The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 981 The Difficult Battle ‘Star Map Formation’ is completed

Half of the 'star map' has limited combat power and defense, and cannot pose a sufficient threat to the seventh-level mountain spirit.

However, with the power of the Dragon Snake starship to defend against the attack of the seventh-order mountain spirit, there is still no problem.

Whether it is guarding the 'Dragon Snake' starship, or guarding the Snow Wolf Star and the surrounding stars, meteorites, etc. that form a large array.

This is enough for Liang Ji and others. They only need to drag the seventh-order mountain spirit here to provide time for Senior Bian Yujiao and others at the Fire Lion Star on the other side to arrange the other half of the 'Star Map' array. Just the opportunity.

Time passed slowly as the 'Dragon Snake' starship was fully protected and delayed.

In the main control cabin of the starship, Liang Ji, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and others were always in contact, watching the progress of their arrangement of the star array.

One day, five days, ten days...

Even with the help of half of the 'Star Map' formation, the defense of the 'Dragon Snake' starship is becoming more and more difficult, not only because of the consumption of spiritual stones and energy on the starship, but also because the seventh-level mountain spirit has already Gradually, I became familiar with the arrangement and power of half of the 'star map'.

The elemental spirits in the spiritual world are also super-level civilizations. The seventh-level elemental spirits are no worse than the seventh-level star masters and seventh-level gods. Naturally, they can gradually become familiar with and master the 'star map' during attacks and battles. Power, even analyzing and breaking it apart.

Especially since the Snow Wolf Star is only half a 'star map', there are more flaws and gaps in it, making it easier for the opponent to break through, analyze, and master.

Ten days later, the seventh-level mountain spirit suddenly launched three elemental sacred mountains during another attack, suppressing and blasting the two corners of the half-star map array and the Dragon Snake starship.

At this moment, even with the great formation master Chu Yue controlling the 'Dragon Snake' starship and half of the 'Star Map', the defensive power in operation had to be torn apart and dispersed in three directions. , to resist the attacks of these three elemental mountains.

The defensive power of half of the 'star map' is already limited. Once it is torn and scattered, the power that can be resisted everywhere will be limited.

In fact, in the process of tearing and scattering, more and more flaws and flaws will appear in half of the 'star map'.

After that, the seventh-level mountain spirit used several methods to not only adjust and disperse the direction and strength of the attack, but also made the starships and defensive formations controlled by Chu Yue rush to deal with it in vain.

The defensive force becomes more and more divided and unstable as it is constantly pulled, and the more it is pulled, the easier it is for loopholes to appear.

Finally, the seventh-level mountain spirit seized an opportunity, and another elemental mountain directly suppressed and bombarded the "Dragon Snake" starship.

Although Chu Yue realized something was wrong at the last moment and hurriedly mobilized more power of the star formation to protect him, he was still half a step too late.

Most of the power of the elemental mountain directly bombarded the "Dragon Snake" starship, immediately shattering another layer of protection that had been restored with great difficulty, leaving the starship with only the last layer of defense left.

Even because it was blasted to pieces again, it was difficult for Chu Yue to restore the blasted defense through the power of the star formation this time.

And what's even worse is that through the methods of testing and attacking during this period, the seventh-level mountain spirit has obviously become familiar with and understands the power of half of the 'star map', knows how to attack and tear apart, and can be the most effective and successful. Attacked the "Dragon Snake" starship.

Without Chu Yue having to say anything, Liang Ji could deduce that the next seventh-level mountain spirit would attack the 'Dragon Snake' starship again faster and more fiercely.

At that time, the last layer of defense of the starship may not be able to withstand the opponent's attack. If the starship is severely damaged or even destroyed by one blow, the star masters and monks in the starship may be seriously injured or even destroyed. The danger of falling.

"Senior, senior!" Seeing this, Liang Ji had to contact Senior Bian Yujiao and others, urging: "I can't hold on anymore, how long do you have until you can set up the big formation?"

"Almost! Hold on for five more days!"

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao gave a precise answer.

Liang Ji had no choice but to let Peng Yue activate the power of the 'Elemental Sea' again, and cooperate with the starship formation, restriction, and the star formation of the Snow Wolf Star to resist the attack of the seventh-order mountain spirit. .

Although the power of the 'Elemental Sea' is restrained by the opponent, any power that can enhance defense and delay time is good at this time.

No matter how much restraint you exercise, you can always resist and delay.

Liang Ji even opened the 'Star Gate' and summoned a large number of dependents from the natal stars. With the blessings of the 'Bloodline Catalog' and 'Apotheosis of the Gods', he launched a siege on the seventh-level mountain spirit, hoping to use the power of a large number of dependents to Use dead, wounded and corpses to resist the opponent's attack and delay time.

But at this time, the seventh-level mountain spirit made Liang Ji and others see again why the elemental spirits in the spiritual world were also called super-level civilizations in the star sea universe.

Facing the attack of a large number of Liang Ji's family members, the seventh-level mountain spirit also opened an elemental gate, and a large number of earth spirits, stone spirits, mountain spirits and other earth elemental spirits came out of the elemental gate. , and immediately started fighting with Liang Ji's family members.

Even these mountain spirits, earth spirits, and stone spirits also possess various elemental magical powers, such as starships, spaceships and other magical artifacts, and their combat power is stronger than that of Liang Ji's family members.

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Peng Yue and her grandmother saw this and quickly opened the "Star Gate" to summon the family members to join the battle. With their numerical advantage, they were able to kill the earth spirits, stone spirits, mountain spirits and other elemental spirits. Resist.

At the same time, Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding also stepped out of the starship and joined the battlefield, resisting and delaying the attack of the seventh-order mountain spirit.

They are both third-level immortals, which are the same as seventh-level mountain spirits in terms of level. Although the power of origin and law they master is definitely not as good as theirs, with the help of starships and star formations, they can beat some side drums and delay the seventh level. There is still no problem with Jieshanling's attack.

Even in the last two days, Liang Ji's soul merged with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' and the dragon soul, and once again formed the state of 'Dragon Man Soul', supporting the 'Thirty-three-level Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang' of the advanced natal spiritual treasure. Linglong Tower rushed out of the star gate and joined the battle.

It can be said that they tried their best and finally delayed the battle until five days later.

The good news from Senior Bian Yujiao and others finally came from the Fire Lion Star. They have completed the layout of the other half of the 'Star Map' array. Now the two sides will be connected together to form a complete star that will cover the entire 'Guiyang Galaxy'. Picture array' synthesis.

The bright starlight lit up from both sides of the Snow Wolf Star and the Fire Lion Star at the same time. Half of the 'star maps' emerged on both sides, spreading and connecting towards the middle position, forming a complete 'star map array' in the blink of an eye, moving towards the seven stars. Jie Shanling suppressed and left.

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