The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 924 Peng Yue’s strength and the gods’ request for help

Liang Ji used the 'Dragon Soul' to control the 'God List', the natal pagoda, and the 'natal star projection' to easily kill a sixth-level god and seize a sixth-level 'divine crystal'.

Among the natal stars, the sun, moon and stars appeared in the sky, and the 'three-light dew' fell from the sky, quickly restoring the origin of the natal stars.

In this chaotic battlefield, there are many gods and even several 'temples' suppressing the battlefield. Liang Ji must always keep the source of his natal stars abundant and maintain the sufficient combat power of the 'Dragon Soul'. Being able to run rampant on the battlefield will not allow the enemy to take advantage of him due to insufficient natal star sources and reduced combat power.

If it were in the past, the origin of his natal star could only be restored by grabbing the origin of the brand star, which was slow. Liang Ji would never dare to fight and kill so unscrupulously, and must leave a little more energy.

But now, the 'Three Lights of Heaven' has given him the confidence to fight and act recklessly.

At the same time, in the chaotic battlefield, Peng Yue had also chosen an opponent of a fifth-level god to fight.

But seeing the stars around him shining brightly, the projection of his natal stars descended, and there was a 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas' suppressing the stars, protecting him completely.

The fifth-level gods she was fighting with were attacking one after another with all kinds of magical spells, divine lights, and artifacts, but it was difficult to shake the 'natal star projection' around Peng Yue and to threaten him.

Peng Yue has been practicing in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' for more than 20 years, comprehending the power of the sky demon and studying the power of the Purple Sun. Although his gains and growth are far less than those of Liang Ji, it is obvious that his strength and methods have also been greatly improved.

At this time, with the fifth-level star master's cultivation, he had mastered the method of 'natal star projection' in advance, and turned it into the star technique 'star guardian', making it difficult for gods and enemies of the same level to break through and activate the protection.

With this protection, Peng Yue can safely fight with her opponent's gods. Although she is not a practitioner of Kunlun Star Palace inheritance and does not have the 'God List' to restrain gods, the various elemental methods she masters are not weaker than those of the gods. Divine magic, divine light, etc.

In fact, Peng Yue's methods are far superior to those of ordinary star masters and gods of the same level. The power of the five elements gathers and disintegrates in her hands, showing all kinds of changes, shining with all kinds of colorful and blurred light, and there are actually several Analyze the appearance of elemental light in the 'Elemental Sea'.

With this elemental light, even if it has no restraint on the gods, it can quickly smash the opponent's divine light, divine spells, artifacts and other means to pieces. In the end, the power of all elements can even be united into one, merging with the source of his natal star. , already possessing the power of the real 'Elemental Sea', which directly smashed the body of its opponent's fifth-level god into pieces.

The god's body was shattered, and a little 'divine crystal' flew out immediately. The portal of the 'divine realm' opened behind him, and the 'divine crystal' was about to fly into it.

"Leave me alone!"

Peng Yue shouted deeply at this time. In the projection of the 'natal star' that appeared behind him, the shadow of the 'nest of elements' suddenly appeared on top of the suppressed 'furnace of all laws'.

The original power of a true 'Elemental Sea' flew out from the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Laws' and quickly swept over the escaping 'Divine Crystal', suppressing it, sweeping it back, and suppressing it in the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Laws' .

The opened portal of the 'God Realm' shook violently, and divine light burst out from it. It was difficult to shake the origin of the 'Elemental Sea', and it was even harder to save the 'God Crystal'.

On the contrary, Peng Yue waved his hand and simulated the power of the 'Elemental Sea', blasting into the portal of the 'God Realm', causing the 'God Gate' to shake and shatter.

Peng Yue and Liang Ji have known each other for many years, and naturally learned a lot of information and materials about gods from Liang Ji, just like Liang Ji also learned a lot of information and materials about elemental spirits and even the spirit world from each other.

Therefore, although Peng Yue does not have the "God List" to restrain the gods, he also knows very well how to deal with the gods, and even more clearly how to obtain the "divine crystal" without giving the opponent a chance to reunite with the divine body and be resurrected.

Although a fifth-level 'divine crystal' is no longer useful to Liang Ji, Peng Yue can definitely get a lot of good things by selling it or exchanging it for supplies.

However, compared to Liang Ji and Peng Yue who quickly killed their opponents, Peng Yue's grandma, Wu Shan, and Peng Xuanding on the other side were far behind.

Peng Yue's grandma chose an opponent who was also a sixth-level star master, with the same cultivation level and level as hers.

But she has neither the means to restrain the gods, nor the strength far beyond the same level. Even though she has cultivated a complete fourth-grade soul, she can't even make the soul leave the star of her life and enter the void to fight and kill.

It is not as good as the 'Dragon Soul' that Liang Ji barely synthesized, and he has not mastered the projection of the 'natal star' in advance, and its protective power is even worse than Peng Yue.

His skills and strength are average. Fortunately, he has enough cultivation and level. He can fight and fight with the sixth-level gods without falling behind. However, if he wants to kill his opponent's sixth-level gods, he is unable to do so. It is obvious that there are no opportunities.

Her biggest achievement now is to contain a sixth-level god on the battlefield, and this is undoubtedly enough!

On the other side, although Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding were both third-level immortals, and although their cultivation realm was much higher than the sixth-level and fifth-level gods on the battlefield, when they fought at this time, their results were not as good as those of Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Gods, mastering the power of the 'God Realm', possessing all kinds of divine light, fifth and sixth level gods can also mobilize some of the power of the origin and laws of the 'God Realm' to compete with the laws and the power of the origin mastered by the two third-level immortals.

In addition, the gods also have a large number of divine servants and divine slaves to help them. Once they are at a disadvantage in the battle with Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding, they can also recruit a large number of divine servants and divine slaves to help them to prevent disaster or death for them.

The two of them had no dependents to help them stop the servants of gods and slaves of gods. Therefore, although they each fought and fought with a god, they were unable to kill each other and win the final victory.

However, Grandma Peng Yue, Wu Shan, and Peng Xuanding could each involve and block a god, which was their greatest contribution to this chaotic battlefield and was enough to turn the entire battlefield situation around.

After Liang Ji and Peng Yue killed their opponents, they quickly swept across the battlefield and charged directly at the gods blocked and restrained by the three of them.

With the two of them joining forces, it became easier to kill the gods, and Liang Ji easily harvested the third level six 'divine crystal'.

As the battlefield was cleared of a large number of divine servants and slaves, the sixth- and fifth-level gods also fell one after another. The gods who had an absolute advantage finally couldn't resist it and began to completely collapse.

The next moment, a large piece of divine light rushed into the void and exploded, manifesting a phantom of the temple.

The gods who were at a disadvantage and defeated had to send out a signal for help.

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