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1007, someone you really love

Finally reached this step.

Leng's and Mu's, who had never spoken, looked at Gu Qianxue, and everyone looked at her.

Others naturally don’t know what Gu Qianxue wants, but Leng’s and Mu’s know that women’s intuition tells them that the relationship between Zhao Xiaohan and Su Lingxiao must not be simple, but if Zhao Xiaohan really continues to look for Su Lingxiao, what should they do with their fourth son?

Thinking of this, Mu's sighed deeply.

I really don’t know what was wrong. Mu’s remaining five sons and one daughter did not have a smooth relationship.

A few days ago, they thought that it would be unacceptable for Lao Wu Junan to like a female assassin, but then the only daughter was rejected by Li Wang in front of everyone, and Li Wang did not leave the slightest affection, and even became poisoned in public. oath.

They are angry, but what about anger? King Li really did not apologize for the villa, nor did he damage the various interests of the villa.

When Junan and Jun'er were letting their heads scorched, the old fourth Junhua fell in love with Zhao Xiaohan, who was chasing Su Lingxiao, but...


Mu Shi lowered his head and gently wiped the corners of his eyes with a veil, and he was five years old in an instant, and Leng Shi, the female man on the side, also sighed.

Thinking about it, the oldest and the most troubled among the three children are the old Wujunan.

In fact, everyone, including Chu Yan, did not know that Junan made a move that was almost killed by Leng's a few hours ago-and also took a poisonous oath! The content of the poison vow is similar to that of Li Wang, which means that unless Chu Yan rejects him, otherwise he will only love Chu Yan and only touch Chu Yan.

At that time, Leng's sword was raised, almost stabbing like Jun An's chest, or Dong Ran Ran Li, who was in charge, was stopped.

Now Leng's and Mu's are in a cold war with Eastern Jun'an.

For a time, Gu Qianxue was very contradictory.

"Miss Zhao?" Dongfang's head reminded.

Li Wang stopped playing the slender fingers of Wu Yu.

Qian Xue pursed her lips, then raised her head and smiled faintly, "The head of the house is really humble, and Xiao Han really wants to get a famous sword from the villa."

Everyone immediately had a lot of discussion, but the content of the discussion was what sword will be sent to Zhao Xiaohan.

At this time, Rao was calm and Li Wang looked at Gu Qianxue in surprise, his eyes complex.

The most happy ones are Dongfang Junhua and Leng and Mu. When Mu heard this answer, he was very excited. Does it mean that Zhao Xiaohan gave up Su Lingxiao?

But in a flash, Gu Qianxue's words poured into cold water.

"But I hope that the Oriental Master can help me find a person, but this person's name is inconvenient to make public,"


Everyone is in an uproar!

Find someone? Who are you looking for?

Dongfang Junhua's smile stiffened on Jun's face, but Mu finally couldn't hold back and chuckled in a low voice, "My poor child."

Dongfang Ranlie had long heard who Zhao Xiaohan was looking for. "This..." is a little difficult. After all, the famous Jianshanzhuang hasn't received the person to look for, but more importantly, the person he is looking for has a special identity. .

Gu Qianxue lowered his voice and said, "Xiaohan knows that the famous sword mountain village has always said a lot, and of course I am Zhao Xiaohan. He is not an unreasonable person. If the master said that the person cannot be found with the power of the famous sword mountain village, this matter is counted. Now."

There was a slight fluke in Dongran Ranlie, "If the villa can't help Miss Zhao to find you, you want to use that weapon as compensation."

Gu Qianxue's face was slightly cold, "No, when it comes to finding people, if it exceeds the mountain's ability, Xiaohan will not force it. But if it is within the mountain's ability, and the master refuses, Xiaohan does not need other compensation. Because the result has been obtained, it is-the sword-making convention of the famous sword villa violates its promise."

Suddenly, the whole lobby boiled.

What Jianghu people care about most is a reputation. If this is the result, the reputation of Jianshanzhuang will be ruined.

Dongfang Ranlie sighed for a long time, and then smiled, "Okay, the old man took over this matter, but there are some conditions. This condition comes back to discuss with Zhao Zhao in private."

Gu Qianxue got up from the chair and clenched his fists at the Eastern Master. "The little girl would like to thank the Master and the famous Sword Mountain Villa, and on behalf of him, thank you."

This "him" identity, everyone thinks that Zhao Xiaohan is looking for, but one person knows that is not the case.

When everyone thought that the matter had come to an end, Zhao Xiaohan said again, "Here, I also have something for Dongjun Junhua and Dongfang Junan sons, in order to thank the two sons for their help."

Everyone was curious.

The head of the East asked, "I don't know what it is?"

"Yangcha's formula and drawings." Gu Qianxue replied, "Since today, Yangjia is the son of Dongfang Junhua and Dongfang Junan. It has nothing to do with me. I can also swear to promise that this formula can only be obtained from the two of them. Spread by word, never through me."

Everyone was in an uproar.

This gift is too expensive. Casting recipes and drawings are the most desired by the swordsmith. Before, everyone mocked the two sons of the East, regardless of their value, and became a woman’s assistant. Now I know that they are really big. Cheap!

I knew it was like this. If Zhao Xiaohan asked them to be assistants, everyone would be willing.

Dongfang Junhua's face was pale, he saw that Miss Zhao was refusing him, and used Yang Ji to buy out the friendship between the two. "I don't want it!" Without a word, he rushed out.

Gu Qianxue was very apologetic at the loss of the dear Eastern Junhua, and made a Nanyue girl salute for his rules. "First of all, I would like to apologize to Junhua son. From the beginning you take care of me to offer to help me. I know your heart in the game, but I used you selfishly. I thought it was my love, but now I find myself despicable, especially when I know the girl in the East Jade Broken is not impressed by the spirit of Wa Quan. Compared to Jun'er, I am really scum! The **** is extreme! From today, I don’t want to be so ambiguous. For you and me, I must express my apologies-sorry Junhua, we are impossible."

Dongfang Junhua is puzzled, "Why is it impossible? I know you are looking for him, and I know his life is in danger, but I can wait for you! Even if he can't pass away, you can't accept me for a while, but I can still wait for you, Ten years, twenty years, thirty years, I don’t care, even if you promised me on the last day before you and my life, I am satisfied; even if we die, you will not promise me, I can still wait for you in the afterlife."

Gu Qianxue was shocked by the impulsive performance of Dongfang Junhua. After all, the two had only known each other for a few days. How could he be so deep.

Deep confession again.

"Actually the person I love the most...not him." Finally, I couldn't help telling the truth.

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