The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1008: , I don’t speak hard, I like this

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

1008, I don’t have a strong mouth, I like this taste

Everyone was shocked!

The head of the East looked badly at the East Yongchang beside him.

Dongfang Yongchang was instantly clear, got up and clenched his fists to everyone, "You guys, it's not too early, but it's dinner time. We have prepared a rich banquet for you. If you want to discuss, we will not get drunk."

Everyone also understood that, Qi Qi got up, said goodbye, and went to the banquet of Dongfang Yongchang.

Everyone is an adult. Naturally, it can be seen that the next thing is the family chores of the Oriental family. It is really bad for them to listen to it.

Soon, the irrelevant people went almost the same, including many people from the Oriental family, leaving either the Junan family or the family with a close relationship with the Junan family.

Li Wang didn't leave, still sitting in the same position, but nobody noticed him. After all, everyone's attention was on Gu Qianxue and Dongfang Junhua.

At the same time, what everyone did not notice was that Li Wang's lips twitched.

"You mean, you don't like Su Lingxiao?" Dongfang Junhua asked.

All the people, including Dongfang Junxu, knew who Gu Qianxue was looking for. She never expected that she was looking for Su Lingxiao, the world's first wise man. Everyone had to reexamine the girl named Zhao Xiaohan. Its identity will not be simple.

First of all, it has a sword-making technique far beyond the famous sword mountain village, and it can actually win the sword-making convention.

Second, it has something to do with the world's first wise man.

Third, nature is its appearance. Others can't see it, but the people in the famous Jianshanzhuang Village are well-versed, and can naturally see that Zhao Zhao of Qingguo Qingcheng has the pedigree of Chu Yanguo.

Chu Yanguo is a weird country. It is self-closing and does not communicate with the outside world. It is not good at poisoning. Outsiders dare not contact Chu Yanguo people. A Nanyue countryman of Chuyan's origin is certainly not a person of ordinary status.

Fourth, the most bizarre point is that this girl Zhao has a relationship with Su Lingxiao, ambiguous with the East Junhua, and there are other people who like it, this...too ridiculous.

Said that the **** was a bit more serious, but it was definitely not a good woman.

Everyone was even more pity for Dongfang Junhua. Mu's eyes turned white and almost fainted.

The face of Dongfang Junhua is also very pale.

Someone in the crowd murmured, "That's right, why should I hang myself on a crooked neck tree? If I had thought about it like Miss Zhao earlier, it wouldn't be the case. Hey... I regret it." It wasn’t anyone else who spoke, it was the East King.

Dongfang Junan couldn't help crying, and thought that Gu Qianxue really had a comparison with his elder sister.

"I...I don't accept..."

Before Dongfangjunhua's words were finished, Leng's rushed over, grabbed Dongfangjunhua's ear, and dragged it back, "Miss Zhao, you laughed."

Gu Qianxue was embarrassed, but he felt guilty and bowed deeply to Leng's. "Sorry, Mrs. Dongfang, I don't know what to say.

"You said." Leng Shi said.

Gu Qianxue lowered his eyes, "All living beings, but loved ones are difficult to meet. God is a bachelor, and no lover will eventually become a family, so it is difficult to set up. Those who love each other may not meet each other, and those who meet each other may not be together. Why can't we be more tolerant And less bumpy?"

The first smoke in the corner froze, lowering his eyes, grateful.

Leng's had a bad impression of Gu Qianxue, and now he is even more angry. "Our Oriental family's business is not your turn to be involved by an outsider."

Qianxue shook her head. "The old lady misunderstood. I just felt it and said it was my own business."

What the Lengs want to say, but the head of the East said, "Miss Zhao, regarding your search for Su Lingxiao, the old man promised you."

Gu Qianxue was overjoyed and bowed deeply for him, "Thank you for the master of the East, the grace of the master, Xiaohan will never forget his life."

Although the children of the East were indignant, they did not dare to make an order in front of the head.

"Slow, but conditional," Dongfang said, "Although there is a commitment first, our famous Jianshanzhuang has no precedent for tracing people, not to mention Su Lingxiao of Hao Lan Academy. , Hao Lan Academy looks like a Jianghu organization, in fact it has an inextricable relationship with the Northern Li State, and our famous Jianshanzhuang has announced that it will never have relations with the governments of various countries from the date of its establishment, so find him , But there are conditions."

"What conditions, the head said," Qian Xue said in a deep voice.

"First, Mingjian Mountain Villa will only look for you for ten days. You can find the best one in these ten days. If you can't find it, just leave it. As for the reason, the old man is not tired of it. Can you accept it?"

Qianxue nodded, "I accept."

The head of the East nodded, "Second, in the ten days of searching for Su Lingxiao, you can't leave the villa, are you acceptable?"

Although the original intention of the second point is incomprehensible, there must be a reason since the other party proposed it. "I accept."

"Okay, then this matter is so settled. If there is nothing else, please go back."

The goal was achieved, and Gu Qianxue was no longer entangled, saying goodbye to everyone, so that the first smoke returned to the guest room.

The room was quiet.

There is still a carnival outside the room, there is entertainment, the lively sound is distinct from the quiet Jingjing inside the room.

Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan have their own thoughts.

In a few moments, Junan's voice rang outside the door. "Chuyan, are you there?"

The first smoke looks complicated, and I don't know how to answer it.

Gu Qianxue reached out and took a picture on Chu Yan's shoulder. "Although people are picking and picking, they have no face, but believe me, give yourself a chance, and give him a chance."

"..." Yan Yan choked for a moment, then pondered for a moment, and then nodded, "The slave-servant will leave for a while, so miss you, have a good rest."

"Go." Qianxue said softly.

The first smoke left, but Gu Qianxue knew he could not rest at all, because then someone would come.

For almost five minutes, the door opened quickly and then quickly closed, followed by a black figure in the empty room.

The man's face was lingering, but he was not cold, with an unbearable smile.


Qian Xue hadn't finished his words, but he only felt that the black shadow flashed before him, and he was already in his arms.

"Say, you like that person, isn't it me." The nice male voice is cramped.

Gu Qianxue was upset, she gave a glaring look at the hateful man, "Not you, not a pig or a dog."

He was scolded, but Gong Lingyun was not angry, just raised his eyebrows, "So you like pigs and dogs, no wonder this king can't be satisfied, the taste is too heavy."

"..." Qian Xue was anxious. "You have a strong taste, I just talk casually..."

The following words were not spoken, because they were sealed by someone's lips and their lips were entangled.

Qianxue tried to hide, but was caught in the head, unable to dodge, and could only accept the lingering kiss.

The two were not the first time to kiss, but this time the enthusiasm made her wonder how to deal with it.

Finally, he left, reaching for her slightly swollen lips, "I don't have a heavy mouth, I like this smell."

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