The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 977: Corpses pave the way to capture the ‘Geyang Galaxy’

Rose sun galaxy, fire lion stars.

In the void, the 'Sea of ​​Elements' and the 'Sea of ​​Fire' were in a stalemate. The 'Dragon Snake' starship faced the seventh-level Void Fire Lion, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a moment.

But in the sea of ​​​​fire, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others did not hesitate to sacrifice their families, paving the way with many family members' bones and debris, but they finally opened up several roads in the sea of ​​​​fire and reached the stars of life.


The seventh-level void fire lion entrenched above the stars and in the sea of ​​​​fire obviously also knew the consequences of being killed by the family members into the stars of life. After raising its head and letting out a roar, it used all its strength to twist and burn the sea of ​​​​fire in the void, setting off waves of flames and condensation. A large number of flaming lions tried to prevent everyone's family members from entering the life stars.

However, Liang Ji and others had already sacrificed a lot for the victory at this time. Tens of thousands of family members had been sacrificed or injured in the sea of ​​fire, so how could they let their success fall short?

On the "Dragon Snake" starship, Peng Yue pushed the original power of the "Elemental Sea" in the "Elemental Nest" to the extreme, running it without hesitation, while throwing the "Elemental Spiritual Crystals" into the " In the Nest of Elements, the original power of the Sea of ​​Elements is restored.

In this way, the power and burst time of the 'Elemental Sea' can be enhanced as much as possible.

This is a tactic that Liang Ji and others have never used before. It was only possible to carry out such a money-burning tactic with the support of Bian Yujiao, Xu Mao, Chen Zhao and other seniors and seniors who purchased a large amount of 'Elemental Spirit Crystals'.

But sometimes we have to admit that 'money ability' is often one of the strongest abilities.

With the support of the burning of a large amount of 'Elemental Spiritual Crystals', Peng Yue pushed the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' to a height and extreme that had never been reached before, successfully resisting all the sea of ​​fire and attacks set off by the seventh-level Void Fire Lion. live.

This allowed the family members of Liang Ji and others to successfully enter the stars of life.

Then, another more brutal battle and killing broke out in the stars.

The monsters in the Fire Lion Star are not like the monsters in the Snow Wolf Star who were first devoured and severely damaged by the Void Monster. Instead, they are blessed by the power of the Void Fire Lion. There are even a large number of flame lions in the stars. This makes the demon clan in this life star even more difficult to deal with.

Moreover, due to the level problem of life stars, the strongest sixth-level and fifth-level families among Liang Ji and others cannot enter the stars to kill and fight, otherwise they will only destroy the entire stars, which is naturally not what they want. of.

Therefore, we can only send out our fourth-level family members and even lower-level family members into the stars to continuously fight and fight with the monster beasts and fire lions in the stars.

Fortunately, due to the restrictions on the level of the stars, the monsters, fire lions, etc. in the stars can only have the highest level and combat power of level four.

Even with the blessing of the Void Fire Lion, it is difficult to compare with the blessing of the Star Alliance civilization from Liang Ji and others.

With the blessings of the 'Bloodline Catalog', 'Apotheosis of the Gods', and Peng Yue's 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', even if their Familia are only fourth-level or even low-level Familia, their combat power is still superior or even superior to those of the same level. Top level.

After paying a lot of casualties and sacrifices, everyone's family members finally broke through cities and strongholds in the stars of life, destroyed demon sacrifices, altars and temples dedicated to the Void Fire Lion, and continued to weaken the stars and the demons in them. The clan’s connection with the Void Fire Lion.

In the void, the aura, power, and power of the seventh-level void fire lion entrenched above the stars began to inevitably weaken and decline, and the effects of this were always connected.

The power of the seventh-level Void Fire Lion declined, and the Void Fire Sea it set off also began to shrink and weaken. In the confrontation with the 'Sea of ​​Elements', it also began to gradually fall into a disadvantage, and the Void Fire Lion became increasingly suppressed and weakened.

