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999, he came late at night 1

"Idol?" Dongfang Jun'er froze, "What is an idol?"

"It is the object of worship, the object of imitation, the object of learning." Gu Qianxue sincerely said.

Dongfang Jun'er was amused, "Is there anything worth learning from me? Let's listen."

Gu Qianxue said earnestly, "You are very clear about your pursuit and longing, and the accurate goal will be firmly implemented. Maybe outsiders think that you are wasting youth for three years for a man, but I think that this Three years, you give yourself an account. If you don’t wait for three years, you may have one day of regret, maybe he will always be the moonlight in front of your window; but three years later, even if you fail, there is no regret, no more trouble. Get back on the road and find your own love and happiness."

Dongfang Jun'er was stunned, staring at Gu Qianxue for a long while, and finally smiled, "The one who knows me, Zhao Zhao also."

Gu Qianxue lowered his eyes, covering his eyes with shame, "What I am missing is your determination. Two emotions made me unable to be clear and indecisive. If I was as firm as the Oriental girl, I would not be so cut off. It’s just a mess."

Dongfang Jun'er blinked, "Two feelings? Is there anything about Dongfang Junhua?"

Gu Qianxue was stunned and shook his head.

Dongfang Jun'er chuckled, "Hey, the curse of our Eastern family."

At this time, Dongfang Junhua and Junan, who had already searched aside, were impatient.

"You guys are talking about it all the time?" Dongfang Junhua said.

Dongfang Jun'er gave his twin brother a fierce white look, "You don't want to know, what did Zhao Zhao just say to me? About you."

Dongfang Junhua immediately counseled, "Sister, brother is wrong, wrong, you talk slowly, we are not in a hurry! Junan, let's sit next to it for a while and let the people behind check first."

Gu Qianxue was amused by Dongfang Junhua and murmured, "If it was not in Nanyue Kingdom, it would be better to go to Mingjian Mountain Villa. If so, maybe it would be a carefree life." She refers to crossing Time and space.

Dongfang Jun'er said, "I saw Miss Zhao and I saw each other as before, and when the sword-casting convention is over, I will hold Zhao Zhao and chat for three days and three nights."

Gu Qianxue also smiled at him, "Okay, one word is for sure."

Dongfang Jun'er took two steps back and gave Gu Qianxue a fist, "Miss Zhao, please, I wish Miss Zhao all success!"

Gu Qianxue also gave him a standard gift for Nanyue women, "Thank you for your blessings."

Because of Gu Qianxue's entry, there was an endless stream of discussion throughout the Jianjianchang, and even the topics on the VIP stage were all around Gu Qianxue.

"That Zhao girl can be described as a country with heavenly fragrance. With such looks, it is possible to enter the palace as a concubine." said an envoy.

Another person said, "Haha, that Miss Zhao is the sweetheart of Dongfang Junhua, the younger son of the Eastern Master, did not see the two brothers in front of the saddle?"

"That little, is the legendary five young masters? The grandson of the eastern master, five young masters?"

"Yes, but I heard that he is not interested in the affairs of the villa, just want to follow Li Wang." Then he looked to the black Li Li.

When referring to King Li, it is natural to be able to dismiss the legendary Princess Li, "Miss Zhao is already beautiful, but she doesn't know how beautiful Princess Li is."

Gu Qianxue entered the venue, Li Wangcai gradually withdrew his sight, and his hand was retracted from behind his left ear.

What the outsiders didn't notice was that during Gu Qianxue's speech with Dongfang Jun'er, King Li kept pressing his fingers against the back of his left ear because he had a piece of gold in his ear. This gold is the king of gold than Gu Qianxue. The mother gold in the ear is several times more effective, combined with certain movements, even when talking from a distance, you can hear clearly.

For example, just after the conversation between Gu Qianxue and Dongfang Jun'er, he literally fell into the ears of Li Wang.

The cold eyes swept lightly towards one of the many sword-casting areas, while also chasing the slim figure.

After half an hour.

After the inspection of all the participants in the conference is completed, everyone enters the corresponding sword casting area according to the number plate they have obtained before.

After the crowd entered, the first thing was to be familiar with the structure of the casting sword area, check whether the various utensils were intact, and check whether the bellows were normal. The second thing is to concentrate the beneficiation and charcoal selection, and bring the selected iron ore and charcoal back to their competition area.

After another half an hour, the confirmation was correct, and the Sword Forging Conference officially began.

The sound was deafening. Thousands of people cast swords at the same time. The scene was extremely grand. Because thousands of fires were burning at the same time, the whole venue was suddenly swept by heat waves.

Originally chatting under the awning to see the lively VIPs, he was soon sweating by the charcoal fire.

Some people let their servants fan, some people took off their coats, and some respected others, and ran away after thinking of a reason.

Only one hour before the Sword Forging Conference, the VIP seats were empty for half a year.

Ten judges in the center of the VIP seat, several Taishan Beidou in the sword-sword world looked at each other, and then got up and walked to the sword-sword area to check the progress of the players one by one.

At this time, everyone is melting iron, a master swordsmith and two assistants working together, needless to say.

But there is only one area that is different, that is the area where Gu Qianxue is located.

Although the nominal master swordsmith is Zhao Xiaohan, it is actually the East Junhua who is in this position, and Junan as an assistant.

Gu Qianxue was sitting farthest away from the stove, holding his chin in a daze.

She really...can't help.

After Yi Xiangxiang's time, the judges visited Gu Qianxue's casting sword area and were surprised to see this scene.

Qian Xue felt a little ashamed and quickly got up to squeeze in. "That... let me get started."

Who would have thought that Dongfang Junhua disagreed, "No, what if Ms. Zhao is injured? The temperature here is hot, don't burn Ms. Zhao, go to the door."

"..." Gu Qianxue looked apologetically at the ten patrolling judges and felt that he had lost all his old face.

Although the judges had a bad complexion, they hadn't said anything, and soon they left to inspect the next sword-making area.

Gu Qianxue was driven out of the door and continued to sit in a daze.

One day, it passed.

The Sword Forging Conference is comparable to the Imperial Examination. In these five days, everyone does not have to eat, drink, and lasa in the Sword Forging Area. They can enter and leave freely, or they can simply not come, as long as they take out their works after five days. But the requirement is to search the body no matter when entering or leaving, especially the iron and stone used in the Sword Forging Conference, which can never be taken out.

At night, most of the sword-smiths were still working diligently, but Gu Qianxue's sword-making area turned off the fire early, and the three went back to rest.

The semi-finished products left do not have to worry about being stolen, because these five days and five nights are guarded by strong and strong mountain guards. Once someone tries to disturb the meeting place, they will stop it, and those who rebel against you will kill them.

At night, Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan were preparing to take a break, but Junan came, not knowing what to say, and found Chu Yan out.

Only Gu Qianxue was left in the room.

Just as she was going to sleep, there was a slight cold wind, followed by a familiar incense, Gu Qianxue knew that he was here.

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