The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 955 The Rebirth of the Seventh-Level Void Monster Tribe The Restraining Effect of the ‘Blood

Liang Ji's dragon-veined family members transformed into various dragon beasts. Their bodies expanded to a size of tens of thousands, and they moved around the "Dragon Snake" starship, setting off all kinds of thunder, fire, ice, and golden light, and rushed past the starship to attack. A large number of middle and low-level void monsters were crushed.

Most of these mid- to low-level void monsters that rushed through the starship attack were not even as big as the dragon beasts transformed by Liang Ji's sixth-level family members, let alone the various inheritances, bloodline magical powers, and elemental power they mastered.

What's more, in addition to the crushing and sweeping of these tens of thousands of dragon beasts, there are also tens of thousands of family spaceships and airships surrounding the starship, forming a huge legion to fight with the incoming void monsters.

The number of Peng Yue and his grandma's family members, as well as the number of spaceships and airships, etc., were no less than those of Liang Ji, filling the empty battlefield around them.

The inheritance of the Star Alliance Star Master monks determines that every Star Master monk has the combat power of one man and an army.

On this frontline battlefield, there are several star master monks on each starship, who can occupy a void in the frontline battlefield, form a single front, and fight against the void demon clan.

The only difference is that the combat power of the star master monks and their dependents on the starship determines whether the front line of the battle with the void demon clan will advance or retreat.

As for Liang Ji and others' "Dragon Snake" starship, whether it is the combat power of the starship or the combat power of the star master monks and dependents on it, it is undoubtedly among the top even in this frontline battlefield. .

Under the starship's various formations and restricted attacks, as well as the strong attack of a large number of family members of the three star masters Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Peng Yue's grandma, the battle line they formed quickly overwhelmed the incoming Void Monster Clan, and the Void Monster Clan was completely destroyed. The front formed by the sea of ​​fire and demon tides continued to suppress and retreat, and even collapsed. A large number of void demons were killed and injured under their attacks.

However, on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji and others did not pay too much attention to the battle between the family members and these middle and low-level void monsters. Instead, their eyes were fixed on the seventh-level void fire above the incoming sea of ​​fire. snake.

In such a battle, those mid- and low-level Void Monsters are undoubtedly just cannon fodder. What really determines the outcome of the battle is the outcome of the high-level battle.

hiss! Groan...

The sound of snakes hissing and dragon roars sounded, and the "Dragon Snake Phantom" on the "Dragon Snake" starship appeared, spitting out "Elemental Dragon Balls" again and again to blast towards the seventh-order void fire snake.

The attack power of each 'Elemental Dragon Ball' is no less than a seven-level right blow. The original power of the 'Elemental Sea' contained in it is the source of fire and the power of law controlled by the Void Fire Snake. suppress.

Several consecutive 'Elemental Dragon Balls' bombarded the seventh-order Void Fire Snake, instantly blasting its tens of thousands of feet away.

However, the body of the seventh-level void fire snake has been completely transformed into elements. Although the 'Elemental Dragon Ball' blasted it away, the sea of ​​fire swept up from below. A large number of flames regrouped and condensed, and soon reshaped a tens of thousands of feet in size. Void fire snake body.

Although the reshaped Void Fire Snake looked much weaker, it was not directly killed after all.

"When the Void Demon Clan reaches a high level, it becomes harder to kill them!"

"If you don't think of a way to destroy this sea of ​​void fire, it would be difficult to completely kill this seventh-level void fire snake."

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Liang Ji couldn't help but said in a deep voice when he saw this.

"How about I activate the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' to disperse and destroy this void sea of ​​fire!"

Peng Yue suggested from the side.

Liang Ji shook his head when he heard this and said: "'Sea of ​​Elements' is the trump card power. If you can't use it lightly, don't use it lightly. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome and time-consuming to recover after every use."

"Looking at the situation on the frontline battlefield, if we want to earn profits and meritorious deeds on the frontline battlefield in the future, we may have to fight with high-level void monsters very frequently."

"If we use the 'Sea of ​​Elements' to suppress and win every time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to gain a foothold on the frontline battlefield."