Similarly, due to the decline of the power of the seventh-level Void Fire Lion, its influence and blessing on the monster beasts and flaming lions in the stars have also continued to decline. On the contrary, the resistance and combat effectiveness of the monsters and flaming lions in the life stars have also continued to decrease.

The Familia who entered Liang Ji and others naturally gained more advantages and victories in the battle. Like a snowball, they became stronger and stronger. They conquered cities and destroyed more and more places, altars and temples. For the seventh-level people in the void, they became stronger and stronger. The impact and weakening caused by the Void Fire Lion are naturally getting bigger and bigger.

In this way, the battle between the void and the stars began to fall into a cycle. Liang Ji and others entered a cycle of getting better and better, while the seventh-level void fire lion fell into a cycle of getting worse and worse.

After months of fierce battles, the aura, power, and combat power of the seventh-level Void Fire Lion, which was originally pushed to its peak, have almost declined to normal levels. The Void Fire Sea it set off has also been reduced by nearly half, and its connection with the stars of life has almost been destroyed. Cut off.

The Void Fire Lion roared and struck several times in the sea of ​​fire, trying to escape, but was blocked and suppressed by the 'Dragon Snake' starship and the 'Elemental Sea'.

Liang Ji could clearly see the close relationship between the seventh-level Void Fire Lion and the Fire Lion Star. If they couldn't kill it here, they would probably have trouble later if they captured the Fire Lion Star later. Naturally, we will try our best to block and suppress them.

At the same time, in the surrounding void, other high-level void demon clans and a large number of middle and low-level void demon tides also became more and more rioting under the roar and call of the Void Fire Lion, and violently attacked towards the direction of the life stars, trying to support and rescue the void. Fire Lion.

The starships and dependents of Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others also broke out and fought with all their strength at this time, desperately blocking the impact of these high-level void demon clans and void demon tides.

The number of casualties and battle losses began to increase.

A large number of family members died in the void, and a large number of starships, spaceships, flying boats, etc. were destroyed on the battlefield.

In fact, even the twelve starships that formed the battle line began to suffer damage and serious damage.

A starship under Senior Xu Mao, one of the three starships supported by Junior Liu Xu, was successively breached in defenses and battles with high-level void monsters, and suffered heavy damage. Although it did not crash directly, it also lost the battle. Power, floating in the void.

Among them, the star masters, third-grade immortals, etc. even fell and were killed or injured.

This battle to open up the "Guiyang Galaxy" has obviously reached the final critical moment. The battle is getting more and more intense. Starships are severely damaged and immortals are becoming unavoidable.

Finally, after more than ten days of fierce fighting, Liang Ji and others' clans completely occupied the Life Star, destroying all the cities, tribes, strongholds and other places, as well as the altars and temples where the demon clan worshiped and sacrificed.

After the seventh-level void fire lion in the sea of ​​fire let out a shrill roar, its aura, power, strength, etc. instantly declined to the bottom, almost reaching the weakest level of the seventh level, and almost did not directly decline to the seventh level.

Obviously, the connection and creation between the seventh-level void fire lion and the life star are not only beneficial.

The Life Star and its superior demon clan were able to push the strength of the seventh-order Void Fire Lion to the seventh-order peak. However, when the Life Star was taken down, it was obvious that the seventh-order Void Fire Lion also suffered a backlash, and its strength fell to the bottom.

Even the sea of ​​fire that twisted and burned the void around him could no longer hold on and collapsed.

Without the resistance of the Void Fire Sea, the 'Elemental Sea' activated by Peng Yue immediately suppressed it and directly captured the seventh-level Void Fire Lion, which had been severely damaged by the backlash and whose strength had dropped to the bottom.

Seeing this, the other high-level void demon clans in the surrounding void battlefield immediately retreated and escaped from the "Guishang Galaxy".

Liang Ji and others finally successfully captured the 'Guiyang Galaxy'.

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