The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 926 A Difficult Battle

The powerful god who controlled wind and thunder did not stop Peng Yue from leaving.

The sneak attack did not kill Peng Yue with one blow, but Liang Ji had already arrived, and he already knew that he had no chance to attack Peng Yue. It was a good thing for him that Peng Yue left at this time.

After all, when he was fighting and killing Liang Ji, Peng Yue's presence might become a drag, but it might also become a threat. The battlefield situation was ever-changing, and even this powerful god who controlled wind and thunder could not guarantee that he would not Something unexpected happened.

At this time, as Peng Yue left, the powerful god who controlled wind and thunder put all his eyes and attention on Liang Ji. He felt a lot of threat from Liang Ji.

"I can see that you are only a fifth-level star master. According to the cultivation progress of your star alliance, the fifth-level star master should only be able to cultivate into Nascent Soul!"

"However, you have already cultivated your soul in advance!"

"You are a powerful Star Lord, a genius among the Star Alliance, and the most gifted among the geniuses!"

The God of Wind and Thunder looked at Liang Ji and raised his voice.

The war between the Star Alliance and the God Realm lasted for more than 100,000 years. The Star Alliance knew the God Realm and the gods very well, and even used the power of the 'gods' to create the inheritance of the Kunlun Star Palace's 'God List'.

But similarly, the gods of the God Realm naturally have enough understanding of the Star Alliance and Star Lord monks during these more than 100,000 years of war.

The wind and thunder god in front of him could tell at a glance the level of Liang Ji's cultivation level and the abnormality of his cultivation as a soul.

"A genius like you, who has also practiced the inheritance of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', will be a huge threat to our God Realm and gods once he grows up!"

"Remember the name of this god: Feng Leikar!"

"What I like to do most is to kill the geniuses of your Star Alliance!"

"Genius of the Star Alliance, you have a powerful enough talent, and you are qualified to tell me your name. I will record your name in the 'God Realm', and advance to the position of Lord God with the glory of killing you!"

The gods of the divine world are called the main gods of high-level gods. Each high-level god can divide and control a pantheon of gods that includes many middle- and low-level gods, so they are called the main gods.

"Ha!" Liang Ji sneered after hearing what the other party said.

The Star Alliance and the God Realm have been fighting for more than 100,000 years, so they have naturally mastered each other's words. What's more, with their current cultivation level, they are fully capable of making the target understand the meaning of any words they speak, and can directly convey the true meaning of any words.

"Feng Leikar, I am Kunlun Liang Ji!"

"Remember this name, because I am the one who kills you!"

After the words fell, Liang Ji's "Dragon Soul" immediately raised the "God List" and flew into the void. It was like a golden sun shining in the void, and the phantoms of the divine edicts circulated in it, shining brightly. The divine light shines down from it, overwhelmingly shining on the opposite god 'Wind Leikar'.

He has seen the methods of the opposite gods, and knows that it is impossible to attack the opponent, let alone suppress the opponent, by activating only a divine light from the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'.

Therefore, now we can only activate the power of the 'God List' to the extreme, activate all the divine light in it, and cover the entire battlefield with a range attack. This is the only way to ensure that the divine light shines and suppresses the god 'Wind Leikar'.

It's just that this kind of fighting method, activating the divine light of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' with all its strength, consumes a huge amount of the source of his natal star, far exceeding the normal activation of a divine light.

At this time, among Liang Ji's natal stars, the stars were almost consuming and decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the void of the natal stars, the sun, moon and stars appeared together, and the 'three-light dew' continued to fall like rain, blending into the stars and restoring their origin to support his battle.

Fortunately, he now has the support of the 'Three Lights of Heaven', otherwise Liang Ji would not dare to use all his strength to activate the divine light of the 'Feng Shen Bang' to fight.

In the battlefield, 'Feng Leikar' frowned at the overwhelming divine light falling from the sky. He couldn't help frowning and said in a deep voice: "The star masters of the Kunlun Star Palace who stole the glory of the gods are all sinners who deserve to go to the abyss. !”

As he said that, he saw a large amount of wind and thunder divine light erupting around him. Those divine lights directly tore apart the surrounding void, and his divine body actually disappeared directly into the surrounding broken void in a flash.

In the sky, the large swath of divine light shining down from the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' spreads across the entire battlefield, but it is difficult to penetrate deep into the void. Naturally, it is difficult to illuminate and calm the gods who have escaped into the void.

Liang Ji's eyes narrowed when he saw this. This 'Wind Leikar''s mastery of the power of the void was beyond his expectations. He was actually able to escape into the void and sneak into it. It seemed that the opponent was no longer close to the 'divine crystal' that condensed the void attributes. Far.

In other words, the opponent is not far away from becoming a high-level god, or the main god.

Obviously, the other party had quietly sneaked into the battlefield and launched a sneak attack on Peng Yue, and it was also accomplished through this sneaking method of escaping into the void.

"But this will make the battle even more troublesome!"

Liang Ji's face was solemn, and the stars in his eyes shone like two wheels of stars rotating in them. He had already used the astrological technique of the 'Eye of the Star Spirit' to the extreme, but it was still difficult to see through the surrounding void and find the sneaking figure of the opponent.

The disappearing enemy is undoubtedly the most dangerous. Once the opponent rises up, he must have found the best opportunity to attack, and he will be seriously injured or even killed with one blow.

Just like the other party's previous sneak attack on Peng Yue, no one was aware of it before the other party suddenly attacked.

Without any wrinkles, Liang Duanyu immediately summoned the projection of his natal star to come. Mass and energy far exceeding the same level exploded with the projection of his natal star, directly distorting and shattering the surrounding void.

The next moment, roaring thunder sounded, and a void storm swept by wind and thunder blasted out from the broken and twisted void beside him, directly hitting the projection of his natal stars surrounding him.

In the roaring and shattering sound, the projection of the stars surrounding Liang Ji was instantly bombarded and shattered by the force of wind, thunder and void.

Even the projection of his natal star could not stop the blow of 'Wind Leikar' which gathered the three powers of wind, thunder and void.

This is because the power of the void mastered by the opponent has not been transformed into the power of divine light. Otherwise, if the three powers were merged into a divine light strike, not only the projection of the natal star would be shattered, but he himself would be severely injured or even beheaded.

However, at this time, Liang Ji completely ignored the projection of his natal stars that had been shattered around him. The spinning stars in his eyes were shining brightly, staring closely into the broken void.

"Got you!"

With a deep shout, Liang Ji directly took back the 'Dragon Man Yuanshen' and stationed it in the sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, the natal star projections around his body were instantly repaired, and his person, Yuan Shen, and natal star projections became one.


A dragon roar sounded, and Liang Ji's body shape changed, rapidly expanded and grew, and turned into the shape of a dragon-man who can control the sky and the earth!

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