Peng Yue's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he asked in a deep voice: "Then how should we take down this seventh-level Void Fire Snake?"

Liang Ji said in a deep voice: "I'll give it a try."

As he said that, in the void outside the starship, from the "Star Gate" opened by Liang Ji, a bit of blood flew out and spread out in the void. It was the "Bloodline Atlas" that he had sacrificed.

The cultivation of the Star Alliance's Star Master Tradition requires constant hunting of void monsters, seizing demon elixirs, and cultivating natal stars. It can be said that for hundreds of thousands of years, the Star Alliance's countless Star Lord monks have dealt with the most enemies against various void monsters.

Naturally, the Star Alliance will not lack the means to deal with and restrain the Void Demon Clan.

The most powerful among them is the inheritance of Taiyi Star Palace’s ‘Bloodline Illustration’.

Just like the Kunlun Star Palace's "Feng Shen Bang" inheritance, it was created by studying the "gods" of the divine world, and it is the most restrained towards the gods; the "Ten Thousand Methods Melting Pot" inheritance of the Vientiane Star Palace was created by studying the "elemental spirits" of the spiritual world. , the most restrained towards elemental spirits.

The first and most basic inheritance of Taiyi Star Palace's "Bloodline Catalog" is the research on the bloodlines of various void demon clans, so it has the strongest restraint on the void demon clans.

It is also for this reason that this time when the Star Alliance develops the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', Taiyi Star Palace is at the forefront, not only because it can get the most benefits from it, but also because the 'Bloodline Catalog' is the most restrained against the Void Demon Clan and can best explode. combat effect.

Similarly, Liang Ji's second star palace inheritance chose this 'bloodline catalog' for this reason.

At this time, Liang Ji sacrificed the body of the 'Bloodline Illustration' that was warmed in the origin of the natal star. A bloody light shone out from it and shot directly towards the seventh-order void fire snake in the sea of ​​fire.

Liang Ji's 'Bloodline Catalog' is currently only at the fifth level, which is quite different from the level of the Void Fire Snake. The restraint effect it can have is limited, and at most it has some containment effect.

The main battle relies on the 'Elemental Dragon Balls' spit out by the 'Dragon Snake Breath' on the starship.

Amidst the roars of snakes and dragons, one after another 'Elemental Dragon Balls' were spit out, bombarding the seventh-level Void Fire Snake.

The seventh-level void fire snake clearly felt the threat and rushed directly into the sea of ​​fire, twisting the sea of ​​fire into a sea of ​​​​original fire, from which a large area of ​​flames containing the power of the origin and the power of law was set off toward the 'Dragon Snake' starship. The impact comes.

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, various defensive formations and restrictions were opened and operated by Chu Yue and the 'Ship Spirit' with all their strength, turning into heavy defenses to withstand the impact and burning of the original sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, among the 'Dragon Snake Phantom' entangled on the starship, an 'Elemental Dragon Ball' appeared, bursting out a large area of ​​elemental light, destroying the Dragon Snake Phantom guarding the starship, as well as various defensive formations, restrictions, etc. Rendering, flooding.

Immediately, the power of the dragon and snake phantoms, defensive formations and restrictions were continuously raised and enhanced, easily withstanding the bombardment and burning of the original sea of ​​fire.

The "Dragon Snake" starship was upgraded for the third time. The addition of "Elemental Dragon Balls" naturally not only enhanced the attack power, but also greatly enhanced the starship's defense power.

Seeing that the sea of ​​fire set off by the seventh-order void fire snake could not threaten the starship for the time being, Chu Yue immediately felt relieved and used her power to activate the "Dragon Snake Breath Array" to blast out a series of "elemental dragon beads", bombarding the seventh-order void fire snake. On the body.

His body was quickly blown away again, and the collapsed seventh-level Void Fire Snake was left with only a demon pill burning with the original flame, and it was about to rush into the sea of ​​fire to reunite its flame body.

At this time, the blood light emitted from the 'Bloodline Catalog' that Liang Ji sacrificed suddenly shone on the demon pill burning the original flame, and the speed of the demon pill rushing towards the sea of ​​​​fire suddenly dropped sharply.

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