The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 957 The cross-level battle between the sixth-level dependents and the Immortal takes action

The sixth-order dependents in Liang Ji's natal star transformed into the form of dragons and beasts, and activated the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', which could reach a size of more than 10,000 feet, like sacred mountains stretching across the void.

And when he activated the 'Bloodline Catalog' to bless the dragon beasts transformed by these sixth-level clansmen, activating the power of their bloodline, they immediately increased their size several times, reaching tens of thousands of feet in size, like particles. Stars move in the void.

In terms of size alone, there is already a very small difference between them and the real seventh-level Void Demon Clan.

At this time, there are also blessings and divine blessings from all kinds of ghosts, gods, earth gods, and gods prompted by the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'. The bodies of every sixth-level family member transformed into a dragon beast, as big as a star, are surrounded by divine light.

Under the blessing of these divine lights, they operate their bloodline magical powers, and the power of various elements gathered around their bodies is infected with the divine light, containing the origin and law of their natal stars, and their power is greatly increased.

Ouch! Roar! Groan...

Amidst the howls of wolves, howls of tigers, and roars of dragons, dragon beasts transformed from sixth-order families were like stars swept by divine light and the power of the original elements, crashing into the sea of ​​thunder rushing in the void, and the sea of ​​thunder. The seventh level void demon clan.

Ya Sui, Suan Ni, Bi Fan, Xiao Feng, Chi Kiss, Jiao Tu... dragon beasts tens of thousands of feet in size rushed into the thunder sea, and the golden light, flames, thunder, strong wind, and ice swept around them, carrying the gods with them. The original power of light and natal stars exploded and impacted, breaking through and blasting away the sea of ​​thunder, revealing among them a seventh-order void demon race and a seventh-order void thunder eagle.


The seventh-level void thunder eagle chirped, and with a flash of its wings, the surrounding void twisted and turned into a sea of ​​thunder again, drowning the dragon beast that broke through the sea of ​​thunder.

However, protected by the divine light of the ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’, even the seventh-order Void Thunder Eagle distorted the void’s thunder sea, and it was difficult to quickly kill these dragon beasts.

As long as they cannot be killed quickly, these sixth-order dragon beasts will break through the sea of ​​thunder without fear of life and death, and pounce directly on the seventh-order void thunder eagle.

One after another, in an endless stream, one after another, not afraid of life and death!

It may be difficult for these dragon beasts transformed by the sixth-order family members to cross-level to hunt down the seventh-order void demon clan, but with the combat power blessed by the 'Bloodline Catalog' and the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' at this time, the seventh-order void thunder eagle in this thunder sea Temporarily blocking or delaying it is no problem at all.

The price is the rapid consumption of the source of his natal stars, but with the replenishment and recovery of the 'Three Lights of Heaven', Liang Ji is not afraid of a large amount of consumption on this frontline battlefield.

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji retracted his gaze from the direction of the void sea of ​​thunder and turned to the void sea of ​​fire coming from the other side.

At this time, two seventh-level void monster clans were attacking. His sixth-level family members tried their best to hold off one of them, leaving only one left. He was about to take this opportunity to kill it first.


There was a roar in the sea of ​​fire, and the seventh-order Void Demon Clan appeared in it. It was a seventh-order Void Flame Tiger!

As soon as the seventh-level Void Flame Tiger appeared, it immediately raised its head and roared, spitting out a blazing fireball and blasting towards the 'Dragon Snake' starship, taking the lead in attacking.

The fire ball was blazing, containing the power of the origin and law of fire. It distorted and burned the void wherever it passed, like a 'little sun'.

hiss! Groan...

At the same time, the 'Dragon Snake Phantom' wrapped around the starship also neighed with its head raised, and spat out an 'Elemental Dragon Ball' from its mouth. It collided with the 'Little Sun' that was coming. In the roaring explosion, it directly destroyed the surrounding areas. The void exploded into pieces, turning into a fragmented turbulent void.

