decrees dropped from it, divine light erupted, covering the escaping divine light, and immediately broke it open, revealing the bodies of the gods within.

At the same time, the 'Dragon Soul' held the 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' and directly hit the god who was immobilized by the 'God List'.

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