The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 985 Familia Civilization The Popular ‘Dragon Snake’ Team

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, the Familia civilization has the influence of the Star Alliance's various inheritances and technologies. It has developed to a very high level, even surpassing many indigenous civilizations in the stars in the outer world.

On the two continents in the stars, various straight roads, canals, etc. have been built to connect the cities of the Familia clan. There are also various airships and airships that travel regularly between the cities, transporting various goods, materials, and personnel. Trade prospered.

In many clan cities, there are special airships and airship airports, as well as special bases for building airships and spaceships.

These layouts, transportation, commerce, etc. are levels that are difficult for indigenous civilizations to reach among many sixth-level life stars in outer lands.

Backed by the Super Civilian Star Alliance, the civilizations of most Star Lords' families have developed very rapidly and advanced.

After Liang Ji used the 'Dragon Ball' to create most of the basic sixth-level spiritual materials, spiritual plants, and mineral veins in the natal stars, the family members of various veins began to take action one after another, and the mineral veins, spiritual veins, and mineral veins that had been marked everywhere in the stars were matured. Various sixth-level spiritual materials, spiritual objects, minerals, etc. were mined at material resource points and other places.

Mining of spiritual objects and mineral veins requires special magic weapons and machinery. It has already reached the level of mechanization. The miners of each clan only need to control the magic weapons and machinery without wasting too much manpower.

The various spiritual objects, spiritual materials, mineral materials, etc. that are mined are also transported through special spaceships and airships to various cities and bases that specialize in smelting minerals and processing spiritual materials, and then go through special magic weapons, machinery, furnaces, etc. Process, sort, and refine into various useful treasure materials.

Finally, these treasure materials are sent to various bases, cities and other places in the family members that are responsible for refining magic weapons and spiritual treasures, and casting spaceships and starships.

There are professional weapon refiners, shipbuilders, etc. from each family lineage. They use these refined treasure materials to refine various spiritual treasures suitable for use by the sixth-level family members of each lineage, and cast the sixth-level starships that have been researched and designed for a long time. .

The treasure refining and shipbuilding of these weapon refiners and shipbuilders no longer rely solely on one person and manual casting as before, but rely more on magic weapons, machinery, and even assembly lines for refining and assembly.

Although it is difficult to produce the best quality by refining spiritual treasures and casting starships in this way, it is fast, and the grade and quality of the forged spiritual treasures, starships, etc. can reach the normal and qualified level, which can meet the routine use of more family members. , and more combat needs.

That's enough.

What's more, in the process of casting these spiritual treasures and starships through mechanization and assembly lines, the family members will also use sacrifices, blood refining and other methods to draw on the power of the "Bloodline Catalog" and the power of the gods enshrined in the "Apotheosis of the Gods" to control these souls. These spiritual treasures, starships, etc. are baptized and blessed, so that these spiritual treasures, starships, etc. often contain combat power that far exceeds ordinary beings of the same level.

This can undoubtedly greatly enhance the combat power of the family members and their ability to protect themselves in various battles and fights.

Liang Ji's Yuanshen sat cross-legged on the ninth level of the natal star, overlooking the entire process of mining, smelting, and casting treasures among the various clans in the stars. He was quite satisfied with the development of the clan's civilization.

With this method of civilization and strength, in the future, when facing many native stars and civilizations in outer lands, Liang Ji does not even need to take action himself or even starships. He only needs to send out his dependents from his own stars to sweep away and conquer many natives of outer life stars. ,civilization.

As far as Liang Ji knows, there are many high-level star masters in the Star Alliance who stay in the Star Alliance themselves, or are stationed in important galaxies and stars in the outer regions, and only send a large number of their subordinates to carry out various tasks in the Star Sea Universe. Adventure, find suitable life stars, and then explore, conquer, etc.

Those high-level star masters don't even pay much attention to the life stars conquered by most of the family members. They only regularly harvest the resources, property, etc. in those life stars. Only some are of high enough level, are in key positions, or produce some special and precious resources. Only the life stars of these high-level star owners will pay attention to them and even come to check them.

This is also the main reason why among the Star Alliance, many third-level immortals with heretical inheritance can often only form exploration teams with mid-level star masters such as Liang Ji and Bian Yujiao to explore and develop the outer star sea.

In fact, it is difficult for these third-level immortals to cooperate with high-level star masters. For many high-level star masters, the dependents in their natal stars are more useful than these third-level immortals.

Therefore, third-level immortals can often only cooperate with mid-level star masters and form teams to carry out various exploration and development activities.

Nowadays, as the natal stars gradually improve, the strength of the family members gradually increases, and Liang Ji gradually understands this.

Star Master monks form an army by themselves, and their natal stars are a civilization. What they ultimately seek is detachment that does not seek anything from outside.

With some realization in his heart, Liang Ji's soul saw the various spiritual treasures and starships of the family members being gradually forged, making up for the equipment needed for the six levels. At that moment, the soul returned to its true form.

At this time, the celebration ceremony held by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao, Senior Xu Mao and others in the 'Guiyang Galaxy' has ended, and all parties have achieved the results they wanted.

Seniors Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others have proven their abilities to their families, comrades, followers, and even investors behind them, thereby gaining more support from their families, investors, and When more comrades and followers join, the strength will increase greatly.

Their families, comrades-in-arms, followers, investors, etc. all share the resources and interests that satisfy them in this "Pink Sun Galaxy", and their support and investment are rewarded.

On the side of Liang Ji and others, the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce and their respective families, relatives and friends not only received their own resources and interests, but also made and opened up more contacts and business routes during this celebration ceremony, each taking what they had. need.

Even after this celebration ceremony, more forces and even third-level immortals came to visit Liang Ji and others, wanting to invest in, support their team, or even join their team.

Large companies and forces that had invested and supported Liang Ji, Peng Yue, etc., such as Shandelou, Herborist Group, and Penglai Chamber of Commerce, naturally visited many of them and wanted to continue to increase investment and cooperation.

Even some large companies and groups that invested in and supported seniors like Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao, etc. also visited the Dragon Snake starship afterwards, hoping to sign investment and cooperation agreements with them. .

As for the number of third-grade immortals and monks who came to visit and wanted to join their team and become their comrades and followers, there were undoubtedly more.

Compared to Liang Ji and Peng Yue, who had just advanced to the fourth level of Star Master, when they entered the outer star sea and tried to form their own exploration team, they could hardly recruit people and no immortals were willing to join their team.

Now, their 'Dragon Snake' team not only has two sixth-order star masters and one fifth-order star master, but also occupies the 'Green Wing Galaxy', The life stars in the two life systems of the 'Guiyang Galaxy' are inferior to the teams of seniors Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others.

A team with such strength and assets is naturally very popular. Some are forces who want to fund and support them, and some are immortals and monks who want to join their team.

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