The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 978 Arrangement of Star Array, Elemental Spirits Attack

As the seventh-level Void Fire Lion entrenched in the Life Star was taken down, the remaining Void Demon Clan in the Rose Sun Galaxy suddenly began to collapse and flee.

Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others drove several starships to chase the fleeing Void Demon Clan, driving the main force of the Void Demon Clan completely out of the "Guiyang Galaxy", leaving only a few scattered and fleeing mid-level and low-level ones. It would have no impact if the Void Monster Clan stayed in the galaxy.

At this point, Liang Ji and others finally took over the "Guiyang Galaxy".

Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others have led the team to fight on this frontline battlefield for decades, but they have never won their own galaxy or life star.

Senior Bian Yujiao is like this, and seniors Chen Zhao and Xu Mao are even worse off than her. This can be seen from the fact that the number and combat power of their starships are not as good as Senior Bian Yujiao.

If not, the two seniors would not have looked for another path and followed other people's teams when the Akadama instructor had not shown any signs of leaving or advancing for a long time and seemed to have fallen.

Isn't the main reason why they have been unable to achieve any success or sufficient gains on the front lines of the battlefield with their own strength? On the contrary, they have suffered heavy losses.

In such a pioneering war initiated by the entire Star Alliance, even if Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others are talented people born in the Star Palace, as long as they have not advanced to become seventh-level Star Lords, they can play a very important role, win battles, and achieve great results. limited.

Therefore, to be able to successfully win the "Guiyang Galaxy" at this time, whether it is senior Bian Yujiao or seniors Chen Zhao and Xu Mao, they are undoubtedly excited.

With this "Peiyang Galaxy", they have a foundation and sufficient harvest in this "Celestial Demon Star Territory".

Next, even if they gain nothing else from the Star Alliance's war to open up the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', at least they will have the guarantee of this 'Gracey Sun Galaxy' and will not lose money.

"Okay, now is not the time to relax."

After being excited for a while, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao contacted everyone and said in a deep voice:

"Although the Rose Sun Galaxy has been conquered, as long as it is not protected by the Star Map Array, it may face counterattacks from the Void Monster Clan at any time, or attacks and destruction from other infiltrating gods, elemental spirits, etc."

"When the time comes, we won't be able to resist it, and we may still lose this 'Rose Sun Galaxy'."

"That's when I really felt like crying."

"Yes! Yes!" After listening to Bian Yujiao's words, Liang Ji, Chen Zhao and others also reacted quickly and quickly agreed: "We must first set up the formation to completely occupy and stabilize this 'Guiyang Galaxy'. "

At that moment, all the starships took action one after another, setting up formations around the newly captured Fire Lion Star.

The 'Star Map Array' was born out of the 'Sky Star Array' and has already been extremely mature in the Star Alliance. Liang Ji and others' starships have prepared a complete array of various array utensils and array devices in advance. , and even arrays, etc., in order to be able to lay out the 'Star Map Array' as quickly as possible after the galaxy is laid down, and completely bring the galaxy under control.

Especially in this 'Guiyang Galaxy', Liang Ji and others have already captured a Snow Wolf Star and spent several months completing the arrangement of the Snow Wolf Star and surrounding galaxies. It can be said that this 'Star Map Array' Half of it has already been arranged.

Now you only need to arrange the remaining half of the 'Star Map Formation' with the Fire Lion Star as the center, and then connect the two formations into one.

It can be said that it is much more convenient and can greatly shorten the time.

At the moment, Chu Yue and other array masters were driving starships and began to arrange them in the surrounding void with the Fire Lion Star as the center, connecting the stars and forming an array.

In the void outside the "Guiyang Galaxy", several starships that had been spying on the galaxy and watching Liang Ji and others develop the galaxy war also turned into starlight and flew away at this time.

This is the collaborator who previously failed to cooperate with Senior Sister Bian Yujiao to develop the ‘Guiyang Galaxy’, and has been snooping and coveting the ‘Guiyang Galaxy’.

But now, Liang Ji and others have successfully captured the galaxy and have begun to set up the 'Star Map Array'.

These snoops also knew that they had no chance, so they no longer stayed and chose to leave directly.

Seeing everything is getting better.

But at this moment, two starships patrolling outside the galaxy, responsible for monitoring the situation around the galaxy and guarding against counterattacks by the Void Demon Clan, suddenly heard an alarm.

"Abnormal elemental fluctuations were found deep in the void!"

"After detection and analysis, it is suspected that an elemental spirit is attacking!"

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others were all shocked when they received the alarm.

Soon after, more images, information, etc. were transmitted to the starships of Liang Ji and others through the communication between starships.

On the "Dragon Snake" starship, in the main control cabin, Liang Ji and others looked at the picture that appeared on the light screen. In a void, an elemental light was traveling through the void, aiming directly at the "Guishang Galaxy".

Soon, the light of the elements flew outside the Rose Sun Galaxy and manifested into a physical form. It was an elemental spirit or a mountain spirit that seemed to be condensed from a mountain!

What's even more terrifying is that when this mountain spirit stands in the void outside the galaxy, it naturally distorts the surrounding void, and numerous mountain shadows appear in the void.

Its aura and power are more terrifying than many seventh-level void demon clans!

This is a seventh-order elemental spirit, a seventh-order mountain spirit!

"I sense the power of the 'Elemental Sea'!"

The seventh-level mountain spirit stood in the void, glanced into the galaxy, and said in a deep voice with a voice as rich as the sound of the mountains.

Finally, his eyes fell directly on the 'Dragon Snake' starship and he raised his voice:

"I saw it! The Nest of Elements!"

"There is a 'Nest of Elements' on this starship!"

"You built the 'Nest of Elements' on a starship. This is an unforgivable sin..."

The dull sound roared loudly, like the thunder of mountains colliding.

Before he finished speaking, the seventh-level mountain spirit raised his hand and pressed towards the "Dragon Snake" starship. Suddenly, the power of void and chaotic elements was eroded, twisted, and created in the void, directly turning into a sacred mountain like a meteor, falling from the void. , pressed down, suppressed and bombarded the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

The Star Alliance's development of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' has already attracted the attack of super-level civilization enemies such as the divine world and the spirit world. Although their large forces are blocked from the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', there are still some small teams, high-level gods, The elemental spirits and others escaped the Star Alliance's blockade and sneaked into the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

Liang Ji and others are also very careful about this, so as not to be attacked by the enemy during the process of developing the "Guiyang Galaxy".

It's just that they didn't expect that during the process of opening up the galaxy, they didn't encounter attacks from gods and elemental spirits. Instead, they had already captured the galaxy and were setting up the formation when they were attacked by elemental spirits.

And listening to the words of this seventh-level mountain spirit, the other party was obviously attracted by the 'Elemental Sea' they used wantonly in the previous battle.

Elemental spirits are always more susceptible to the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' in the 'Elemental Nest'.

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