The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 956: Cooperation on the frontline battlefield, two star palace inheritances are activated at

It was obviously impossible for the fifth-level 'Bloodline Catalogue' to restrain the seventh-level Void Demon Clan, but when the seventh-level Void Demon Clan was blasted to pieces with its elemental body, leaving only the demon elixir and the power of the source, it used all its strength to mobilize There is no doubt that the 'Bloodline Catalog' will restrain it a little and slow down its reunion with the demon body.

Taking this opportunity, the "Dragon Snake Breath Formation" on the "Dragon Snake" starship continued to operate at full strength and launched an attack. One after another, the "Elemental Dragon Balls" blasted out, bombarding the Void Fire Snake Demon Pill that was burning with the original flame. above.

After several consecutive heavy blows, it was finally severely damaged. The original flame burning on the demon pill was shattered, and the demon soul, demon spirit, and origin in the demon pill were all suppressed and blasted into the demon pill.

Then, a burst of starlight swept out from the starship, directly sweeping, wrapping and suppressing the severely damaged demon core, and took back the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

At the same time, a bit of the bloodline power of the Void Fire Snake flew out of the shattered body of the Fire Snake and disappeared into the 'Bloodline Atlas' offered by Liang Ji.

The blood light on the 'Bloodline Catalog' suddenly flourished, and its strength, origin, and power increased slightly, from the fifth level to the sixth level.

This is one of the ways to advance to the "Bloodline Catalog" of Taiyi Star Palace. Defeat and plunder the void monsters, alien beasts, alien races, etc., and then plunder the power of the bloodline and integrate it into the "Bloodline Catalog" to become the "Bloodline Catalog" promotion , advanced resources and power.

The Taiyi Star Palace's competitiveness and predatory nature can be said to be integrated into the inheritance.

In other words, it is precisely because of the predatory nature of the 'Bloodline Catalog' that determines the Taiyi Star Palace's practice style of survival of the fittest and the weak and the strong.

At this time, Liang Ji's "Bloodline Catalog" cross-leveled to plunder a wisp of the bloodline power of the seventh-level void fire snake, which was naturally of great benefit to the improvement and advancement of the "Bloodline Catalog".

Liang Ji felt the surging power in the 'Bloodline Catalog', the origin of the restlessness, and now continued to urge the power of the 'Bloodline Catalog' to spill onto the battlefield.

At this time, as the seventh-level void fire snake was killed by Liang Ji and others, the sea of ​​​​void fire that swept and burned has collapsed. The demon tide formed by a large number of middle and low-level void demon clans has become even more difficult to resist the starships and The attack of the Familia team.

A large number of Void Demon Clan were bombarded and killed, and the battle line formed by the Void Demon Clan turned into a line of flesh and blood, constantly collapsing and retreating under the attacks of Liang Ji and others.

In the void, the blood light shed by the 'Bloodline Catalog' activated by Liang Ji fell on these collapsed and retreating flesh and blood battle lines, but he was very picky and only selected the sixth-level Void Monster Clan from the defeated, dead and injured. The power of bloodline is plundered from the sixth-level Void Demon Clan.

Various bloodline powers fly up with the blood light, and merge into the "Bloodline Catalog" in the void, turning into the power and resources for the growth and promotion of the "Bloodline Catalog".

Liang Ji's 'Bloodline Catalog' has reached the fifth level limit. The next step is to advance to the sixth level. Therefore, the bloodline power plundered on the battlefield needs to start at least the sixth level. The bloodline power below the sixth level is basically basic to it. It has no effect.

However, the void monsters gathered in this sea of ​​​​fire battlefield are basically biased towards the fire attribute. The 'Bloodline Catalog' plunders the power of blood from the battlefield and is also biased towards the fire attribute.

Liang Ji could clearly sense that with the integration of the plundered various Martian bloodline powers, the effect on the growth and improvement of the 'Bloodline Catalog' was getting weaker and weaker.

"If you want to improve the 'Bloodline Catalog', the most important thing is to plunder as many different attributes and higher-level bloodline powers as possible!"

Liang Ji understood the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Illustration' in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart.


At this time, the figure of Senior Sister Bian Yujiao appeared on the light screen in the main control cabin of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, and contacted them and said:

"You are attacking too fast. Be careful to keep your line with the starships on the left and right of the battlefield, and don't go too deep into the Void Monster Tribe's line!"

Only then did Liang Ji notice that in the void battlefield beside them, the starship 'Yujing Tower' piloted by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao had not yet killed the seventh-level void monsters who were fighting. Their starship battle line Already behind them.

Also in the void on the other side, the starship team cooperating with them is also fighting and fighting with the seventh-order void demon tribe, and the battle line is also lagging behind them.

At this time, their 'Dragon Snake' starship team had broken through the Void Demon Clan's front and had penetrated deep into the Void Demon Clan's position.

"On the frontline battlefield, the most important thing is to cooperate with your teammates, not to lower your head and fight hard or charge hard!"

In the light curtain, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao was still imparting her combat experience on the frontline battlefield to them.

At this time, two more roars sounded in the void ahead.

The next moment, another sea of ​​void fire and a sea of ​​void thunder were seen, attacking towards the 'Dragon Snake' starship at the same time.

After they killed the seventh-order Void Fire Snake and defeated the Void Demon Clan's front line, two more seventh-order Void Demon Clan joined forces to attack them in the 'Qingyu Galaxy' occupied by the Void Demon Clan.

One fire attribute, entrenched on the sea of ​​fire, and one thunder attribute, entrenched on the sea of ​​thunder, swept the sea of ​​fire and thunder, eroding and distorting the void, leading a large number of middle and low-level void monsters to rush straight towards them.

Immediately, the void demon clan's front that had been defeated by Liang Ji and others was quickly re-established. The more numerous and stronger void demon clan with the two attributes of thunder and fire began to break through the starship attack and the family siege, and attacked the 'Dragon Snake' star. near the ship.

"Is this the consequence of leaving the battle line and going too deep?"

"Being targeted by more and stronger void monsters, becoming a firepower-attracting existence!"

Liang Ji suddenly understood.

In the main control cabin, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao appeared on the light screen and said urgently: "Brother, your team retreat quickly! Return to the front, I will use my trump card to kill the opponent as soon as possible, and then help you contain a group of seven The Void Monster Clan!"

While they were talking, the starship of Senior Bian Yujiao's "Yujing Tower" suddenly erupted with bright starlight, obviously she wanted to use her trump card.

Seeing this, Liang Ji quickly said: "Senior sister, let's keep our trump card first."

"They're just two seventh-order void monsters. Junior, I can still deal with them!"

As he spoke, in the void outside the starship, a divine light flew out from the 'Star Gate' he opened, and the body of the 'Gods List' that had been refined appeared in the void.

At the moment, the two star palace inheritances he practiced, the 'Bang of Gods' and the 'Book of Bloodlines' were listed in the void, shining and exploding.

The 'Bloodline Catalog' illuminated a large area of ​​blood and fell on those sixth-level dependents, immediately increasing their physical strength, bloodline strength, magical power and other powers several times again.

At the same time, the 'God List' hangs down a series of divine lights, and in each divine light there are various ghosts, gods, gods, gods and other 'divine edicts' lights and shadows flowing.

The divine light falls on those sixth-level dependents, forming blessings and blessings!

For the first time, Liang Ji activated two Star Palace inheritances at the same time and used them on the battlefield, which just verified the enhanced combat power of his fellow practitioners' two Star Palace inheritances!

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