The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 958 Star Monsters Civilization and Transformation

"In less than an hour, dozens of dragon beasts transformed from sixth-level families died!"

Although the 'Dragon Snake' starship successfully killed two seventh-order void monsters, Liang Ji quickly checked the situation on the battlefield and found that the dragon beast transformed by the sixth-order family members blocked and involved the short-term attack of the seventh-order void thunder eagle. Within a period of time, dozens of people were killed or injured.

He couldn't help but feel distressed.

"After all, the time for these sixth-level dependents to advance is too short, and many sixth-level inheritances have not yet had time to learn and practice."

"Furthermore, the 'Bloodline Catalog' is still at the fifth level after all, and has not been promoted to the sixth level."

"Otherwise, with the blessing of the sixth-level 'Bloodline Catalog' and the sixth-level 'God List', the combat power of these sixth-level dependents should be increased several times or even dozens of times."

"When the time comes, not to mention being able to kill the seventh-order void demon clan across the ranks, but just besieging and containing the seventh-order void demon clan, it should be much easier and smoother, with fewer casualties."

Liang Ji quickly made a judgment in his mind and became more and more eager to upgrade the 'Bloodline Catalog'.

"Junior! It's amazing..."

At this time, the "Yujing Tower" starship piloted by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao had also killed the hostile seventh-order void demon clan, broke through the void demon clan's front, and caught up with the "Dragon Snake" starship of Liang Ji and others. .

On the other side, the starships of the 'Phoenix Feather' group have also caught up.

The "Dragon Snake" starship of Liang Ji and others finally returned to the normal front line of the Star Alliance development team from the state of early and advanced.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's figure also appeared in the light curtain in the cabin, and she praised: "Senior brother, your family is really powerful. They can besiege and contain the seventh-level void demon clan just after they advanced to the sixth level!"

"Is this the strength of the two star palace inheritances of fellow practitioners, the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the 'Bloodline Catalog'!"

"Looking at it makes me want to practice another star palace inheritance."

Liang Ji looked at the figure in the light curtain and said with a smile: "The strength is still a bit lacking. In less than an hour of containment, dozens of people were killed or injured."

"Junior, the number of dependents who have advanced to the sixth level in my natal star is limited. The casualties make me heartbroken."

"As for the senior sister who wants to study the Star Palace inheritance at the same time, if the integration problem can be solved, it would be a good choice."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao shook her head when she heard this and said: "Forget it, I don't have the means to solve the fusion of inheritances from different star palaces."

"Besides, I have already planned my path to become a high-level star master, so I won't waste this energy."

"Oh?" Liang Ji was surprised when he heard this, and congratulated with a smile: "It seems that senior sister has found her own way to be a high-level star master. I really want to congratulate senior sister."

Bian Yujiao smiled and waved her hands and said: "I just found some direction, but I can't compare with you, my junior."

"Junior, you only need to fuse the two star palace inheritances, and you can directly embark on the path of a high-level star master. Moreover, your combat power far exceeds that of ordinary high-level star masters. It is really enviable..."

Bian Yujiao couldn't help but shake her head slightly as she spoke, looking quite envious.

Liang Ji smiled and said a few words modestly, then turned back to the subject and said, "Senior sister, now that the Void Monster Clan's front has completely collapsed, will we directly attack the stars of life in the galaxy next?"

At this time, as they drove the 'Dragon Snake' starship to kill three seventh-order void demon clans one after another and defeated the void demon tide led by them, other surrounding starship teams and the team of the 'Phoenix Feather' company had also Killed dozens of seventh-level void monsters and defeated the front line composed of void monsters in the 'Qingyu Galaxy'.

In the galaxy, a life star has emerged from the collapsed void demon tide front, just in front of the void, in front of the front formed by Liang Ji and others.

In the light curtain, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao nodded slightly and said, "This is what I need to tell you when I contact you this time."

"In the battle on the frontline battlefield, defeating the Void Monster Clan is only the first level of victory."

"If you want to seize the Life Star, occupy the Life Galaxy, and complete the mission of pioneering the war, you will face the second test and the enemy, which is the demon clan in the Life Star!"

"Star Monster Clan?"

Liang Ji was slightly surprised when he heard this.

The so-called "star demon clan" are those demon clans that cooperate with the high-level void demon clan and are nurtured in the life stars created by the sky demon. It is not that Liang Ji has never seen them before.

On the 'Dragon Wing Star' they occupy, there are many seventh-level void pterosaurs that are created and nurtured by the stars.

The level and strength of those pterodactyl monsters are limited by the level of the Life Star, and their combat power is far less than that of the Void Monster Clan of the same level.

It was hard for Liang Ji to imagine how these star monsters bred in the stars could become the second test and enemy after the Void Monster Clan, and why Senior Bian Yujiao took them so seriously!

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao obviously saw his doubts and did not explain directly, but said: "Junior, have you ever thought that the heavenly demon who created this star field has obviously grown to the ninth level and reached the level of this sea of ​​stars? At the top level, why do you want to create this star field and form a 'Celestial Demon Star Field'?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but show doubts when he heard this. He really hadn't thought about these questions in detail. At this time, he only thought of a few possibilities:

"The Sky Demon is on the verge of falling, or has already fallen. This 'Sky Demon Star Territory' was accidentally created?"

"Or maybe the demon wants to go further and created this 'celestial demon star field' to prove his own path?"

In the light curtain, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao nodded, shook her head, and said with a smile: "Wait a while, you should see those star demon clans, and then you may be interested in the creation of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' by that demon The reasons are speculated.”

While speaking, the starships of Liang Ji and others were already chasing the collapsed Void Demon Clan front line and arrived in front of the first life star.

"Eh..." At this time, Chu Yue, who was controlling the starship formation, suddenly let out a startled cry and said, "There is something wrong with the situation in this life star. Look..."

Before she finished speaking, Chu Yue had already manifested the scene in the stars of life detected by the starship detection array on the light screen in front of everyone in the cabin.

Liang Ji looked around and saw that there was no barbaric scene like the 'Dragon Wing Star' in the stars. Instead, there were various cities and tribes scattered around. There were also roads between those cities and tribes, and there were even some boats and boats. Speeding cars and other objects are traveling and coming and going, showing a civilized attitude.

And living in these cities and tribes, driving boats, speeding cars and other artifacts, there are various monsters, various humanoids with partial signs of monsters, and even complete human beings whose signs of monsters have completely disappeared!

But those were not real humans. Liang Ji and others clearly saw through the exploration of the starship formation that some monsters in the stars could directly transform into humans.

Some have completely transformed into human forms and look almost exactly the same as humans, while most of them have incomplete transformations and retain some demonic signs on their bodies.

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