The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 986 Plan to expand the team The second tide will rise

Plant the sycamore tree, and the phoenix will come.

The "Dragon Snake" team of Liang Ji and others is already extremely powerful even among many middle-level teams, not to mention there are such good players as the "Green Wing Galaxy" and "Guiyang Galaxy" The foundation will naturally attract investment from many forces and follow and join many people.

Naturally, it is impossible for Liang Ji and others to refuse all those investors who want to follow or join.

Although they have always been a team of a few people, driving a "Dragon Snake" starship, they can freely come and go in the outer star sea and open up battlefields, and they have also earned a lot of benefits and property, and they have lived a very comfortable life.

But similarly, with the improvement of cultivation and strength, the situations and battlefields faced have become more and more high-end and vast. Liang Ji and others have also clearly felt the shortcomings of insufficient manpower and insufficient strength.

Let's just say that in order to participate in the pioneering war on the frontline battlefield, if you want to organize a pioneering team and pioneer a life galaxy, you will need at least ten starships and teams.

This time to develop the "Guiyang Galaxy", they had to cooperate with seniors Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, and Xu Mao, and even more so, seniors Liu Xu to support the combat power of the three starships. Only then could they win the battle with great difficulty. In the 'Guiyang Galaxy'.

Even the teams of seniors Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and Xu Mao all have two or three starships, many comrades and followers, as well as the investment and support of many large companies and groups.

If Liang Ji later wanted to organize his own team and develop the life galaxy on his own, he would have to expand his team, form more starship teams, and recruit more comrades and followers.

After all, it is not normal to always cooperate with others in a pioneering war, even if it is with fellow students and seniors.

It is always interests that hurt feelings the most.

This time when he was exploring the "Guiyang Galaxy", when he faced the seventh-order mountain spirit, there were already signs of division in the cooperation between Liang Ji and his seniors.

A celebration will be held later to divide the interests, resources, etc. in the "Guishang Galaxy". Although everyone seems to be happy, there will inevitably be some quarrels when dividing the interests and harvests.

After all, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao, Senior Xu Mao and others have all led the team in the front battlefield for many years without gaining anything, but suffered heavy losses. They urgently need the achievements, resources, benefits, etc. in this "Geyang Galaxy" to give them The family, comrades-in-arms, followers, investors, etc. will be left behind to explain.

Therefore, when dividing resources, interests, etc., the families, followers, investors, etc. behind the three people will inevitably want to divide more, so as to make up for their losses on the frontline battlefield in the previous decades.

Naturally, some quarrels and disputes are inevitable.

For these reasons, Liang Ji naturally had the idea of ​​forming his own team and exploring the life galaxy on his own.

In this way, not only can they exclusively enjoy all the resources and interests in the developed life galaxy, but they can also avoid conflicts and quarrels over interests that may affect the friendship between fellow students.

If he wants to form his own team to carry out a pioneering war, he naturally needs to recruit more comrades and followers, accept more investor support, and at least develop his team from only one 'Dragon Snake' starship to one with Starship Troopers with more than ten starships.

Even if it was just to deal with the threat of high-level elemental spirits such as seventh-level mountain spirits, Liang Ji and others were determined to expand their team.

However, expanding the team is not something that can be done easily or casually.

After all, if the team expands from one starship to more than ten starships, the manpower, immortal teammates, investment resources, wealth, etc. that will be recruited will even far exceed the size of Liang Ji and others' current team.

If they do not conduct careful inspection and selection, and carefully expand, they will easily end up in a situation where they are too big and too big to lose.

At that time, the new people recruited and the starship team formed will not be completely controlled by his captain, or it will be inconvenient to command, but it will be prone to various problems.

Even more serious, it may be that the results they achieved by forming a team have instead become a wedding dress for others.

Therefore, although there is an idea to expand the team, there are also many immortals, monks, large groups, large companies, etc. who come to arrange it.

Liang Ji and others were not in a hurry, they just received and considered it slowly.

After all, after taking down the 'Guiyang Galaxy', neither Liang Ji, Senior Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao, etc. had any intention of continuing to develop a second life galaxy for the time being.

Instead, they are all planning to cultivate for a few years, digest the benefits, resources, etc. gained from this "Guishang Galaxy", improve and strengthen their respective teams, and then continue to consider the matter of development.

Therefore, after Liang Ji received visits from some big groups, big companies, and some important immortals, he handed over the matter to the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce', as well as Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Grandma Peng Yue, Peng Xuanding and others. Initial reception and processing.

Only the monks, immortals, and investment forces who have passed their preliminary selection will be handed over to him and Peng Yue to decide whether to accept and recruit them to form the expansion force of the "Dragon Snake" starship team.

Liang Ji himself continued to invest in the cultivation of natal stars, the development of the dependent clan, and the experiment of integrating the light of creation with the 'Dragon Ball'.

A few years later, Liang Ji's research on the 'Power of the Rose Sun' and his experiments on incorporating the light of creation from the 'Dragon Pearl' were already frowned upon; while Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Grandma Peng Yue and others chose to recruit talents, Investors have been initially determined.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue have decided to expand and purchase two new starships to join the team.

The teams of seniors Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others have also initially completed expansion and improvement.

And the pioneering war of the various forces of the Star Alliance on the frontline battlefield is also gaining momentum, winning one victory after another.

But at the same time, super-level civilization enemies such as gods and elemental spirits that have sneaked into the Sky Demon Star Territory have begun to appear more and more on various battlefields, and have even begun to appear behind the battlefield and even in the areas near Sky Demon City. Threats increased.

The situation of the pioneering war in the Sky Demon Star Territory is becoming more and more intense and anxious.

On this day, seniors Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others who had completed their training and promotion, during an ordinary gathering with Liang Ji and others, had intentionally proposed a new pioneering war, even the mystery of the development goal. Galaxy, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and others have already chosen.

I want to invite Liang Ji to send out forces to conduct a comprehensive exploration of that life galaxy, so as to determine the distribution of the void demon clan and whether there are any enemies lurking in it, so as to prepare for a new pioneering war.

Just when Liang Ji was about to agree, everyone suddenly received an urgent message from the Star Alliance's frontline headquarters in the battlefield:

There is a strange movement in the central area of ​​the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', and the second tide of the power of the Celestial Demon is about to erupt!

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