The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 934 News from the Front Line Bian Yujiao’s Reinvitation

In Kunlun City at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Senior Bian Yujiao’s ‘Yujing Tower’.

Liang Ji entertained a group of seniors, seniors, and junior Liu Xu here to celebrate his graduation from Kunlun Star Palace.

It's rare for everyone to gather together, so it's a great gathering.

First, they congratulated Liang Ji on his successful graduation, and then they talked about their experiences over the years, the heated development war of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', and finally talked about the Akadera mentor who was about to leave seclusion.

The banquet lasted for several days before the guests left happily.

"Senior Brother Liang Ji." After the banquet, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao approached Liang Ji and sighed, "I didn't expect that you would graduate from the Star Palace so quickly and your cultivation would almost catch up with mine."

"Why didn't you inform me in advance when the graduation examination was going on? You helped me complete the examination, and I was prepared to contribute to your examination."

Liang Ji heard the words and said with a smile: "Senior, I have received the award. My assessment this time was relatively easy. The location was not in the 'Void Sea', but outside the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', on a temporary battlefield between the Star Alliance and the Divine Realm Army." , the danger and difficulty are far less than those of my senior sister.”

"I completed the assessment myself with the 'Dragon Snake' team, so I didn't invite any assistants."

When Senior Sister Bian Yujiao heard this, she smiled and shook her head and said, "I originally wanted to help you during the graduation exam to repay your original help, but now it seems I can only look for another opportunity."

Liang Ji immediately smiled and said:

"Senior sister has helped me a lot over the years. I only owe senior sister. It's up to me to look for opportunities to repay senior sister for her help."

"You and I are from the same school. We should help each other, so let's not talk about this." The two of them were humble. Bian Yujiao changed the subject and asked about the Star Alliance blocking the army of the gods outside the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. combat situation.

Liang Ji told the other party about the situation on the battlefield of the 'Little Void Sea'. Senior Sister Bian Yujiao sighed after hearing the words: "Nowadays, the situation on the frontline battlefield in the 'Celestial Monster Star Territory' is becoming more and more complicated. In addition to the Void Monster Clan and the Star Monster Beast, In addition, traces of gods, elemental spirits, monsters, etc. have begun to appear."

"It is becoming increasingly difficult for our small team to make meritorious deeds and gain sufficient merit and benefits on the frontline battlefield."

"At the beginning, I still underestimated the dangers and difficulties of this pioneering war."

Liang Ji was slightly surprised when he heard this: "Have gods and elemental spirits appeared on the frontline battlefield?"

"Not bad!" Senior Sister Bian Yujiao nodded and said: "The location of the Sky Demon Star Territory has been exposed. Although the Star Alliance can stop the armies of super-level civilizations such as the God Realm and the Spirit Realm, some small teams, loners, etc., can bypass Okay, sneak into the Sky Demon Star Territory, but it’s difficult for the Star Alliance to stop them all.”

"Especially, the Star Alliance now only occupies a small part of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. Those gods, elemental spirits, etc. can sneak in from the star territory we have not yet occupied, and there is no way to stop them."

"Nowadays, when fighting and fighting on the frontline battlefield, we must not only be careful of those void monsters and star monsters, but also be careful of hidden gods, elemental spirits, etc. The danger is greatly increased."

"I brought the team back to the Star Alliance this time. On the one hand, I was waiting for Master Akadema to come out of seclusion. On the other hand, the frontline battlefield was too dangerous. During this operation, my team encountered a small group of elemental spirits. The ambush and sneak attack caused a lot of damage, so I had to come back to recuperate and recover."

Liang Ji was slightly shocked when he heard this. This was the first time he knew that Senior Bian Yujiao had been injured on the front line and had just returned to the Star Alliance to train. He couldn't help but ask: "Senior, how is the damage?"

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao shook her head slightly and said: "The injuries have been dealt with, and those who should be compensated have been compensated. The trouble is the next battle."

After saying that, she looked at Liang Ji and asked: "Junior Liang Ji, you have now graduated from the Star Palace. Next, you will advance to the sixth level Star Master and then go to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. Are you willing to go to the frontline battlefield?" ?”

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to say more, Liang Ji did not ask further questions. He nodded and said: "After advancing to the sixth level Star Master, I am indeed planning to go to the front line to have a look."

He was still a fifth-level star master before, but his strength was not enough, so he always stayed behind the battlefield of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' to develop. Although he also gained a lot, if he wanted to truly gain important gains in the 'Pioneering War', he would have to When the Liang family, Peng family, etc. develop, they will eventually have to fight and win on the frontline battlefield.

Therefore, after he advances to the sixth level Star Master and obtains the new Star Palace inheritance, he will definitely go to the frontline battlefield to fight.

When Senior Sister Bian Yujiao heard this, she immediately suggested: "When the time comes, the junior team might as well join forces with my team to take action!"

"Senior, my team suffered heavy losses this time, and the frontline battlefield is becoming more and more dangerous. We need strong teammates to help. I know your strength, junior."

"And the junior team has just gone to the front line, and it also needs a team with enough experience to guide them."

"Senior sister, although I haven't gained much on the front line over the years, my experience is definitely enough."

"Junior, what do you think?"

Liang Ji was slightly moved when he heard this. When senior Bian Yujiao formed a team, preparing to show off her talents in the Star Alliance's pioneering war and lead the family to a higher level, she invited Liang Ji to join the team at that time.

However, the invitation at that time was to recruit subordinates.

But now, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao invites his team to join forces again, and she invites teammates to cooperate.

On the one hand, of course, his current strength and cultivation have greatly increased, which can make Senior Bian Yujiao value him more. On the other hand, it undoubtedly shows that Senior Bian Yujiao's team has suffered a lot this time.

From this, it can be seen that the Star Alliance is now very dangerous on the frontline battlefield of the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’!

The team formed by Senior Bian Yujiao is definitely stronger than his 'Dragon Snake' starship team, with more people, and it has suffered a lot of damage in the frontline battlefield.

Even though he has advanced to the sixth level of Star Master and integrated the inheritance of the second star palace, his strength has greatly increased. However, it is difficult for the strength of the rest of the 'Dragon Snake' team to increase significantly in a short period of time. If you want to rely on him alone, It is obviously impossible for him to make a difference and achieve great achievements on the frontline battlefield with his own strength.

Moreover, the frontline battlefield is more dangerous now. It is indeed safer and more convenient to operate with an experienced team, and it is also easier to gain benefits, merits, etc.

At the moment, he smiled and said: "This is a matter of mutual benefit. The senior sister does not think my strength is low and is willing to take care of the junior fellow students. Naturally, I can only ask for it!"

"When the time comes, I have to ask senior to take more care of me."

Hearing Liang Ji's agreement, Bian Yujiao also showed joy on her face, and said with a smile: "I know a thing or two about your strength, junior, I'm afraid you have already surpassed me."

"If we join forces this time, I might be able to take advantage of my junior brother."

"When the time comes, please don't dislike senior sister's team being a drag on us."

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