The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 932 Pulling out teeth from the tiger’s mouth and completing the assessment

The starship "Dragon Snake" suffered two consecutive heavy blows from the high-level god "Void Thunder God". The formations, restrictions, and even the body of the starship were damaged and destroyed in many places.

In addition, Peng Yue mobilized the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' regardless of losses to corrode and destroy the starship.

It can be said that the 'Dragon Snake' starship is now almost in a semi-destroyed state. It has never suffered such heavy damage since it came into the hands of Liang Ji and others.

In the next period of time, the "Dragon Snake" starship must be sent for repair and maintenance. It will be difficult for Liang Ji and the others to fight and fight on the "Dragon Snake" starship.

In a battlefield environment like the 'Little Void Sea', if Liang Ji and the others were not guarded by the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the danger would undoubtedly increase hundreds of times.

What's more, they are now being targeted by a high-level god, the Lord of Void Thunder, and the danger of continuing to fight and kill in the Little Void Sea has increased by more than a thousand times.

Liang Ji already had the intention of withdrawing from the battlefield of 'Little Void Sea'.

However, he is still two sixth-level divine crystals away from completing the Kunlun Star Palace graduation assessment, and he still lacks the divine crystals needed to advance to the ‘God Ranking’ after he advances to the sixth-level star master.

Naturally, we can't just give up the assessment and the promotion of the 'God List' and retreat.

Therefore, after seeing those fifth-level and sixth-level gods coming towards them, Liang Ji suddenly made a decision in his heart.

Taking advantage of this last opportunity, he pulled out his teeth and took down the last two missing sixth-level 'divine crystals'. Then he completely left the 'Little Void' battlefield and returned to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' to avoid the high-level gods. attention and pursuit.

Of course, now the 'Dragon Snake' starship has suffered heavy damage, and the high-level God Realm's 'Void Thunder Lord' is fighting and killing on the other side. I don't know if the high-level Star Lords on the Star Alliance side can block the other side, or how long they can hold the opponent back. Time, and I don’t know if there will be other high-level gods coming.

Therefore, Liang Ji and others must fight quickly, kill enough gods quickly, capture enough 'divine crystals', and then retreat away.

Therefore, he directly asked Peng Yue to activate all the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' to achieve a quick victory.

Anyway, the "Dragon Snake" starship has been severely damaged so far, and it doesn't care about stimulating the erosion and destruction of the original power of the "Elemental Sea" with all its strength.

Peng Yue and others are also smart people, and they immediately understood what he meant when they heard his words.

No more words now, just take action.

In the half-destroyed starship "Dragon Snake", the "Elemental Nest" was activated with all its strength. Amidst the buzzing and vibration, a large amount of elemental light burst out from it, sweeping across the surrounding void and turning into a "sea of ​​elements", eroding , Twisting Void.

Almost at the same time, the gods who rushed towards them also rushed into the void and were immediately trapped, suppressed, eroded, and distorted by the 'Elemental Sea'.

"not good!"

"Oracle, exorcise evil spirits!"

"Oracle, Gangfeng Suixu..."

The gods who were trapped in the "Elemental Sea" were all frightened. They each used various divine spells, divine lights, and artifacts to break through the suppression and restraint of the "Elemental Sea".

It's just that these gods are only around the fifth or sixth level. Their strength is superior among the same level, but they are far from the level of Liang Ji and 'Feng Leikar'. Although the divine light and magic burst out, It also contains some power of origin and law, but it is simply difficult to resist the suppression and erosion of the 'Elemental Sea' that is pushing and exploding with all its strength.

After all, this 'Elemental Sea' is the origin of the seventh-level 'Elemental Nest', which is one or two levels higher than them, and is the gap between high-level and mid-level.

Even if it cannot reach the level of crushing high-level gods and star lords, it is still no problem to temporarily suppress and trap them.

What Liang Ji and others want is this short-term suppression and trapping.

"Do it!"

