Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

1000, he came late at night 2

Qianxue opened his eyes and sat up slowly, looking at Li Wang who was standing in front of the bed, but he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Li Wang also looked at her with a smile, but did not speak.

Gu Qianxue only felt more embarrassed and his eyes flashed, "The first smoke was drawn by Jun An, is that what you mean?"

"Yes." Li Wang answered happily.

Qianxue lowered her eyes, "What's the matter so late?"

"Don't invite this king to sit down?" Li Wang's voice faintly filled with joy.

Gu Qianxue looked to the outer room outside the hollow partition, where there were tables and chairs, "we..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Li Wang swaying in black robe and sat down beside the bed.

"Hey, this is my bed." Gu Qianxue was anxious. She was still very confused, and she hadn't considered how to deal with this relationship.

Whether it is Su Lingxiao or Ying Weiyi, there are countless concubines in the future, and she still can't accept it, even if Li Wang vowed not to touch them.

"Bed?" Li Wang Jianmei slightly picked, "You mean, let Ben Wang lie down?"

"..." Qianxue's face was reddish, and he gritted his teeth. "It's gone for a few days, and his face is thicker."

Li Wang is also not angry, "Thick-skinned and harmless, thin and unprofitable."

Gu Qianxue was stunned for a while, and then he wanted to understand what Li Wang really meant. This guy even said the cheeky face evenly. It's... shameless.

"Forget it, sit down, what's the matter this night? Don't know if it's inconvenient for a lone man and a woman to be in a room together?" Qian Xue looked away and didn't go to see him.

King Li knew it and nodded, "You are right, it's really inconvenient to be alone or widowed. Although you are the princess who is being married by Wang Mingmedia, but now you are renamed Zhao Xiaohan, this king should respect you." , You have to get up, "You will be bored in the sword-making area during the day and the king will talk to you tomorrow."

Gu Qianxue was taken aback, "Gong Lingyun, don't go too far!"

She was really scared. Li Wang was the one who could do it. At the Nanyue dinner party, she dared to sit in front of the civil and military officials, including the emperor, and pulled her down on her lap. What else? Does he dare?

Gu Qianxue has never been so afraid of one person in his entire life. This person is a lunatic and a neuropathy.

"Excessive?" Li Wang's expression was intriguing. "This king rarely forgive you once. You said that it's inconvenient for a man or a woman, so she decided to talk to you during the day. Is this too much?"

"..." Qianxue was speechless. She coughed twice. "Okay, what the **** are you looking for?"

"Have you heard what the King of Japan said yesterday?" Li Wang's eyes smiled.

Gu Qianxue is extremely uncomfortable with this expression of Li Wang. In her impression, this man is either cold and cold as if everyone owes him money, or he will squint and prepare to threaten people, but with such a gentle smile, It is an expression that it should not have at all.

"Listen." Qianxue was forced to look back by his hot eyes.

"Why does this king stand in front of everyone and swear poison and be as clever as you, don't say you can't figure it out."


Gu Qianxue naturally understood.

"But... I haven't figured it out yet." She told the truth.

"Where do you not understand, say it, Ben Wang will help you solve it." Li Wang is good-tempered.

Gu Qianxue bit her lip and frowned tightly.

King Li was not in a hurry, so he waited quietly.

The two of them refused to speak, so they stalemate for about a tea time.

Finally, Gu Qianxue was overwhelmed by this strange atmosphere, begging for mercy first. "Well, I……"

"Gu Qianxue, I like you." Li Wang's words interrupted what she wanted to say.

Qianxue raised his head subconsciously, looking at Li Wang, unbelievable.

Li Wang's face was unpleasant, "Is it strange? Ben Wang's performance is obvious enough. Ben Wang thought you were different from those stupid women. Some words don't need to be explained like a fool, but it turns out that Ben Wang is still Look at you high."

Obviously sarcasm, but Gu Qianxue couldn't be angry.

"I am stupid? Are you clever? If you are clever, how could you hurt me three times or five times? First, go to the emperor to ask for the wedding Qiu Enran, and then accept Ying Weiyi's marriage, when you do these things, think about it Me?" Almost snarled.

Wang Li frowned, "You don't know the cause and effect of Qiu Enran. How can Qiu Anran stimulate Pei Xiang and paralyze the prince?"

"Who controls your strategy or not?" Gu Qianxue straightened back, "Only incompetent men build strategy on the sacrifice of women!"

In a word, Li Wangding was speechless.

This reason Li Wang also knows, but whenever he thinks about it, he quickly presses down and keeps telling himself that his ancestors have done this for generations. He is not the first nor the last. But when she left, he knew he was far wrong.

Gu Qianxue's eyes flashed, and he regretted that he had said so much.

Everyone took the vows, what else would they want to do, killing people is not overkill, she can't force him to death?

For a long while, Li Wang barely spoke, "Well, about Qiu Enran, it's...this king's fault, but you turn around and give Ling Xiao a hug..."

"You do the first day, I do fifteen, why, do you have an opinion?" Gu Qianxue once again passed by.

"...No." Li Wangdao said.

Gu Qianxue was stunned and almost laughed at the serious helplessness of King Li.

In the air of the room, a lot of invisible softness was born.

Gu Qianxue had to say something, but then he remembered many troubles, and those casual words swallowed back.

What to do next, she really had no idea.

"Next, what do you do?" Li Wang asked.

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Gu Qianxue didn't have a good air, rather than complaining rather than angry.

The simple love of men and women turned out to be such a mess.

Li Wangnong's eyebrows were slightly locked, "Okay, then one thing will be solved one by one, I will ask you first, how successful is the Sword Forging Conference?"

Gu Qianxue said, "I don't know, but Junhua son said, we won."

Speaking of Dongfang Junhua, Li Wang only feels itchy teeth and wants to bite someone's neck.

He reached out and rubbed the green muscles of his forehead back, "If you win the game, what are you going to do?"

When asked by King Li, Gu Qianxue lost his arrogance, "...Go to Su Gongzi, although everyone including Chu Yan advised me not to waste it, as long as Su Gongzi wanted to hide, no one could find him. , But it’s one thing to find it, and it’s another thing to work hard. I’ve worked hard, and no matter what the result is, I have no doubt.

"If found, then?" Li Wang asked.

Gu Qianxue lowered his eyes, "After I found it...I don't know..."

If there is no such confession and poison vow, she will resolutely leave, however, now she is confused.

Regarding this point, she admires Dongfangjun'er very much. If she is a woman who is determined to be like Dongfangjun'er, she might not have troubles and ups and downs.

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