The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 931 The rescue of high-level star masters

Escape into the void and shuttle through the void. This is the fastest escape speed that the "Dragon Snake" starship can achieve now.

However, for high-level star masters and high-level gods, the void is no longer such a dangerous place.

Liang Ji and others had just escaped into the void in the starship. Not far after flying, another thunderous divine light blasted into the void, twisting and shattering the surrounding void, turning it into a turbulent void.

The 'Dragon Snake' starship was almost engulfed by these broken and chaotic void turbulence.

At the critical moment, it was the thunderous divine light that directly blasted their starship out of the void turbulence and crashed into the void.

Of course, this is not just them because of the high-level gods.

But the other party wanted to kill them personally.

After all, even if the 'Dragon Snake' starship is swallowed into the turbulence of the void, it may not necessarily fall. They still have the opportunity to escape with the turbulence, escape, and then break out of the turbulence of the void to save their lives. .

Moreover, even if they fell into the void turbulence along with the "Dragon Snake" starship, the other party would probably not be willing to kill them without the high-level star master personally killing them.

Therefore, the thunderous divine light was a blow, blasting their starship out of the void turbulence.

But at this time, the 'Dragon Snake' starship had suffered heavy damage again, and all the defensive formations and restrictions on it, and even the 'Dragon Snake' starship itself, had been penetrated.

That is to say, there is still a seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' suppressing it, and it was not directly destroyed just now.

But if this continues, it will obviously not last long.

boom! Click...

At this time, there was another thunder explosion, and another thunderous light shot through the void.

Liang Ji and others have not yet seen the figure of the high-level god who attacked them, but the starship "Dragon Snake" they are riding on is about to be destroyed by the opponent.

Everyone once again deeply realized the gap between the immortals, the void monsters, and the high-level gods and star masters of super-level civilizations who were both of the same high level.

"Peng Yue, how many more attacks can the 'Nest of Elements' sustain?"

The "Dragon Snake" starship's own protective formations and restrictions have almost been destroyed. Now they are counting more on the defense power of the "Elemental Nest".

"I can withstand it up to two times!"

Peng Yue also looked solemn at this time and said in a deep voice:

"I suggest that you just blow up the 'Nest of Elements' to stop the opponent, and we can take the opportunity to escape!"

The 'Nest of Elements' is extremely important to Peng Yue's practice, and is even related to her path to becoming a high-level star master. However, under the threat of her life, she was the first to propose self-destruction of the 'Nest of Elements'.

The other people on the starship may not have thought of self-destructing the 'Nest of Elements', but everyone knew that the 'Nest of Elements' already belonged to Peng Yue. If she didn't bring it up, it would be hard for others to mention it first.

When Liang Ji heard this, he couldn't help but show hesitation on his face.

call out! boom……

At this moment, in the direction in which the Dragon Snake starship was escaping, a ray of starlight suddenly shot out and directly blocked the thunderous light that was blasting towards them. The two collided in the void, roaring and exploding, and immediately blasted the void. of crushing.


"The high-level Star Lord of the Star Alliance finally reacted!"

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw this and he raised his voice.

In this way, they don't have to blow up the 'Elemental Nest', abandon the 'Dragon Snake' starship, or run for their lives in a panic.

"Haha..." Sure enough, at this moment, a burst of laughter came from the direction of the Star Alliance formation. The next moment, a figure of the 'Star Spirit Giant' came directly across the void and raised his voice: "Master God of Void Thunder! You are so bullying!" It’s small, but it goes against our agreement on the battlefield.”


At this time, in the void opposite, a bolt of lightning escaped from the void and quickly manifested into a giant shadow of thunder and divine light. I don't know if he knew that he was wrong, but he just snorted and said nothing, directly making it easier for the seventh-level star master who came to help. The 'Star Spirit Giants' met and fought in the void.

At the same time, behind the 'Void Thunder God', a large piece of divine light rushed out, but there were more than a dozen fifth-level and sixth-level gods, all of them heading towards the 'Dragon Snake' star of Liang Ji and others. The ship is coming.

Obviously, the 'Void Thunder God' saw that there were high-level star masters from the Star Alliance trying to stop them, and knew that it would be difficult for him to take down Liang Ji and others with his own strength.

But he still didn't want to let go of the "Dragon Snake" and the others, so he summoned the subordinates of these fifth- and sixth-level gods and asked them to take advantage of the opportunity to take down Liang Ji and others.

At this time, the 'Dragon Snake' starship suffered heavy damage, and Liang Ji and others may not be able to withstand the attack of more than a dozen fifth- and sixth-level gods.

"Should we take the opportunity to make a clean retreat?"

"Can this starship's escape formation and restrictions still work?"

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Xuanding asked with lingering fear, turning his head to look at Chu Yue.

The formation of the starship is all under her control. Chu Yue knows best what is going on at this time.

"Although most of the formations have been damaged, if we do not hesitate to damage the starships and continue to fully mobilize the original power of the 'Elemental Sea', there will still be no problem for the starships to escape and escape."

Chu Yue responded quickly.

In the starship, everyone looked at Liang Ji and asked about his decision.

Liang Ji looked at the high-level star masters and gods who were fighting in the void. The two of them had just exchanged and fought for a few moves, and they had already distorted and shattered large areas of the surrounding void.

In the end, the two simply turned into starlight and divine light, escaped into the void, and fought in the chaotic and broken void.

This is also what Liang Ji knew before. When high-level star masters fight with high-level gods, the aftermath is often too large and the damage caused is too strong. If they usually enter the void and open up their own battlefields to fight, fighting.

The aftermath of the battle will be swallowed up and digested by the turbulence in the void, cracks in the void, etc., and will not have much impact on the sea of ​​stars, the chaotic void, etc. outside the void.

As for the formation of battlefields with shattered voids and chaos such as the 'Void Sea' and the 'Small Void Sea', it can only be said that there were too many battles and too much movement between the two sides. Even 99% of the aftermath was swallowed up by the void turbulence and cracks. But as the remaining lingering influence continues to accumulate, it will completely change the void and the sea of ​​stars, forming a unique battlefield scene.

But no matter what, at this time, the high-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance have pulled the 'Void Thunder God' into the battlefield in the void. It is obviously difficult to affect their battlefield in a short time. There is no need to consider the high-level gods, The threat of the Void Thunder God.

He glanced at the gods who came to kill them. The highest level was only sixth level, and in terms of divine light and power, they were not as good as the 'Wind and Thunder Carl' who mastered the two divine powers of wind and thunder.

At that moment, he quickly made a decision: "Peng Yue, use all your strength to activate the origin of the 'Elemental Sea'. Let's kill a group of gods first, complete the assessment, and then retreat immediately!"

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