Liang Ji did not hesitate, and gave an order to open the 'Star Gate' first, and the 'Dragon Soul' rushed out from it, holding the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in one hand and the magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' in the other, and rushed towards the selected six-year-old. Ranked gods.

Among the starships, Chu Yue, Wu Shan, Peng Xuanding, and Grandma Peng Yue all took action one after another, selecting the target gods to attack and kill.

On the contrary, Peng Yue, who was fully activating the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' at this time, was unable to take out his hands to fight and kill.

However, this is enough.

Under the suppression and restraint of the 'Sea of ​​Elements', the sixth-level deity that Liang Ji selected as his target had no resistance at all, and could not even escape. He was directly suppressed by the divine light hanging down from the 'God List' he had raised. , stay.

Then, the 'Dragon Man's Soul' sacrificed the natal magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Pagoda', and used the power of the Soul and the 'Dragon Ball' to activate it and upgrade it to the level of the sixth-level Taoist weapon, directly killing the stationary sixth-level gods.

A divine crystal flew out of it, and he was about to escape.

Within the scope of the 'Elemental Sea' that covers, erodes and distorts it, it is difficult for these gods to even open the portal to the 'God Realm'. It is difficult for the escaping 'divine crystals' to escape directly into the God's Realm. They need to first go to the 'Elemental Sea'. 'Fleeing away.

In this way, it is naturally more difficult to escape from Liang Ji's palm. As soon as the 'God List' was turned, the divine light of the divine order was instantly rolled up, and the sixth-order 'divine crystal' that wanted to escape was taken down and placed in the palm of his hand.

Get the eighth level six ‘divine crystal’!

There is still one final sixth-level ‘divine crystal’ left to complete the assessment.

Liang Ji didn't waste any time. The 'Dragon Soul' immediately turned around again and pounced on another sixth-level god who was suppressed and trapped in the 'Sea of ​​Elements'.

There was no surprise either. Under the suppression of the 'Elemental Sea', the opponent had no way to escape or avoid. He didn't even have much strength left to resist. He was easily killed by Liang Ji on the spot, seizing the last six pieces needed for the assessment. Level 'divine crystal'.

At this point, his graduation assessment task can be said to have been completed, and the divine crystal materials needed to advance to the 'God Ranking' after advancing to the sixth level Star Master have been collected.

However, Liang Ji did not stop and retreat immediately. He raised his head and glanced at the void in the distance again. The high-level god 'Void Thunder God' was still pulled into the void by the high-level Star Lord of the Star Alliance to fight and kill, and it was difficult to withdraw. Come on.

In the distant battlefield, there were no other high-level gods coming to kill them.

He still has time to continue to expand his results.

At that moment, without any hesitation, Liang Ji's "Dragon Soul" attacked the remaining gods suppressed by the "Sea of ​​Elements".

There are both sixth-level gods and fifth-level gods among them. Although he has completed the assessment and collected enough divine crystals needed to advance to the 'God Ranking', for him, there are definitely not too many 'divine crystals'. Even if you don't use it yourself, you can still sell it in exchange for spiritual stones, meritorious deeds, etc.

During this assessment mission, the 'Dragon Snake' starship suffered heavy damage. It is unknown how many spiritual stones and merits it will cost to repair it.

Now, hunt down a few more gods and collect some ‘divine crystals’, so that you can relieve some stress when you go back.

It's a pity that just as Liang Ji hunted two gods, a thunderous divine light broke through the void in the distance and rushed towards this direction. Although it was quickly stopped by the starlight chasing after him, it still frightened Liang Ji and others. Incessantly.

"I want money at the risk of my life! Leave quickly!"

From the broken void, there was a deep shouting voice. It was the high-ranking star master of the Star Alliance who stopped the 'Void Thunder Lord God'.


Seeing this, Liang Ji no longer hesitated and immediately ordered to take Peng Yue, Chu Yue and others to activate the original power of the 'Elemental Sea', escape quickly on the broken 'Dragon Snake' starship, and return to the Covenant position.

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