The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 933 Graduation, Guardian of the Star Palace

Star Alliance, Kunlun Star Palace.

Liang Ji led the team to complete the graduation assessment mission on the battlefield of 'Little Void Sea'. He did not choose to return to the battlefield of 'Sky Demon Star Territory', but chose to return to the Star Alliance.

On the one hand, he has completed the assessment, and there are many matters that need to be dealt with here in Kunlun Star Palace.

On the other hand, their "Dragon Snake" starship suffered heavy damage in this battle and needed to return to the Covenant to find someone to repair and maintain it.

Therefore, Liang Ji simply took the team back to the Star Alliance for temporary training. At the same time, he also gave the team members a holiday so that everyone could take a vacation in the Star Alliance.

"Junior, congratulations on completing the exam and graduating from Star Palace!"

Senior Ge Yuanchao had already received a message from Liang Ji, met him in the Kunlun Star Palace, and immediately smiled and congratulated him.

"Joining the joy! Rejoicing together!"

Liang Ji responded with a smile.

"Let's go, I'll take you to complete the formalities."

While talking, Ge Yuanchao took Liang Ji to the highest peak of Kunlun Mountain again. The huge temple and the list of gods still stood here, emitting bright divine light, illuminating the surrounding void.

"Junior, take out the divine crystal you captured after completing the assessment."

After some procedures, Ge Yuanchao turned to him and said.

Liang Ji was about to take out the nine sixth-order divine crystals he had captured in the 'Little Void Sea'. A bright divine light shot out from the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' on the top of the mountain and swept across the nine divine crystals he had taken out, verifying that they were correct.

Afterwards, the divine light directly sank into Liang Ji's sea of ​​consciousness, leaving behind a golden phantom of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"That is the symbol of our Kunlun Star Palace." Ge Yuanchao explained to Liang Ji: "Any Star Master monk who successfully graduates from the Star Palace can obtain such a phantom symbol of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'."

"This phantom of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' not only represents the Kunlun Star Palace where you were born, but it also contains the subsequent inheritance of the Star Palace that you need."

"Including the subsequent inheritance of the 'Feng Shen Bang', the subsequent inheritance of Yuzi's 'Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade', and the subsequent inheritance of Jinding's 'Nine Cauldrons Building Power', etc."

"The star palace is determined based on your study, practice, performance, etc. over the years in the star palace."

"With this phantom mark of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', after you advance in cultivation, you can directly obtain the necessary subsequent inheritance from it without having to return to the Star Palace to obtain it."

"At the same time, within this phantom of the 'God List', there is also a protective power that can withstand the attack of the seventh-level star master!"

“This is Kunlun Star Palace’s protection and blessing for every graduating student.”

Senior Ge Yuanchao said in a deep voice.

When Liang Ji heard this, his eyes couldn't help but shine. This time in the battle in the 'Little Void Sea', he faced the attack of a seventh-level god for the first time. The power and danger impressed him deeply.

Now, the blessing of the Kunlun Star Palace can block the attack of the seventh-level star master, and naturally can also block the attack of the seventh-level god. It can be said that it has greatly increased his sense of security.

"Thank you Xing Gong!"

At the moment, he bowed to the golden ‘God List’ on the top of the sacred mountain and thanked him.

After seeing him thanking him, Ge Yuanchao warned him: "Brother Liang Ji, please remember that the guardian of the projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' can only block one blow from the seventh-level star master."

"Don't think that with this protection, you have nothing to fear and rashly offend the seventh-level star master or the gods. No matter how much protection you have, it will be useless!"

Liang Ji was slightly surprised when he heard this and asked: "There are still people who take the initiative to offend the seventh-level star masters and gods?"

"Haha..." Ge Yuanchao smiled and shook his head, saying: "The world is so big and full of wonders."

"Some people have never seen the power and combat power of the seventh-level star masters and gods. They think they have graduated from the star palace and are protected by the star palace. They cannot recognize themselves. They offend the seventh-level star masters and gods and are killed directly in the end. , there will always be one or two such fools popping up every few companies."

Liang Ji couldn't help but shake his head slightly when he heard this. He had really seen the power of attacks from seventh-order gods. If he didn't have enough means and confidence later, he would never rashly fight against seventh-order star masters and gods.

Without staying here for a long time in the Central Sacred Mountain, Liang Ji and Ge Yuanchao quickly returned to the peak of the 'Yu Zi Yi Line'.

"Junior, there is definite news from Master Akadama, and he will be released from seclusion in half a year."

"If you have nothing to do in the past six months, you can stay in the Star Alliance and come together to welcome the mentor when he leaves seclusion."

Arriving at the peak of the 'Yuzi Yimai', Ge Yuanchao looked at the closed 'dojo' on the top of the mountain and walked towards Liang Ji.

"After half a year?" Liang Ji nodded and said: "My 'Dragon Snake' starship suffered heavy damage in this graduation assessment battle, and it is estimated that it will have to stay in the Star Alliance for repairs in the next few months. "

"I will also be cultivating in the Star Alliance for a few months, and I will definitely come here to welcome my mentor out of seclusion in half a year."

"Okay!" After having said this, Ge Yuanchao said with a smile: "The mentor is about to leave seclusion. Several seniors and juniors have now rushed back to the Star Alliance to prepare to welcome the mentor."

"It just so happens that junior brother, you have successfully graduated from the Star Palace. I wonder when will a graduation celebration be held? Just in time, let's get together first."

"Oh?" Liang Ji was also slightly surprised when he heard this: "Have all the seniors and senior sisters come back?"

Now is the critical time for the Star Alliance to develop the "Sky Demon Star Territory". Seniors such as Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others are basically fighting, looking for resources and opportunities in the "Sky Demon Star Territory".

Even though Qi Changge and others did not go to open up the battlefield, it was still an important time to inspect and stabilize the Star Alliance to prevent evil cults and enemies from taking the opportunity to cause chaos.

This should be the busiest time.

However, Liang Ji thought about the instructor Chiyu who was about to leave seclusion, and nodded in understanding.

Although pioneering wars and inspection missions are important, Master Akadema is an eighth-level star master when he comes out of seclusion this time. He will be a very rare high-level star master in the entire Star Alliance. Regardless of his cultivation level and status, he will definitely be able to succeed in the star. occupy a high position in the alliance.

All the seniors, seniors, and even junior Liu Xu will definitely not miss the opportunity to welcome Master Akadama out of seclusion.

After all, a mentor to an eighth-level star master is undoubtedly a very important and useful background support for everyone, and naturally no one will miss it.

Liang Ji nodded clearly and said: "In this case, let's set it in three months' time, in Kunlun City, Senior Sister Bian's 'Jade Capital Tower'!"

He said with a smile: "I still remember that after I came to Star Palace, the first time I got together with several seniors and senior sisters was at the 'Yujing Tower' in Kunlun City!"

"Now that I have graduated from Star Palace, I just happened to borrow Senior Bian's place to relive the original party."

Senior Ge Yuanchao heard this and nodded with a smile, saying: "Indeed, the original gathering is still vivid in my mind, but now nearly a hundred years have passed."

"Over the years, everyone has gone their separate ways and been busy, and it is rare to get together again."

"This time, if the mentor had not been out of isolation, it would have been difficult to gather together."

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