The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 962 Team Candidates

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao has left a backup force in the "Guiyang Galaxy" to ensure that no major changes have occurred in the galaxy and that they still have the right to develop the "Guiyang Galaxy".

Liang Ji and Senior Bian Yujiao discussed for a while and decided to use the "Guiyang Galaxy" as the target for their team development.

After determining the development goal, the question is whether the combat power is sufficient.

"After the failure of the last development, I carefully investigated the two seventh-level void monsters who are good at hiding. They are two void shadow minks."

"This kind of void monster masters the original power of both darkness and void. It is best at hiding and launching sneak attacks."

"However, after suffering a loss last time, I searched through the Star Palace to find a way to specifically restrain the Void Shadow Marten in the team."

"My starship that is being repaired will be equipped with formations and restrictions specifically designed to find and restrain the Void Shadow Marten."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao has obviously always wanted to open up the "Guiyang Galaxy" again and has been prepared for it.

"However, the best I can do with my preparations is to restrain and capture a seventh-level Void Shadow Martial."

"Junior, I want to know the strength of your team and whether you can take down another seventh-level void shadow marten."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said, and sent the Void Shadow Marten's information prepared in advance to his 'Star Directory' for him to check.

After Liang Ji checked it, he nodded and said confidently: "There is no problem at all."

The "Dragon Snake" has a seventh-level "Elemental Nest" on the star directory. At critical times, it can directly activate the original power of the "Elemental Sea", eroding and twisting the void around the starship into a "Elemental Sea", thus Suppress and trap the enemies attacking from all sides.

The original seventh-level Void Colored Bird was directly captured and captured by them in this way.

No matter how weird this seventh-level Void Shadow Marten is, no matter how good it is at hiding, once it attacks the "Dragon Snake" starship and falls into the origin of the "Elemental Sea", it will definitely be suppressed and captured.

Therefore, with this trump card in hand, Liang Ji was fully confident in taking down the seventh-level void shadow marten.

"Okay!" Senior Sister Bian Yujiao nodded and praised, "I knew you could do it."

"Junior, I have learned about the combat power of your 'Dragon Snake' starship beforehand, and I know that you once captured a seventh-order Void Cai Sparrow and sold it directly to Taiyi Star Palace."

"I saw your combat power with my own eyes during the pioneering war of the 'Qingyu Galaxy'."

"I knew that there would be no problem in cooperating with you, my juniors, to capture this seventh-order Void Shadow Martial and open up the Rose Sun Galaxy."

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard this. He was not surprised at all that his senior had investigated their strength. If he had not understood their strength, senior Bian Yujiao would not have easily approached them to join forces.

Especially since they only have one starship. On this frontline battlefield, a pioneering battle often requires a team of at least ten starships to fight. The starship team of Liang Ji and others is undoubtedly the weakest and most powerful in the frontline battlefield. The smallest team.

Even if you want to organize your own team to open up the life galaxy, it is difficult.

However, listening to Senior Bian Yujiao's words, Liang Ji still frowned and asked, "Senior, I have a question."

"According to what my senior said, if we want to organize our own team to open up the 'Guiyang Galaxy', we need at least ten starships to form a battle line."

"And my senior team and my team together only have four starships."

"Senior, do you have suitable candidates for the remaining six starship teams?"

"Don't worry, junior." Senior Sister Bian Yujiao was obviously prepared for this, and said with a smile: "I have already contacted the candidate."

"Junior, you are also familiar with them. They are the team of Chen Zhao and Xu Mao."

"They can provide five starships. In addition, I have contacted junior fellow student Liu Xu and he can send people to support our three starships."

"In this way, we will be able to organize at least twelve starship teams this time to explore the 'Guiyang Galaxy'!"

"Moreover, this time the team is made up of brothers. We don't have to worry about splitting and turning against each other like last time, and thus falling short of our achievements."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said confidently.

Liang Ji was slightly surprised when he heard this, and asked strangely: "Senior sister, since you can contact the team of seniors Chen Zhao and Xu Mao, as well as the support of junior Liu Xu, why didn't you contact them when you opened up the galaxy last time?"

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao shook her head slightly when she heard this, and after pondering for a moment, she said, "It doesn't hurt to tell you, so that you know what's going on, junior."

As she said that, she looked at Liang Ji and asked, "Junior, before your mentor left school, did you have much contact with Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and other seniors?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but shake his head slightly when he heard this: "There is little contact."

At this time, he also realized that Liang Ji, who was both a disciple of Instructor Chiyu, had been in constant contact with seniors Bian Yujiao and Qi Changge over the years, and even with senior Ge Yuanchao who stayed in Xing Palace.

Even though he didn't have much contact with fellow student Liu Xu, he still kept in touch.

Especially after he discovered and occupied the 'Tu Yuan Star', there were even more connections.

But over the years, he really hasn't had much contact with seniors Chen Zhao and Xu Mao.

He looked at Senior Bian Yujiao thoughtfully and said, "Senior Chen and Senior Xu..."

Bian Yujiao nodded slightly and said: "In fact, the red jade mentor who broke through to the eighth-level star master in seclusion has not left seclusion for nearly a hundred years. Many people speculate that the mentor has failed to break through and died in seclusion."

"In this case, the students under the tutor have tended to become separated over the years."

"Chen Zhao and Xu Mao not only have no contact with you, but also have less and less contact with us."

"Before this, they all had a new direction of development and cooperated with the team."

"It was this time that Master Chiyu, who had been in seclusion for a hundred years, unexpectedly successfully came out of seclusion and advanced to the eighth level Star Master. Only then did Chen Zhao and Xu Mao come back and contact us."

"There is also a trend of reunion among the mentor's disciples."

Liang Ji nodded slightly after listening to the other party's words, already understanding what the other party meant.

It wasn't that Senior Bian Yujiao didn't want to team up with Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others to develop the galaxy, but they had other partners.

As for the two of them now returning, it is not surprising that they choose to cooperate with senior Bian Yujiao.

After all, in the Star Alliance, an eighth-level star master is the top figure, representing the top power and influence. Master Akadema successfully advanced to the eighth-level star master. They returned and gathered around mentor Akadama, so naturally they were with the mentor. The closest students and forces are naturally far better than their previous choices.

In fact, it was not just them. Liang Ji only had to think about how many seniors and sisters who had graduated for many years came to greet him when Master Chiyu came out of seclusion, as well as the high-level monks from various star palaces and star alliances who came to greet him.

You can know how many people and forces an eighth-level star master can gather around him in the star alliance, and how strong a force he can form.

As long as there is no problem with the selection of candidates and the starship team, Liang Ji does not have much concern or opinion about the departure and return of the two seniors.

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