The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 922 A fair death, the family members go to war

The ‘Dragon Snake’ starship, the dragon soul, the three-light dew!

With these three trump cards, Liang Ji is confident that his current strength far exceeds that of senior Bian Yujiao. In the battle with the gods of the gods, as long as he does not encounter high-level gods, even if he cannot sweep the middle level, he can hunt across levels. For some sixth-level gods, it is still okay to complete the assessment and collect enough sixth-level divine crystals.

"Thank you, senior, for saving me!"

At this time, the rescued starship contacted the "Dragon Snake" starship. Among them, the star master monk was also a student of the star master of Kunlun Star Palace and a fifth-level star master.

According to the training time, he may even have entered the Kunlun Star Palace decades earlier than Liang Ji, but he relied on the "Dragon Ball" creation to complete the cultivation of the fifth-level star master in advance, and he has sufficient strength.

Therefore, the opposite party directly addressed him as a senior.

Liang Ji said a few polite words and prepared to leave.

‘Three Lights of Heaven’ can restore the origin of natal stars very conveniently and quickly. It is indeed a treasure that high-level star masters use to restore the origin of natal stars on a daily basis.

In just a moment, the origin of his natal star has been restored, and the combat power of the 'Dragon Soul' has been restored. Liang Ji naturally wants to continue to the next battlefield, complete the rescue mission, and hunt for more sixth-level gods. , obtain the divine crystal.

"The mission on the battlefield is urgent. Junior's starship has been severely damaged. You can return to the position to repair and maintain it first."

"We still have to continue our mission..."

While talking, Liang Ji and others had already set off again in the starship "Dragon Snake".

In the starship, Peng Yue's grandma looked at the battle that ended in a hurry, still a little shocked. After a while, she said: "Are all battles in the outer star sea like this?"

"Fight directly with the starship, and the star master himself takes action directly, without using the dependents to fight?"

"That was just a special situation." Peng Yue immediately explained to her, introducing his experience in fighting in the outer star sea.

And soon, following the coordinate guidance of the battlefield's "Star Network", they came to the second battlefield that needed rescue.

This battlefield is relatively normal. Several Star Alliance starships and teams of Star Lord monks are fighting and killing in the void with multiple temples and gods.

In this battlefield, there are a large number of family members fighting with the servants of gods, there are also starships and temples fighting against each other, and there are also star master monks, third-grade immortals, etc. fighting and killing with the gods.

Forming a vast and chaotic battlefield.

However, in this battlefield, the number and levels of temples and gods are obviously more numerous and stronger than the starships and star masters on the Covenant team's side.

If it weren't for the fact that there were several Star Lord monks from the Kunlun Star Palace in the Star Lord team who had practiced the inheritance of the 'Bang of Gods' and were able to use the projection of the 'Bang of Gods' and had the power to restrain the gods, otherwise the Star Alliance team would have been completely destroyed. Crush, destroy.

It was impossible to give them a chance to send a signal for help.

Even so, when Liang Ji and others arrived in the "Dragon Snake" starship, the Star Alliance team was already in danger. One of the starships had even been breached, and the team of Star Master monks was broken up. Several third-level immortals and two star master monks fled in all directions, trying to escape from the battlefield.

However, they were hunted down by gods and servants of gods who were hot on their heels. The family members around the two star master monks were very few and many looked disabled. They had obviously fought hard on the battlefield.



Before Liang Ji and others had time to join the battlefield, two shrill screams rang out from the fleeing third-level immortals and star masters. It was a third-level human immortal and a fourth-level star master. Several gods and Yuanyuan Under constant pursuit and siege by the servants of God, he finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell on the spot.

In such a super-civilized battlefield between the Star Alliance and the God Realm, deaths, deaths, and sacrifices occur almost every moment. Not only the gods of the God Realm, but also the Star Lords and Immortals on the Star Alliance side are constantly causing casualties. , fallen.

After all, the God Realm is also a super-level civilization, and the power, heritage, and combat power of the gods and divine servants are no worse than those of the monks, immortals, and star masters of the Star Alliance.

Even in this battlefield, the star master with the 'Kunlun Star Palace' presides over the battlefield, and has the effect of the 'God List' to restrain the opponent, but he can only maintain the advantage over the overall battle situation and the overall situation, and can guarantee that the army of the gods will be blocked. Outside the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', it is unable to break through the defense line and enter the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

However, in various local battlefields, the comparison of various combat capabilities between the two sides is constantly changing, with strengths and weaknesses.

Some of the Star Alliance are stronger and kill the gods; naturally there are also gods who are stronger and kill the Star Lords and Immortals.

Sacrifice and death are always the fairest!

Liang Ji and the others came here to save the star masters and immortals of the star gate from sacrifice and death, and at the same time give death and sacrifice to the enemy.

Therefore, seeing two more allies sacrificed at this time, Liang Ji immediately ordered without hesitation: "The 'Dragon Snake' starship will lock the strongest enemy and launch a direct attack!"

"Everyone else chooses a target to rescue and fight!"

In such a battlefield, there is no need for detailed command, and everyone will quickly select their own target.

Liang Ji also selected a target at this time. He circulated the Nascent Soul and the natal stars to open the 'Star Gate' in the void.

But this time, what came out of the 'Star Gate' was no longer the 'Dragon Soul', but spaceships, flying boats, and a large number of Familia teams.

This is a chaotic and comprehensive battlefield. There are not only star masters and gods fighting against each other, but also a large number of families and divine servants fighting and competing. However, the Star Alliance is completely at a disadvantage. Star masters, immortals and The gods were at a disadvantage in the fight against each other, and the battle between the dependents and the servants of gods was also at a disadvantage.

In the battlefield, the families, spaceships, flying boats, etc. of each star master are being shot down and destroyed continuously, and their number is getting smaller and smaller. However, the numerous divine servants of the opponents are in a steady stream, completely chasing the family members of each star master to strangle and destroy them. .

A large number of Liang Ji's family members quickly drove into the battlefield in spaceships, flying boats, or formed battle formations.

Now, through the illumination of the 'Dragon Ball', his family has transformed together with the stars of their destiny, and their combat power has also been transformed and improved to the extreme. It is difficult to find opponents at the same level.

What's more, there are also spaceships and airships that have been added with various rare spiritual materials and minerals, and their quality and power have been increased to the limit.

Moreover, with the blessing of the divine light from ghosts, gods, earthly beings and other gods, his family members can easily fight across levels, and can basically sweep through middle and low-level enemies.

The Chaofeng spaceship rides on the wind above, the Chikis spaceship rides on the water below, the Suan Ni spaceship rides on the sea of ​​fire, and the Suan Ni spaceship sweeps through the thunderclouds...

The spaceship is in harmony with the magical power of the family members on the ship, and the divine light is blessing the attack!

Wind, rain, thunder and fire, golden light and ice, mountains and lush forests... various elements condensed into physical attacks, shrouded in divine light and blessed, blasted into the army of divine servants surrounding the battlefield, and immediately broke and tore apart the army of divine servants who controlled the overall battlefield. of falling apart.

Whether it was a low-level divine servant below the fourth level, or a fifth-level or sixth-level god servant, under the attack of the Liang Ji family members, they were all directly bombarded and cleared away.

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