On the surrounding battlefield, some Void Monsters and Familia who were fighting in the nearby void were suddenly drawn into the fragmented void turbulence and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Even the airships and spaceships driven by the Familia were caught by the shattering turbulence of the void. The airships and spaceships were directly broken and collapsed, and the Familia's family died after the boat was destroyed!

This is the battlefield where the Star Alliance develops the Sky Demon Star Territory. In every battle, many star master monks' dependents are inevitably killed, injured, and perished on the battlefield.

Not only those who fought with the Void Demon Clan and died, but also many people fell and disappeared on the battlefield due to suffering from Chiyu.

Such battles and sacrifices can only be sustained by the dependent families raised by Star Lord monks in large numbers.

The Star Alliance, and only the existence of the Star Lord orthodoxy, can become a super-level civilization that dominates the star sea.

"This Void Fire Tiger is more powerful than the Void Fire Snake just now!"

In the main control cabin of the starship, Chu Yue controlled the 'Dragon and Snake Breath Formation', locking onto the seventh-order Void Flame Tiger in the sea of ​​fire, with a serious look on his face.

They all belong to the seventh-level Fire Element Void Demon Clan, but different Void Demon Clan may have huge differences in combat power.

"I'll contain it!"

At this time, Wu Shan, a third-level human immortal, came forward and raised his voice.

The third-level immortal and the seventh-order void demon tribe belong to the same level, and they also control the power of origin and law. Even if they are not the opponents of the seventh-order void demon tribe, they can contain them and become the 'Elemental Dragon Ball' of the 'Dragon Snake' starship. 'It's no problem to provide a chance for a decisive victory.

This is also the reason why in the Star Alliance's pioneering team, there are not only Star Lord monks, but also a large number of third-grade heretical immortals.

Together, these third-level immortals also have the ability to kill the seventh-level void demon clan.

"Brother Wu, I'm with you!"

Peng Xuanding also quickly stood up, walked out of the starship with Wu Shan, and escaped into the void to kill the seventh-order void flame tiger.

At the moment, Wu Shan manifested three heads and six arms, and a legal golden body to fight with the seventh-order Void Flame Tiger head-on, while Peng Xuanding escaped into the void and stabbed out from the side from time to time, helping Wu Shan attract some of the attention of the seventh-order Void Flame Tiger.

With two people restraining them, the attack of the seventh-order Void Flame Tiger towards the starship was greatly reduced.

hiss! Groan...

Chu Yue immediately seized the opportunity and activated the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation' repeatedly, blasting out one after another 'Elemental Dragon Balls' from it.

The seventh-order Void Flame Tiger, which was restrained by Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding, could no longer withstand and avoid the bombardment of these 'Elemental Dragon Balls'.

Soon, under the bombardment of the 'Elemental Dragon Balls', the huge monster body of the seventh-order Void Flame Tiger was also shattered.

In the void, the 'Bloodline Catalog' immediately illuminated a large area of ​​blood light, covering the demon elixir of the seventh-level Void Flame Tiger, preventing it from reuniting with the elemental demon body.

The 'Dragon Snake' starship bombarded them again and again, and finally it was completely destroyed. The starlight swept the seventh-level void demon elixir into the starship, and the 'Bloodline Catalog' collected another seventh-level bloodline power.

Then, without stopping, everyone turned directly to attack the seventh-order Void Thunder Eagle in the thunder sea on the other side.

The strength of this seventh-order Void Thunder Eagle is not as good as that of the seventh-order Void Flame Tiger. With Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding's siege, the 'Bloodline Catalog' to contain it, and the 'Dragon Snake' starship's ultimate kill, this seventh-order Void Thunder Eagle will soon be defeated. Also blasted.

‘Bloodline Catalog’ once again gained the power of a seventh-level bloodline.

At the same time, the 'Bloodline Catalog' shed a large amount of blood in the sea of ​​thunder, collecting a large amount of sixth-level thunder-attribute void demon blood from it.

The blood light contained in the 'Bloodline Catalog' is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting closer to advancing to the sixth level.

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