The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 961 Developing Goals Suggestions from Senior Bian Yujiao

After Liang Ji and others returned to the repaired 'Star Port', they did not continue to take on tasks to participate in the frontline development battle.

Although, in the previous battle to open up the 'Qingyu Galaxy', their 'Dragon Snake' starship did not suffer much loss, that is, some of the family members sent by Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Peng Yue's grandma died in the battle, including several Among the ten-headed Liang Ji's natal stars, he is a sixth-level family member who has recently advanced.

Then there is the spirit stone and other energy consumed by the 'Dragon Snake' starship during the battle, activating formations, restrictions, etc.

Although it is said that after the "Qingyu Galaxy" was conquered, the mission rewards, spiritual stones, meritorious deeds, etc. given to them by the "Phoenix Yu" Group were far greater than the casualties of their dependents and the consumption of spiritual stones.

After the two offset each other, the 'Dragon Snake' team still made a lot of money.

Moreover, the spiritual stones, meritorious service, etc. they earned were far more than what they had earned after taking on tasks such as the 'Sande Tower', 'Herborist Group', and 'Tian She Academy' behind the battlefield.

It can only be said that tasks on the frontline battlefield are indeed more profitable than tasks on the rear battlefield.

However, the missions on the frontline battlefield are far more dangerous than the missions behind the battlefield. Liang Ji still remembers when he led the team into the 'Tianyao Star Territory' and took over the missions of Shande Building, Herborist Group, and Tianshe Academy. He only saw a few of them in total. The first seven levels of Void Demon Clan?

And this time on the frontline battlefield, we encountered dozens of seventh-order void monsters. In the end, four seventh-order monsters with void attributes set traps and almost destroyed several starships. Destroy.

You can see the danger.

Once their team suffers heavy losses on the frontline battlefield, not only will there be casualties and the starship will need to be overhauled, the spiritual stones and resources earned through frontline missions will not be enough to pay for the casualties and starship repairs.

For this reason, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao has led the team on the frontline battlefield for decades. Instead of earning much resources and benefits, the situation has become increasingly difficult, and she feels tired and difficult.

Therefore, after all, you will not be able to gain a foothold on the frontline battlefield and make big profits by just doing tasks.

After all, you still have to open up the galaxy on your own.

Follow the team of the 'Phoenix Feather' company and participate in a frontline mission to experience the battles and dangers on the frontline battlefield. It is enough to accumulate experience on the frontline battlefield and know how difficult the frontline battlefield mission is.

However, Liang Ji and others are not prepared to take on more frontline battlefield tasks to make wedding dresses for other large companies and large groups.

The next thing they have to consider is how to organize their own team to develop their own life galaxy and life stars.

Senior Bian Yujiao obviously meant the same thing. After she took Liang Ji and others to participate in a mission, she no longer suggested that they continue to accept the mission, but discussed with them to open up the galaxy.

"Senior sister, I have led the team to fight on the frontline battlefields over the years. Although I have not gained much, and the team has suffered many casualties and losses, it is not without gains."

"I have in my hands the locations and information of several life galaxies suitable for pioneering wars."

"One of them is the galaxy that I teamed up with to explore last time. Unfortunately, we failed in the end..."

Liang Ji hosted a banquet for senior Bian Yujiao at the renovated Chinese catering restaurant, "Xinggang", not only to thank her for leading them to join and understand the situation on the frontline battlefield, but also to ask her for information and materials on the development of the life galaxy.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said that the last time she formed a team to explore the galaxy failed, she still seemed quite unhappy and unwilling to accept it.

Liang Ji also carefully inquired about the other party's last pioneering battle. It was said that he was about to win the life galaxy. However, because several cooperating teams were competing for the final fruits of victory and were busy competing for a few life stars, the team was a little confused. dispersion.

Then, two seventh-level void monsters who were good at hiding were still in that galaxy and were not discovered by them. After their team dispersed, they suddenly launched an attack and severely damaged several starships in succession.

The Void Demon Clan front, which had been defeated by them and driven out of the galaxy, took the opportunity to come back and completely defeated their scattered and chaotic team.

Not only did their operation to open up the galaxy fall short in the end, but each team also suffered heavy losses, with many starships suffering heavy damage or even falling into the galaxy.

After the development failed, several teams that originally cooperated with Senior Bian Yujiao also passed the blame on each other, and even turned against each other in the end.

This result naturally made her unhappy and unwilling.

Liang Ji comforted the other party and turned the topic back to developing the galaxy.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao also calmed down and said: "My suggestion is that after we organize a team with sufficient combat power, we should choose the 'Guiyang Galaxy' as our development target!"

"As for the Rose Sun Galaxy, my team already has experience in developing it and is very familiar with its conditions. It will be much easier and safer to develop it."

The Rose Sun Galaxy is the galaxy where Senior Sister Bian Yujiao failed to form a team before. The stars in it were infected and twisted into rose colors by the power of creation from the sky demon.

This is also the power of the heavenly demon to create stars that Liang Ji does not have among the eighteen powers of the heavenly demon to create stars that he combined with the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl'.

Therefore, Liang Ji was quite interested in this 'Glorious Sun Galaxy' and the power of the Rose Sun in it.

He asked Senior Sister Bian Yujiao for more detailed information about the "Guiyang Galaxy". Senior Sister Bian even had a specially collected copy of the "Power of Guiyang" and gave it to him.

This was actually the team that Liang Ji hired Senior Sister Bian Yujiao to help him collect the power of blood and Yang. Later, he introduced their team to the 'Power of the Sky Demon Creation Star' experimental group led by 'Instructor Yuan Mu'.

Therefore, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao knew that he and the experimental team needed the power of various stars created by heavenly demons, so whenever they found different powers of stars in the galaxy battlefields on the front lines, they would make a habit of collecting some.

Then send it to the experimental group led by 'Instructor Yuanmu', so that you can get a lot of benefits from the experimental group.

After Liang Ji carefully read the information on the 'Gracey Yang Galaxy' provided by his senior sister and did a little research on the 'Power of the Rose Sun', he nodded and said: "This 'Power of the Rose Sun' is indeed good and should be very suitable for Yuan Mu." Required by the instructor’s experimental group.”

"If the situation in the Rose Sun Galaxy is still as recorded by senior sister, and there are no major changes, I will agree to start with the Rose Sun Galaxy first."

"Absolutely no problem!" Senior Sister Bian Yujiao looked happy and said with a smile: "I have left a family team in the 'Guiyang Galaxy' and have been keeping an eye on the situation in the galaxy to make sure there are no major changes."

"Furthermore, according to the rules of the frontline battlefield, I have left my family members in the Rose Sun Galaxy. At least for this year, only my team can launch a pioneering war in the Rose Sun Galaxy."

"Other people or forces must wait for a year and confirm that I cannot complete the development mission before they can intervene in the development of the Guiyang Galaxy."

Obviously, this is also a back-up left by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, and it is true that she has never given up on the Guiyang Galaxy.

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