The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 921 ‘Dragon Soul’ Combat Power Test Sixth Level Divine Crystal

When the dragon soul is combined with the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei", it becomes a "Dragon Star Spirit" and can only move within the natal stars. When the soul is united with the Nascent Soul, it becomes a half-step Yuanshen.

And when this 'dragon star spirit' combines with the 'half-step soul', it becomes Liang Ji's 'dragon soul'.

This 'Dragon Soul' was originally still far away from the real sixth-level star master and fourth-level soul. Liang Ji used to only use the 'Dragon Soul' to move among the stars of his life. Make sacrifices to refine natal magic weapons, cultivate natal stars, etc.

But now, as the 'Dragon Soul' condenses into the 'Dragon Pearl', the Dragon Soul has completed a transformation, and when combined with the 'Dragon Star Spirit' and 'Dragon Soul', they will naturally undergo transformation and their strength will increase a lot.

Nowadays, Liang Ji's 'Dragon Soul' can even leave the natal star and enter the void to fight and kill. It is no less than the true soul of the sixth-level star master.

At this time, he sacrificed the body of the "Feng Shen Bang" with the "Dragon Man Yuan Shen". The power of the Yuan Shen and the power of the natal stars were poured into it, pushing the power of the "Feng Shen Bang" to the extreme. Countless gods dropped down under the decree of the gods. The light stopped the fleeing sixth-level god.

Then, the 'Dragon Man Yuanshen' sacrificed the natal magic weapon 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth' with the other hand. This natal treasure tower is now only a half-walker level. It is limited by the level and origin of the natal stars and cannot completely transform. Enlightenment tool.

But at this time, the 'Dragon Soul' opened its mouth and spat out, and the 'Dragon Pearl' shining with the light of eighteen-color stars flew out and landed on the top of the 'Xuanhuang Pagoda'. The power of creation from the eighteen-color stars fell into the pagoda, shining Each floor of the pagoda.

The ten levels of space in the lower part of the pagoda are where the nine springs of the underworld and reincarnation are derived, and all kinds of ghosts and gods sit in them; the ten levels in the middle are where the bloodlines, supernatural powers, and elemental power of the ten-lineage family members are derived, and all kinds of earthly gods and bloodline gods are sitting in them.

The thirteen levels above have not yet been developed and evolved, and the interior is still chaotic and empty.

But it's enough. The eighteen-color star creation light hanging down from the 'Dragon Pearl' on the top of the pagoda falls into the twenty-layer space in the middle and lower layers of the pagoda. The Nine Springs Underworld, the Reincarnation Realm, and the Ten Veins Familia Elemental Realm are all here. Improved, transformed, and become stronger under the creation of the Dragon Ball's light.

The 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth', which was half a Taoist weapon, was immediately pushed up beyond its limit and reached the sixth level of a Taoist weapon.

With a loud roar, the black and yellow pagoda at the Taoist level was controlled by the 'Dragon Soul' and directly hit the immobilized sixth-level god.

They were both at the sixth level, but were restrained and weakened by the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'. Even these sixth-level gods could not withstand the attack of the Dao Artifact Pagoda. The divine body was blown away on the spot, countless divine lights burst out, and a little 'divine crystal' flew from it. out.

The divine realm is opened later, and I want to take this 'divine crystal' back to the divine realm and reshape the divine body.

It's just that the 'Fengshen Bang', under the full force of the 'Dragon Soul', shines brightly, and immediately captures and freezes the flying 'divine crystal'.


At the same time, at the rear, the 'Dragon Snake' starship was also ready, and the 'Dragon Snake Breath' formation was activated again, blasting out an 'Elemental Breath' directly into the opened 'God's Domain'.

Blast through the divine realm of the sixth-level gods and shatter the opened door to the divine realm.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan, and Chu Yue had all fought with Senior Sister Bian Yujiao in the "Void Sea" battlefield. They were very familiar with how to kill the gods and prevent them from reshaping their divine bodies and rebirth. clear.

Similarly, the gods of the divine world who have fought with the Star Alliance Star Lord for more than 100,000 years also know very well how to completely kill the Star Lord and prevent him from being reborn in his natal star.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is often your enemy!

Therefore, in such a super-level civilization war, whether it is a star master or a god, if you are not careful, you may fall, and you may not even have a chance to be reborn or recover.

The starships that had been breached and destroyed in the sea of ​​​​fire before were proof of this. Among them, the star masters and monks must have been in danger.

Similarly, the sixth-level god who was immobilized and captured by Liang Ji at this time was also firmly suppressed and controlled by him from the beginning. He had neither the power to resist nor the ability to escape, and even the final reunion of the god's body , the hope of rebirth is now cut off.

Liang Ji activated the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', and the divine light directly swept up the fixed 'divine crystal'. Layers of divine light washed, refined, and sealed it, and finally delivered it to his hands.

With the acquisition of a sixth-level fire-attribute divine crystal, part of the graduation examination for the Kunlun Star Palace was completed. At the same time, he also received the first material for promotion to the 'Fengshen List·Celestial God Edition' after advancing to the sixth-level Star Master.

There was not much danger in the whole process, and there were not even any repetitions. Liang Ji easily completed the cross-level battle to hunt down the sixth-level god.

Among them, there are the powerful factors of the "Dragon Snake" starship, the restraining effect of the "God List" on the gods, and the powerful reasons for the power of his "Dragon Soul" and "Dragon Pearl".

Liang Ji has been cultivating all the way, accumulating various advantages and strength, and now he has finally exploded.

The only flaw is probably that the battle of the 'Dragon Soul' consumes too much of the origin of the natal stars.

Liang Ji looked at the red sixth-level fire-attribute divine crystal in his hand, sensing the consumption of the source of his natal star, and estimated how long the 'Dragon Soul' could continue to fight.

"According to the intensity of this battle, we should be able to continue fighting for about half an hour."

"The longer the time is, or the more intense the battle, the source consumption of the natal stars will easily exceed the warning line."

Liang Ji instantly understood that this battle was not only to save people, hunt gods, and seize divine crystals as quickly as possible, but also to test the combat power of the 'Dragon Soul' and the 'Dragon Pearl', and to test the 'Dragon Soul' Yuanshen' can consume, fight time, intensity, etc.

Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in every battle. Only by fully understanding and mastering the strength and combat power that he has now, can he choose the appropriate target in the next battlefield, complete the graduation assessment quickly and safely, and seize enough needed resources. Sixth level divine crystal.

Now that he has confidence in his heart, Liang Ji no longer maintains the "Dragon Soul" and wastes the origin of the natal stars, and reopens the "Star Alliance". The "Dragon Soul" takes the God List and the natal pagoda among the natal stars.

The ‘Bang of Conferred Gods’ was sent to the origin of the stars, and the pagoda was erected in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain. Liang Ji’s ‘Dragon Soul’ did not disperse directly, but reached out and made a move towards the void.

The next moment, in the sky of the natal stars, the sun, moon and stars all appeared together, and the "three light dew" formed by the condensed and combined three kinds of light rain fell from the sky and fell into the natal stars, quickly restoring the source of consumption of the natal stars.

He is still in the experimental group of the ‘Power of Heavenly Demons to Create Stars’ led by mentor Yuanmu. The supply of ‘Three Lights of Sky Dew’ promised by mentor Yuanmu is still continuing, and he can quickly restore the origin of his natal stars.

This is also an important reason why he did not call in helpers this time and only brought his own team to the battlefield for the graduation assessment.

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