The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 925: Powerful God, the Most Prodigy of Prodigies

Liang Ji led the "Dragon Snake" team into this chaotic battlefield and quickly turned the tide of the battle. As the gods fell one by one, the gods' side had to send a message for help.

And in such a battlefield, rescue is always very fast. Before the 'temple' formed by the divine light in the void has dispersed, there is already a bright divine light bombarding from outside the battlefield, directly bombarding the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

This divine light is of the wind attribute. Wherever the divine light passes, it can even crush the void and turn it into a void storm, impacting towards the 'Dragon Snake' starship.


Fortunately, in the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Chu Yue controlled the starship formation and was already alert to attacks from all parties. When the divine light sweeping through the void storm came, he immediately blasted the 'Dragon Snake Breath'. The formation shifted from offense to defense.

The phantom-like light and shadow of dragons and snakes directly entrenched themselves on the starship, forming a circle of protection.

At the same time, Chu Yue clearly noticed through the starship detection array that the incoming void storm divine light was extraordinary and contained special power. Worried that the 'Dragon Snake Breath' array could not be completely defended, he immediately activated Peng Yue to leave behind By means of this method, the original power of the "Elemental Sea" in the "Elemental Nest" can be absorbed into the light and shadow of the "Dragon Snake".

Suddenly, the light and shadow of the 'Dragon Snake' entwined and guarded on the starship began to be filled with the colorful original power of the 'Elemental Sea', solidifying the light and shadow of the 'Dragon Snake' from the void, and even returning to the surroundings of the 'Dragon Snake'. There is an image of brilliant brilliance condensed into clouds and mist, enhancing its defense.


As soon as all the defenses were completed, the divine light sweeping through the void storm had already struck the light and shadow of the 'Dragon Snake'.

The colorful clouds and mist around the 'Dragon Snake' were directly torn apart by the void storm, and then the divine light and the void storm directly hit the 'Dragon Snake'. The roar and explosions were filled with the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' and all kinds of things. The colorful rays of light and shadow of the 'Dragon Snake' were directly shattered.

However, the divine light that swept through the void storm was completely blocked and consumed by the 'dragon snake' light and shadow.

"'s not just Void Storm, there's also Void Thunder hidden in it!"

In the starship, Chu Yue instantly analyzed the power of the divine light that swept through the void storm based on the defense and detection effects of the starship formation. Her expression suddenly changed slightly, and several members of the sound transmission team said:

"Everyone, be careful. The gods who come to help master the two powers of wind and thunder at the same time, and these two powers can shake and mobilize the power of the void... The opponent may be trying to master the third attribute, the divine power of the void attribute!"


"not good……"

Before Chu Yue's message transmission ended, a roar and explosion suddenly came from the void beside him, as well as Peng Yue's exclamation.

Liang Ji turned around in shock and saw a divine figure shrouded in divine light. Unknown to him, he had quietly lurked beside Peng Yue and launched an attack on him.

With just one blow, the wind and thunder had already shattered the 'natal star projection' surrounding Peng Yue. If the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' had not exploded from the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace' that suppressed the natal star projection at the critical moment, Peng Yue would have been destroyed. She protected and saved.

Otherwise, the god's blow just now might have severely injured Peng Yue on the spot even if it did not kill him!

Obviously, the reinforcements from the god's side had already arrived, and even sneaked into the battlefield quietly but did not rush to take action. Instead, they first used the 'temple' to attack the 'Dragon Snake' starship to attract everyone's attention, and then launched a surprise attack.

Moreover, the gods who come to help are also very precise in their choice of targets. Among the people on the Dragon Snake, Liang Ji and Peng Yue are the lowest level and are most likely to be killed by one of their sneak attacks.

But Liang Ji had cultivated the 'Dragon Soul' and was a student of the Kunlun Star Palace, mastering the inheritance of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'. In comparison, Peng Yue was undoubtedly weaker and suitable for sneak attacks.

If this god could kill Peng Yue with one blow and then block Liang Ji, he might be able to turn the tide of the battle again and suppress the Star Alliance side.

It's a pity that although the other party's eyes were vicious enough, he still underestimated Peng Yue's strength.

Although he broke the defense of Peng Yue's "Birth Star Projection" with one blow, proving his strength and powerful methods, he did not expect that Peng Yue also controlled a seventh-level "Elemental Nest" and directly urged him at the critical moment. He used the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' to protect himself and blocked the opponent's one-shot attack.

But despite this, the situation Peng Yue is facing at this time is undoubtedly precarious. She cannot master too much of the original power of the 'Elemental Sea', nor can she use it for too long. As long as the sneak attack god launches one or two attacks again, it is impossible to say It can break its defense, severely injure or even kill Peng Yue.

"How brave!"

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately shouted angrily, and the 'Dragon Man Yuanshen' immediately turned into a starlight and flew away, heading towards the god who was about to attack Peng Yue again.

The ‘God List’ was raised, and ‘divine edicts’ appeared in it. The moving divine light shone like a pillar towards the god, trying to immobilize it.

"Oracle, Wind and Thunder Shatter the Void!"

Seeing this, the god shouted oracles, holding a divine sword in his hand and slashed towards the void in the direction of Liang Ji's attack.

Suddenly, the light of the God of Wind and Thunder streaked across the void, directly breaking the void and setting off a void storm.

The divine light shining from the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' was immediately swallowed up by these void storms, making it difficult to attack and shine on the gods who mastered the two attributes of wind and thunder.

"It's a powerful enemy!"

Liang Ji became more and more awe-struck when he saw this. Judging from the movements of this god, it was obvious that the other party was already very proficient in mastering the void in addition to the two divine powers of wind and thunder. He probably just needed to condense the 'divine crystal' and master the divine power.

It was the first time in these years that Liang Ji had encountered a deity who had mastered two or even three kinds of 'divine crystal' powers.

Rare and powerful, he immediately understood that the god in front of him was probably just like him, a powerful being far beyond the same level. He was able to fight and fight across levels. He was a true genius among geniuses.

In particular, the opponent is still a sixth-level god, and the combat power obtained by crossing levels will only be more terrifying. I am afraid that he has already mastered some of the power of high-level gods.

Liang Ji even suspected that the opponent might have already had the strength to advance to a high-level god, but he did not choose to advance in order to cultivate the void 'divine crystal' and master the void divine power.

Once it succeeds, masters the divine crystals and divine power of the three attributes of wind, thunder, and void, and then advances to a high-level god, it will definitely be an extremely powerful existence among high-level gods.

Just like himself, he wants to master the three star palace inheritances, and finally integrate them to advance to a high-level star master. Once he succeeds, he will become the top existence among the seventh-level star masters.

"This is going to be a tough fight!"

Liang Ji suddenly understood. He was confronting the wind and thunder god. Instead of rushing to take action, he raised his voice and said:

"Peng Yue, please leave first and leave this god to me!"

Peng Yue also knew that her staying here would not provide much help, but would become a drag, so he didn't say much, just said "be careful", and then quickly retreated and left.

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