The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 980 Half Star Map to Defend the Enemy

The spiritual world, like the divine world and the Star Alliance, is a super-level civilization.

The seventh-level mountain spirit in front of him is undoubtedly a high-level existence similar to the seventh-level star master and the seventh-level god. His strength and combat power are not much different.

On the battlefield of the 'Little Void Sea', the starship 'Dragon Snake' of Liang Ji and others suffered heavy damage directly from the seventh-level god's blow and almost fell on the battlefield.

But now in the "Guiyang Galaxy", facing the seventh-order mountain spirits who also belong to the super-order civilization, with the origin of the "Elemental Sea" being restrained and suppressed, the "Dragon Snake" starship can still withstand the attack of two seventh-order mountain spirits. Even though he was hit hard, he still maintained his fighting power.

This has undoubtedly been verified. After the third transformation and upgrade of the "Dragon Snake" starship, its defense and combat capabilities are far stronger than before.

But being so obvious isn't enough.

Even if the starships of Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others are added to attack the seventh-order mountain spirit together, the most they can do is contain and block it. However, if you want to severely damage and repel the opponent, it is obviously still difficult. Far from enough.

Even if there is a mistake in this siege, or if the seventh-order mountain spirit in front of us has some trump cards, it is very likely to break through the siege of the starships and attack the "Dragon Snake" starship again.

And with the "Dragon Snake" starship in a state of heavy damage at this time, if it is hit by a heavy attack from the seventh-order mountain spirit again, I am afraid it will really be unable to hold on and be directly destroyed on the spot.

Therefore, Liang Ji just changed his mind and already made a decision.

At that moment, he contacted Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and others again, and said in a deep voice: "It is not an option to continue like this. Please, Senior Sister and seniors, please stop these seventh-level mountain spirits for a while. I will first pilot the 'Dragon Snake' starship to retreat to Go to Snow Wolf Star."

"You have to use the star formation set up at the Snow Wolf Star to resist this seventh-level mountain spirit!"

As soon as Senior Sister Bian Yujiao heard what Liang Ji said, she understood what he meant and said in a deep voice.

"Not bad!" Liang Ji admitted directly and said: "The combat power of this seventh-level mountain spirit is no worse than that of the seventh-level star master, and it restrains the power of the 'Elemental Sea'. It will definitely be difficult for us to take it down by ourselves."

"The only possible way to succeed is to use the power of the 'Star Map Array'."

"I will first lead it to the Snow Wolf Star and use the star formation to hold it. You can complete the formation arrangement here at the Fire Lion Star as soon as possible and complete the 'Star Map Array' of the entire galaxy as soon as possible."

"When the time comes, we will try to use the power of the 'Star Map Array' to see if we can completely keep it!"

"This is a good idea!"

"I agree!"

Xu Mao and Chen Zhao listened to Liang Ji's suggestion and were the first to agree.

Over there, Xu Mao had already piloted the last starship under his command and also launched an attack on the seventh-level mountain spirit.

"Okay!" Seeing this, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao no longer objected, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Liang, you have to be careful! We will complete the layout of the 'Star Map Array' as quickly as possible."

"You guys, be careful too." Liang Ji also replied: "The seventh-level mountain spirit is not low in intelligence, so he may not necessarily act according to our arrangements."

As soon as he finished speaking, while the starships of Bian Yujiao and others stopped the seventh-order mountain spirit, Liang Ji immediately asked Chu Yue to activate the 'Dragon Snake' starship, which turned into a starlight and flew out from the battlefield, directly towards the 'Gui'. On the other side of the Yang galaxy, the Snow Wolf star flew away.

Soon, the 'Dragon Snake' starship arrived at the Snow Wolf Star. Chu Yue controlled and operated the large formation on the starship. Each formation was in motion, and starlight shot out from the starship, quickly with The surrounding star formations are intertwined and connected, integrating the 'Dragon Snake' starship with the surrounding star formations.

Chu Yue also participated in the arrangement of the star formation with the Snow Wolf Star as the center, and had sufficient understanding and mastery of its nature.

Therefore, it is easy to integrate the 'Dragon Snake' starship into the star formation through its operation.

In particular, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, Senior Senior Chen Zhao, etc. also cooperated to release the blockade and control of the Star Formation, opening the door to convenience.

With the help of the surrounding star formations, the 'Dragon Snake' starship was severely damaged by two consecutive attacks by the seventh-order mountain spirit. The formations and restrictions that were broken through were even restored a lot, and the 'Dragon Snake' starship was quickly The starship's own combat power and protective power have been mostly restored.

What's more, he can now mobilize the power of the surrounding star array.

This star formation is part of the "Star Map Array" of the entire galaxy. Although it is not as good as the complete "Star Map Array", it is still enough to protect oneself and delay the enemy.

"Senior, senior, I'm ready here, please let the mountain spirit come over!"

The 'Dragon Snake' starship was integrated with the star formation. Liang Ji immediately contacted Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others.


"be careful!"

Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others responded immediately.

However, they soon discovered that the seventh-order mountain spirit had no intention of acting according to their arrangements. Although the starships of Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others had moved out of the way, the seventh-order mountain spirit still had no intention of coming over. , but he was still there attacking the starships of several seniors and senior sisters.

Seeing this, Liang Ji immediately said: "Peng Yue, activate the 'Elemental Sea'."


Peng Yue naturally understood what he meant, but he did not hesitate or question, and immediately activated the 'Elemental Sea' to manifest around the starship, blooming the original aura of the 'Elemental Sea' wantonly.

Sure enough, this time the seventh-level mountain spirit directly abandoned the starship of Bian Yujiao and others. With an angry shout, he lifted up a sacred mountain of elements and attacked the Snow Wolf Star area where the 'Dragon Snake' starship was located.

Amidst the roaring and shaking, the elemental sacred mountain crashed down again, the void was crushed, and the Snow Wolf stars and surrounding galaxies were shaking.

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Chu Yue used all his strength to activate the formations in the starship, and then used this to activate the star formations of the entire Snow Wolf Star. A incomplete "star map" appeared in the void. Directly blocking the suppressed elemental mountain.

This time, they really blocked the suppression and bombardment from the Elemental Mountain.

Seeing this, the seventh-level mountain spirit blasted down three elemental sacred mountains in succession, all of which were blocked by half of the 'Star Map'. Although the void collapsed and the stars shook, even the many newly repaired formations on the 'Dragon Snake' starship were Laws and prohibitions collapsed again.

However, they still blocked the attacks of three elemental mountains one after another.

The seventh-level mountain spirit is also a person of extraordinary wisdom. He quickly figured out the function of half of the 'star map'. The next moment, he saw that the elemental mountain in his hand turned into numerous elemental meteorites and turned into a meteorite rain. Blast towards the Snow Wolf Star, as well as many Death Stars, meteorite belts, etc. around it.

It is obvious that they want to destroy the foundation of this star formation first.

hiss! Groan...

Fortunately, Liang Ji and others had already considered this, and Chu Yue's level in formations was high enough. At this time, she actually used the power of the star formation to directly attack on the 'Dragon Snake' starship. A starlight dragon and snake that seemed to be both illusory and real was condensed, soaring into the sky, wandering in the surrounding void and above the stars, and resisting all the rain of meteorites transformed from elemental meteorites that were bombarded.

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